P.I.P topic for 2005, help!! im stuck!! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 15, 2004
hey, i just discovered this website its awesome, wot a great idea!! thanks!!
i jsut recently started the 1st term of yr12 and already our teachers are hounding us for our p.i.p topic selections. i have come up with a few ideas but still unsure to which direction i would take with each choice, here are a few:

-Mcdonalds and societies views on the fast food industry ( i figured since i worked ther LOL shame!! i could get alot of information) and how its leading to obesity in australians then relate to the movie 'supersizeme'

-Depression in the elderly, factors causing their depression. i could interview the widowed and married elderly and explain the differnces also explaining the generation gap which could cause their depresision.

-'Retail therapy' societies comfort in materialisitic things bringing pleasure and believing that materialism will enhance their social status and happiness both short term and long term.

-FOod and the theory behind binge eating, why people eat food excessively, the effects of comfort eating. could lead to lifestyle diseases and socialisation difficulties due to image problems.

-How people who drive combi's are linked to the stereotypical 'hippie' i could explore the morals and values linked with 'hippies' i think this will be too broad... instead of jsut combi's i could research stereotypical links associated with all types of cars, the hoted up 'doof' vehicle, the tarago(family wagon), the barina etc

-conformity amongst adolescence, why teenagers feel it necesary to conform and y they are afraid to be themselves.

-adultry, the rising rate of divorce

-mobile phone use in teenagers

so yeah as u can see ive been thinking about this alot, and ideas of topics i could use or suggestions on these would be soo good im stressin so much already!!

thanks again xox


Active Member
Mar 13, 2004
basically you have to decide which is going to be easier to conduct primary and secondary research. i was going to do a similar mobile phone topic, but because they are *relatively* new in society, there may not be many statistics available on them regarding teenagers' usage.

also, don't forget you have to apply a cross cultural aspect to the study. it may be over time, differences between cultures, genders, etc.

most importantly, make sure you ENJOY and are INTERESTED in the area you have chosen. you are going to be researching this topic for about 8 months, so you have to remain motivated for that amount of time.

hope that helps a little anyway...


Hello Sunshine
Apr 1, 2004
I would skip most of your ones except the "Combie = Hippie" one, that's pretty original, but I'm not quite sure. The other's would have been done to death!!

What I did was avoid all the ones that first came to mind and waited till I saw/thought of something that was really different and that peaked my interest.

If you have the access, you should watch the Discovery, National Geo., SBS, etc type of channels to get an idea. They air some pretty good shows about things that Yr 11 & 12's wouldn't really watch, think about and analyse.

In the end I came up with “Does Japan need to change their education system to adapt to the modernization of Japanese society?” which I was told was a very original... lucky... anyway it helped alot since I didn't really have to worry so much about the cross cultural comparison since it was basically allready there.

Yeah just give it time and don't go for the first few idea's unless it's really too late.


New Member
Oct 15, 2004
hey thanks, ive been looking at my topics and i dont like any of them still, they also dont relate to S&C as much as id like.
im thinking about what happiness means to the individual, i could relate this topic to materialism and how happiness depends on a persons culture, their environment, beliefs, values , influences etc and do Qualitative research on people of different ages, teenagers, adults, middle age and the elderly both males and females from different backgrounds. please tell me if this makes any sense or if it would be a good topic or not, tah :)


New Member
Oct 16, 2004
hey jenni88, i think u're idea on - Mcdonalds and societies views on the fast food industry and how its leading to obesity in australians then relate to the movie 'supersizeme' is a gd one.

u could even try out wat the guy did in that film and compair ure experiences with his. you could survey pplz n ask em how many times a wk they eat fast food and ask em if they ran out of energy or not. u could get figures on how much of aus is overweight and find out how many fast food outlets are in Nsw.

hope it helps...gd luck :)


Oct 16, 2004
with Quagmire ..... allll-riiiiight
as has already been said, try to be as original as possible. keep in mind that the markers are gonna have to read a hell of a lot of PIP's, they do not wanna be reading the same one over and over. you never know, if they find something cool and unique they might be in a better frame of mind when they mark it *wink wink nudge nudge*
good luck with your PIP, they suck pretty bad when you're doing it, but the relief and satisfaction when you hand it in, it kinda makes it worth it.


