Queer Week? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
meh, safe queer space coz of flooding...now dat'z gay...

Harrassment? How is another queer space going to save them from harrassment? :confused:


Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
Ninga said:
I thought security saying they were busy was a bit harsh. I never seem them busy. They're either riding around, talking on their walkie talkies, sitting around in their offices, or giving parking tickets. Guess they didnt wanna deal with any trouble of the gay sort.
I hold a new found respect for security, they obviously have had enough of the shit these people cause and are now saying that instead of stopping their lunch, these people should get the maglite beating they deserve.


Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
gmraso said:
More src funding going down the gurgler to a minority. I wonder who sanctioned the use of src money for queer week :S
My money would be either a friend of Annalise Constable, Amy Parish or Daniel Brown.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
"A group of 16 angry queer and queer friendly students
occupied the Belmore room at the University of Wollongong
yesterday afternoon. Now a group of 8 the students have been
in the room for 18 hours and have received no formal response
from the University Administration."

That's just funny. Even admin is ignoring these extremeists. "Extreme Christians" or "Extreme Queers" they're never going to be able to reconcile their extremely stubborn ideology and points of view. It's great how extreme fringe lefties and extreme fringe righties love to shovel their obviously true and correct ways down our throats. *rolleye*


Mar 24, 2004
Another update from the gay and gay friendly people in that room...

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 13:45:33 +1000
From: amy parish <alp05@uow.edu.au> Add To Address Book
Subject: [uow_eac] PoLiCe ReSCue!!!
To: wollongong_allsorts@yahoogroups.com, happybellies@yahoogroups.com, uow_eac@yahoogroups.com, womynscollective@yahoogroups.com.au, Illawarra_Socialist_Alliance@yahoogroups.com, resgong@yahoogroups.com

Saturday 1.42pm

The Police Rescue Squad have arrived at the scene of the occupation to
'keep the peace'

Don't quite know where the violence is (there is some people playing
trivial pursuit and some people sun baking outside)

Does anyone know anything about the role/rights of the Police Rescue
Squad? I don't know shit aside from the T.V show




Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
Amy, the police are here to grant you a maglite beating that you truely deserve, may alluminium alloy save your soul.


Mar 24, 2004
Its like they feel everything is against them cos theyre gay. I tell ya, u can so tell its a chick writing this email.

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 14:11:52 +1000
From: lisa walker <lmw09@uow.edu.au> Add To Address Book
Subject: [uow_eac]
To: uow_eac@yahoogroups.com, Gavin Moores <gavin_moores@yahoo.com.au>, Colin Salter <cs80@uow.edu.au>, enviro list <uowenvironmentcollective@yahoogroups.com>, uow_eag@yahoogroups.com.au

Hey everyone!

Annaliese, Sparky and Dom have just been arrested. Police broke down
the doors about 10 minutes ago and escorted them out of the building
and took them away in police paddy wagons.


we are meeting this afternoon and tonight. Let's let Gerard know that
he won't get away with being a homophobic fuckwit!

Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Hahah, best news I've heard all day. I wonder if this will mean next week will be sensible again, or if it'll just escalate further.

Good to see they're looking after the collective student welfare being knobs until police are required to come and damage part of the campus, I'm so glad they're looking out for me!

Serves the fucking hippies right.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
If they were doing a real degree they wouldn't have time to be so extremeist.


Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
They should have been shot.

Anyway, I doubt it will be the last time these fuckbuckets get arrested for immature fucktard stunts they pull to make themselves feel wanted in the university community.


Jun 15, 2003
You know there's a problem with them being arrested.
They're martyrs now.

They'll be back in full force. We can expect the next issue of the tert to say what an arsehole Gerard Sutton is, and how homophobic the NSW police service are.

That'll be fun.


Mar 24, 2004
If we piss on a couple of piles of the tert, people will stop reading it because they won't want to get piss on their hands, and then once word gets out, they won't touch any piles, cos they won't know if they've been pissed on or not...im an ideas man tonight...


