i forget what subject i heard this in, but we were told as long as your final mark was >50% and ur final exam was >50% you have passed the subject.
A fair few subjects work like that.
Do u remember what the average was for the finals?
Nope sorry, you usually don't even see your final paper. As soon as the finals are finished, its holidays, and marks are emailed/released online.
Also we were told this exam is optional, if we stuff it up theres an additional exam we can do, socalled 'alternative' exam which is on the same day as the end of session exam. If we do well in this one then u only have to attend the end of session exam, unless u think u can get a better mark in this 'alternative' than in ur mid session. Was it the same for u guys?
Yes it was called test R1. But do you want to take the risk? Consider:
- Study for the midsession now, when you have less things to study for
- Not study for this midsession now, but you'll be studying
BOTH physics topics as well as other subjects. Can you redo all these early topics in the first half of the semester in the final exam? Can you do well in both topics? Will a mediocre mark in the final and R1 be enough? Or should you just try and do really well in one?
- What if you stuff up the R1 paper in the final? Having this midsession as a safety net is a better idea.
And Sunny mind telling me how u went in PHYS1131 and then what u ended up with after scaling? Like i can see myself getting 18-9/20 for labs, and raw mark for exams of ~50%..so after scaling what kinda mark can i expect for this subject.
My mark in the midsession was 38% (which Richard Newbury told me was actually decent) I think from memory, the class averaged 27% and ranged from 3% to 98%. I didn't do test R1.
During the final I found the final paper relatively easy compared to the midsession, and I knew that I had already passed (I only needed 25% or so in the final to meet the overall pass criteria), so I didn't study for or attempt paper R1.
PHYS1131 was my worst mark, in the end it was 63% (labs almost full marks, 38% for the midsession, no idea for the final). I was actually expecting discrete to be my worst subject, but seeing the situation I was quite relieved with passing PHYS1131.