ARgh so am I!!
I have my half yearlys tomorrow and im freaking out!
I had my assessment on this stimulus book and related material last year right after i got back from a holiday and I rushed it and used Frankenstein and Patch Adams for related texts only because I knew them and thought theyd do and now I have to use related material again and I dont want to make the same mistake and use those again
I dont care what my related texts relate though preferably relating to imaginative journeys ha ha
Frankenstein could be used as a related text I suppose, in some ways it relates to journeys over land and sea... in that they are pioneers exploring icy waters when they find the monster... historical texts which "express the anxieties of the earliest travelers, who journeyed into the unknown fearful of monsters" i suppose you could relate it to Frankenstein and say in this instance they actually did meet with a monster, also the fate of the ship is not revealed (do they return to England safely or does something else prevent them) so you could do something with that
Rhyme of the ancient mariner could be helpful? i know a few people who have used it as a related text though so if you were wanting something out of the ordinary it mightnt be the best option
For the ivory trail you could use the never ending story ( I havnt seen the movie or read the book... is there a book?!) i dont know it just reminds me of that ha ha
I think Im going to use a Coleridge poem maybe 'frost at midnight' or 'this lime tree bower my prison'
what do you ahve to relate your texts to?! imaginative, physical, inner journey?!