Mar 24, 2004
Hopefully the final update. It's really a pathetic world we live in. These people are gay. So fucking what. If they want to be openly admitting their gay in a society where homosexuality is frowned upon, then that is their own perogative. When they act as if the world owes them something due to that fact, then they are living in a fantasy world. This update is a recount of the events of their occupation over the last couple of days at uni. To say it is a biased view would be an understatement. Read and make up your own mind. Peace and love to all.

>> Operation Queer Space
>> (we saw on the police report it was called Operation Belmore)
>> minutes from meeting 2:30pm 29th August.
>> Agenda
>> Briefing of Group
>> Charges/Legalities
>> What we plan to do (campaign, documentary, official channels, media,
>> other unis etc)
>> Delegation Of tasks
>> Briefing
>> We entered the room (which was booked by us for a function for
>> sexuality week) at 2:30pm. the room was locked down around 3:00pm
>> after setting up our wireless system separate form the universities
>> so we could liaise with people in our src via i-chat without
>> detection/interference/spying from university information technology.
>> we took with us approx 20 litres of water, enough food food to feed
>> 16 people for a week, blankets, video camera, digital camera, we laso
>> had two tv's and 2 vcrs for entertainment, we took up 5 board games -
>> but i wish i had a tennis ball. we took two buckets - one for our
>> bathroom and the other was used to transport things, with rope, in
>> and out of the room.
>> we released our press release at around 4:00pm and our demands just
>> before 5:00pm. someone did a follow up call to our vc - gerard sutton
>> (from here on in known as gerry) at 5:00pm - he answered the phone
>> call and confirmed his receipt of the demands and press release.
>> the university began to investigate our existance in the room -
>> beginning with one lone security person - at around 6:00pm. we had a
>> full body mirror set up outside the room to give the occupiers a view
>> of an angle we couldn't otherwise see to alert us to police or
>> security presence. the mirror was on an angle and was very helpful
>> because one area of approach ws not visible to us. it took security
>> over 16 hours to figure out why the mirror was there - so they merely
>> turned it around. we sent troops to return it - it took security a
>> further two hours to realise that we had done this.
>> 8 people remained for the night on thursday evening. security
>> continually walked past and opened and closed doors around us keeping
>> us on our toes all evening - with us sporadically waking and rushing
>> the doors to slam our bodies against it. over night tallace and
>> myself worked on further media releases and focused on media
>> attention for the next day.
>> friday - people had to leave throughout the day and by 7:00pm on
>> friday evening it was sparki, dom and myself. we had huge support out
>> on the ground and had people looking out for our welfare the entire
>> occupation - these people stayed in the src and chatted with us and
>> exchanged info over our computer system. people did 4 hour shifts on
>> the outside to look out for us. at this point the university refused
>> to negotiate with us because we supposedly had not "gone through the
>> official channels" - we had gone through 4 years of bureaucratic
>> bullshit and gotten nowhere - they requested that we go through
>> officially through the src. so we printed the demands on src
>> letterhead.
>> friday night two boys who had perpetrated a (possibly more)
>> homophobic attack(s) during the week turned up to pray. security was
>> also seen joking and laughing with other perpetrators of homophobia
>> on campus throughout the occupation. one of the perpetrators was
>> overheard suggesting to the security that they should set off the
>> fire alarms to flush us out.
>> should be no excuses now, hey gerry?
>> just prior to people leaving on friday evening we received info from
>> a past security guard that the police would be storming the room at
>> 7:30pm. sparki, dom and i prepared ourselves. we had two tables up
>> against the door, with a chair levering the handle so it couldn't be
>> turned. we also had a water cooler bottle against the door in areas
>> too wide for us to cover hoping the weight of it would help a bit. we
>> assume that this storming didn't occur at this time because there was
>> a huge presence of queers on campus at this point (we were having our
>> annual end of sexuality week party at unibar). instead the police
>> waited until saturday afternoon when there was a lull in support of
