P1: Iago presented an intense relationship with Othello whereby the audience knew Iagos due motivations but Othello did not. Quotes such as "my honest Iago" "beware my lord, jealousy is a green eyed monster"
P2: Dramatic irony in the relationship of Othello and Desdemona as Othello believed she was having and affair but the audience knew she was not
- insert quotes with dramatic irony or foreshadowing about the affair and death
P3: The relationship between Emilia and Desdemona whereby the sing the song willow and are both killed by their husbands. You can also add it is intense because Emilia and Desdemona are best friends but stole the handkerchief resulting in her and her best friends death.
use willow song as a quote, emilia saying "I hath a villan it shall hang me" (something along the line of that, I can't remember it fully).
Hope that helps