you keep saying that you know how the police system works,
cos i know how things work..................unless u get killled.....or capture the guy urself...the police dont investigate it.
how do you know this? from movies or tv shows?
dont generalise an entire police force based on your one or two experiences, if i had the same mentality i could say that all taxi drivers a cockheads just because of a few that were. of course some cops have the power goto their head, that happens in every job that entails a high level of responsibility.
in the case where you got stabbed, the police have to gather information then and there, because if it is left for too long, witnesses can get corrupted, or could leave the city and be uncontactable, or simply one of the guys who did it could just run away. its their job to get the person who is responsible of the crime, and if you think that preventing being inconvienced or bothered by police outweighs catching the guy who STABBED you, then youve got issues.