>> numbers on the ground because the kids were out preparing our next
>> plan of attack.
>> the three remaining occupiers - dominika, sparki (daniel) and myself
>> (annaliese) had a visit from the police around 8:00am on saturday
>> morning (28th august). they came to the door and asked to leave (at
>> which point nobody had asked us to do yet) - with them they had the
>> acting vice principal of administration chris grainger. we told them
>> we would not be opening the door and they could go around to the
>> window and talk to us from the ground. we were on the second floor (i
>> think they were uncomfortable with the power positioning of us above
>> them in negotiations ohhh it was fun to see them straining their
>> necks). we refused to come out. they said are you aware that you will
>> be arrested if you don't come out - we said yes. the university then
>> said they refused to negotiate with us while we were inside the room.
>> police said they would be back.
>> police rescue turned up at 12:00pm. to which we responded that we
>> were fine and didn't need rescuing because we were in a safe space. i
>> feel that this was an intimidation tactic - poor sparki was woken up
>> by dom and i screaming that the police were there.
>> we pulled in our banners and closed the windows so that there was no
>> access through the windows. at 1:50pm the police knocked on the door
>> with the acting vice principal chris grainger. they again informed us
>> that we would be arrested if we did not leave - we said we understood
>> that and that we would leave as soon as we received a signature from
>> gerry on our demands. they also said they didn't want anyone to get
>> hurt (as the riot police aimed their shields up for attack on the
>> door) - we said we didn't want anyone to get hurt either and that was
>> why were in there. sillybillies.
>> as the police arrived some people remained in the src to go out into
>> our back storage area to make noise with the bbq to try and separate
>> some police into thinking that there was other action going on. when
>> the police begun their attcak these people attempted to exit the src
>> through our back door this had been barricaded by the police and
>> security. this bought the police an extra 2 minutes of unsupervised
>> attack.
>> as dom, sparki and i braced ourselves against the door the ten riot
>> police began rhythmic slamming with their shields on the other side
>> of the door. "thank god i've cleaned the space for visitors" i
>> thought as my left ear and temple were smashed and my hand was
>> crushed between the two tables. i began screaming to the our people
>> on the ground to release the next media release.
>> people on the outside could hear the door being slammed in - these
>> people were quite far away and blocked by brick walls. to hear this
>> attack from their distance is pretty fucking vicious. the windows in
>> the building were visibly shaking from the force of the riot police.
>> the leverage chair became a nuisance and as dom turned to throw it
>> away there were two hits and then an arm came through the door.
>> sparki and dom were crushed up against the wall as the tables slammed
>> to the ground and the doors were ripped from the wall. i was pushed
>> back by the riot police and fell to the ground scrambling away from
>> the people with guns and shields and helmets and visors - i don't
>> even think they were queer - what were they doing in our safe space?
>> sparki and dom were still up against the wall - as sparki was being
>> frisked form my scrambled position i sat cross legged and put both my
>> hands on my knees. the police were going psycho screaming "WHERE'S
>> THE OTHER ONE? WHERE'S THE OTHER ONE" - because dom and sparki were
>> crushed against the wall they couldn't be seen. the police were well
>> aware that there were only three people inside our safe space yet
>> they decided 10 riot police - police rescue - regular uniformed
>> police - and security were all required to attack three peaceful
>> people claiming a safe space. the police went to the corner of the
>> room designated as our toilet where a blanket hung and barked "WHO IS
>> to which i said "nobody is behind there. that's where we piss"
>> we were arrested and escorted out of the once safe space - the police
>> held our hands in a position that if we were to squirm they could
>> twist our wrists in a very unnatural way until they broke.
>> dom received a huge bruise along her right thigh from when the riot
>> police broke down the barrier between safe and unsafe. dom refused to
>> walk and was wrist twisted by the police.