Feb 25, 2004
Eastern Subs
when im not so stressed about this exam ill post a real contribution, until then! woohoo, im glad mines done! I ended up doing it throughout the whole year. The point though at the end of the day it relate your topic to a syllabus heading, apply a social theory to it and make sure your topic is motivational. It will make it seem less like a task but the people who are able to do this are very lucky. i started out really motivated then it sorta died down


Hello Sunshine
Apr 1, 2004
On another note, doing a PIP topic that is very very common will also make the marking more difficult on the topic I believe...

Pretty much one student in the majority of S&C classes has chosen to do mobile phones and society, the attraction to fast food and it's link to obesity, reality tv shows, marital status's, anything to do with conformity and superficiality within youth/adults/society in general.... etc etc.....

Finding a PIP topic is a pain in the arse, but you'l get there soon enough.
Oct 1, 2004
- jenni 88
yeah sure it should be originaL and bLHDY BLAH. but it should also be something you CAN write about! don't just go with something that is "original" because you mightn right as well as somthing that is close to you.
writing about something that you have persoally experienced or felt will be easier because you won't have to do as much research because you know a but about it and it can come out when your writing

whatever you do though do not leave it to the last week, as i did.. that servely fucks you up especially when the trial begins the day you have to hand your pip in and you haven't slept hehe

also if you are doing 2 other major works..againlike i did BAH!! start the pip now because trust me it is the easiest between art and design and tech
- anyways GOOD LUCK you will do fine


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
just do something you're passionate about. i was very passionate about my topic and went over the word limit hehe. my class had fights over who would get to read my pip first, i felt so popular! mine wasn't very original, but you must have your own opinion on it, then you can put a different spin onto the topic, therefore making it original. oh, and start your primary research ASAP. I was finished my primary research in April and was probably the first person in my grade to finish the pip. Hope you enjoy doing it, it's an awesome experience


Active Member
Mar 13, 2004
you're not stuck until you've only got one week to go and haven't started a thing. then you're stuck. you've got plenty of time to come up with an idea - don't stress too much about it... you'll know when you get the *right* topic!! :) good luck!!


New Member
Oct 15, 2004

hey S&C students of 2005.

PIP is an awesome priject to do, at the start u get bit worried bout it all coz you dont no wat to do and so on. but trust me once u get going u'll love it!. altho this is only the case wen you choose to research a topic you are interested in. so many teachers and people will say "do wat is interesting to you" trust me that sthe best advice.

also try to be original, i no it sounds easier then it really is. Think beyond the norm.

ummm..... i'll try think of sum topics to share wit u guys.

well firsty i'll tell you mine, it might help triggure an idea, or maybe it wont hahaha i dunno.

i do alot of voluntry work wit vinnies, i love doing its a great passion i have. wen i first go the pip i tryed to think of everything i was interested in, then it was one arvo wen a mate came up to me and asked, why do i volunteer? and i seriously couldnt answer it. i mate was saying things like, why do voluntry work wen there is work out there that i can get paid for. so from there i decided to do my pip on "Why people volunteer, within the St Vincent De Paul youth society?"
this made my pip easier because i was able to do participant observation and plenty of interviews because i had all the contacts.

ok, so sum ideas......

- wat women want? look into wat women look for in relationships are they stereoptypical. u could contrast it with the film 'wat women want'.

- how is reality challenged through todays media? looking into reality tv shows, wat makes them reality, wat are the effects of exposure of reality thru the media, on the reality happening out in the real world. (sorry if im not making sense)

- nonna and nonna V's grandma and grandpa. this is a case study between italian grandparents (nonna and nonno) and aussie grandparents (grandma and grandpa). how do the grandparents effect their grand children, how a italian child in todays society must deal wit the pressure of there strongly traditional italian grandparents in contrast with say the less pressure of a aussie relationship. ( i duno, u could make ur own thesis out of this one)

- 'How much is that doggy in the window?', looking into how little girls clothes these days are becomeing even more revealing and 'skanky'. how little girls inoccence are being sold in shops where inapropriate images in a window are atracting them to buy these sorts of clothes....brainstorming here.....contrast supre to a shop like target. r role models such as britany spears approriate.

- 'The CC case'- city versus country. which is the better place to live?

- Public V's Private schooling. is there really a different or is it just one over exaggerated issue.

- 'Black and gold brand' - look into the stereotypical theory of blondes being dumber then browns. you could have studies with the film legally blonde, interview blondes and browns from different types of jobs, and extremes, lawer to cleaner.

ok im sorry if this didnt help and if it did then great!!

if anyone needs help email me, shell_P3@hotmail.com

goodluck guys u'll do great!

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