Quake 4 (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
Quake IV MP is just like Quake III MP with the Doom 3 engine. They even included the Q3 DM level 'The Longest Yard', the space one.. in it, and my it looks gorgeous with the make over.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Full disclosure: fanboy alert.

Having finished exams today (Yesterday now) I fired this up this evening. First of all, I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it runs on my system (Noticeably better than Doom 3, though I've done a bit of fine-tuning since then, no upgrades though), though I'm definitely stoked about the prospects for an upgrade, it already looks fucking incredible on medium detail (At 1024x768) and my mind boggles at the thought of maxing everything out.

Anyway, I fired up single player, and picked the second hardest difficulty, because I wanted to make sure it wasn't a breeze. Now I'm not sure if I'm a bit tired at the moment or what, but I just got my arse handed to me several times from the get-go. The speed that enemies rip it around at took me by surprise, and everything seems very fluid. So yeah, I'm going to have a sleep and try again in the morning, but holy crap, what I did see they seem to have nailed the atmosphere from Quake 2 wonderfully, and then built on it even more. I can't tell if it's just because I'm totally stoked about this game or not, but so far the sense of urgency seems to be developed really well, and it all feels very frantic and is very easy to get involved in. Because of the immediate feel to the action, I'm also finding so far that it's throwing up a lot of scares that seem way less contrived than those in Doom 3.

Initially I was a little put-off by the demonstration videos of multiplayer, so I decided to check it out briefly to see how it *felt* rather than how it looked. Rather than join a server I just fired up my own and holy shit, it's got a revamped version of The Edge! Quake 2 was a game I played a lot, the first one I played online, and yeah, it was a blast. Of the maps for Quake 2, The Edge was one that I spent a *lot* of time on, to the extent where I still remember it perfectly, despite not having played it for years. Having a quick run around the map I notice that:

A) It looks incredibly fucking amazing.
B) It's all coming back to me, it really does feel just like Quake 2 on steroids! This one is going to be an absolute blast to LAN.

Like I said, Quake games shit on pretty much anything else in existence from where I'm standing, and so far for me this one doesn't look like it'll be an exception to that rule.

Now, I must sleep, sorry about the rant, but this is incredibly exciting :)

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