Hi guys,
So I did my driving test yesterday and passed first go with a score of 106. I thought I'd share with you some tips and common things to look out for.
I did mine at Silverwater, the route was a left turn into Silverwater Rd, up along Silverwater Rd, left turn into South St and into some minor roads to do a kerb side stop. Then right turn into Victoria Rd, along Victoria Rd then right turn into Wharf Rd and into minor roads to do a 3 point turn. Then back to the RTA.
Here are some tips:
-when approaching roundabouts turn your head right and left to check for any cars coming towards the roundabout (make it very obvious) and always indicate left off the roundabout (yes even if it's a small roundabout)
-when you are stopped at traffic lights and first in line, when lights go green do a head check to check for any cars running the red light before proceeding.
-when turning left off wide roads, check your left mirror and blindspot (just in case there's a bike or motorbike next to you)
-when driving along a road and you need to turn right, check your right mirror and blindspot before you turn (to check for any cars that may be overtaking you)
-drive 5-10km below the speed limit
-always check your rearview mirror before you brake
-when driving along straight roads, occasionally check your mirrors so the officer knows you are aware of what's happening around you
-make sure you're always scanning the road ahead of you - look at signs, in the distance, the ground directly in front of you and look left and right. try not to look at the same place for more than 3 seconds, keep your head moving in all directions.
-and lastly, try and have fun! keep yourself calm and collected, make sure you show confidence even if you're not feeling it. just smile and enjoy it, it'll be over before you know it
for me, the thing that played the biggest part was just keeping calm and relaxed. i actually enjoyed it, i was having a nice conversation with the officer about my uni course and how i was finding it (but don't do this if you can't concentrate on the road at the same time!)
Good luck!
So I did my driving test yesterday and passed first go with a score of 106. I thought I'd share with you some tips and common things to look out for.
I did mine at Silverwater, the route was a left turn into Silverwater Rd, up along Silverwater Rd, left turn into South St and into some minor roads to do a kerb side stop. Then right turn into Victoria Rd, along Victoria Rd then right turn into Wharf Rd and into minor roads to do a 3 point turn. Then back to the RTA.
Here are some tips:
-when approaching roundabouts turn your head right and left to check for any cars coming towards the roundabout (make it very obvious) and always indicate left off the roundabout (yes even if it's a small roundabout)
-when you are stopped at traffic lights and first in line, when lights go green do a head check to check for any cars running the red light before proceeding.
-when turning left off wide roads, check your left mirror and blindspot (just in case there's a bike or motorbike next to you)
-when driving along a road and you need to turn right, check your right mirror and blindspot before you turn (to check for any cars that may be overtaking you)
-drive 5-10km below the speed limit
-always check your rearview mirror before you brake
-when driving along straight roads, occasionally check your mirrors so the officer knows you are aware of what's happening around you
-make sure you're always scanning the road ahead of you - look at signs, in the distance, the ground directly in front of you and look left and right. try not to look at the same place for more than 3 seconds, keep your head moving in all directions.
-and lastly, try and have fun! keep yourself calm and collected, make sure you show confidence even if you're not feeling it. just smile and enjoy it, it'll be over before you know it
Good luck!