Yeah no worries...
Q11a) Explain the spirtual significance of Reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians (4marks)
Q11b) Evaluate the influence of Christianity on indigenous Australians from 1901 to the present (6marks)
Q12a) Explain how Christianity has influnced the development of ONE of the following areas of Australian society in the 20th and 21st centuries: -education, laws and constitution, medical care, public morality, social welfare. (3 marks)
Q12b) Outline the response(s) made by TWO religious tradtions to the need for ministry in rural outback Australia. Identify the TWO re. traditions discussed (3marks)
Q12c) Identify and explain TWO factors that account for the increase in popularity of New Age religion in Aust. since the 1960's (4marks)
The religion 1900> follows the syllabus pretty well but now that i look closer the aborigines section is pretty tough. Hope that helps