Assess doesnt have to have pros and cons, thats more like discuss. Assess is to make a judgement of result, quality, value and outcome. so for this point talk about their significance in contribution to the atomic model, what they lead to etc etc
developed a completely mathematical model of quantum mechanics (as opposed 2 bohrs half classical/quantum model)
from this he derived his uncertainty principle
talk about how both of these have huge significance in quantum phys, esp at the atomic level.... the quantum mechanic model is the 1 in use today, and huge amounts of new discoveries are all based around the quantum mechanics
pauli - the exclusion principle, explained bohrs prediction of electrons per shell, this is an important principle in many other areas of work in phys and chem today.
derived balmer eqn, validating it in another way
provided substance to schrodingers wave mechanics
first to propose the neutrino, talk about the impact of the existence of neutrino