>> we were taken outside to two paddy wagons. sparki was frisked again
>> and we were separated by sex. i requested that we not be separated
>> for the safety of sparki - one police officer replied that we "should
>> have thought of that before" - to which, (by this time we were in the
>> paddy wagon) i screamed out to our ground people to contact the gay
>> and lesbian liaison officer. this was done. no GLLO on weekends -
>> apparently queers aren't arrested on the weekends. called around
>> other police stations in the illawarra - there are NO other gay and
>> lesbian liaison officers around this area.
>> at the police station dom and i were separately strip searched - we
>> were allowed to keep our undies and shirts on (cos we weren't wearing
>> bras) - we were patted down. i had to give them my hair elastics and
>> my rainbow solidarity badge - i did however get my badge back on for
>> my id photo.
>> we were taken to the wollongong police station - the charge is
>> trespass for each of us - we refused interview - i only gave them my
>> name, address, date of birth and next of kin in case of emergency.
>> (you only need to give name, address and dob any other info ie.
>> obtained from an interview can be used against you).
>> from arrest to release it was approximately 3 hours. we had been
>> occupying for 47. 5 hours.
>> Legalities / charges:
>> we were charged with trespass.
>> our bail restrictions state - we are only to attend university for
>> enrolled classes and admin purposes.
>> Admin purposes is inclusive of work, src meeting etc.
>> our bail is interpreted by the police and not the university. in
>> summary after speaking to the police officer dealing with us it means
>> we are not to do anything illegal at uni - i didn't realise we were
>> allowed to before. i could have done sooo much more.
>> PLans/Campaigns:
>> henry collier - a member of allsorts and academic at uni has a
>> meeting with senator grieg (democrats) today. he will be bringing up
>> the issues of homophobia at the university of wollongong and the
>> treatment and response to this.
>> we will be contacting bob brown and kerry nettle for supprot also.
>> kerry nettle and michael organ have already signed our petition -
>> which is attached below for you to send back signed if you wish.
>> media:
>> trying to get onto hack at triple j.
>> received a call form win tv this morning and also the northern leader
>> - ( local newspaper).
>> media committee:
>> annaliese
>> sophie
>> sparki
>> dom
>> jay
>> amy
>> your job: we are seeking involvement from other unis
>> other unis committee:
>> you - writing letters and coming if possible to wollongong for our
>> action. for further secret squirrel information contact annaliese
>> 0400 214 203 -
>> contact gerard our vc at -
>> email: gerard@uow.edu.au
>> phone: 02 4221 3909
>> fax: 02 4227 1771
>> me: media@src.uow.edu,.au
>> fax: 02 4221 4233
>> ph: 0400 214 203
>> post filled petitions to me:
>> annaliese constable
>> student representative council
>> University of Wollongong - homophobic uni of the year
>> bld 11, Northfields Avenue
>> Gwynneville
>> nsw 2522
>> we are also pursuing official avenues - seeking meetings etc so they
>> have no excuse not to respond.
>> official avenues committee:
>> dom
>> annaliese
>> sparki
>> sophie
>> certficate to be presented to gerry for homophobic uni of the year:
>> justin and mark and trevor
>> banners:
>> anne
>> karlee
>> trevor
>> annaliese
>> rocky
>> posters:
>> sparkio
>> jay
>> shirts:
>> sparki
>> badges:
>> lisa
>> sparki
>> leaflet:
>> annaliese
>> propaganda:
>> johnno
>> sophie
>> karlee
>> we need people to disperse into the community and leaflet - set up
>> petiton tables etc. suggested area - the mall.
>> anyone buying anything for this get RECEIPTS - our src is so lame
>> about refunding money. if you can't afford it don't buy it.
>> suggestion for banners:
>> uni flag with pride flag in background
>> oz flag with rainbow instead of union jack
>> something to do with the ecu (evangelical christian union) on campus
>> - this union perpetrated some attacks on queers.
>> if you wish to help out with any of these areas come to a meeting or
>> call me. if you are inexperienced with this sort of stuff don't worry
>> this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and we're all happy
>> to skill share.
>> there will be meeting everyday this week on the duckpond lawn at
>> 12:30pm to discuss further action. due to confidentiality not all
>> plans of attack are being discussed via email.
>> ignore any typos please - typing so fast.
>> stay tuned for more. anyone with media contacts please get onto it
>> and get them involved.please pass this on the anyone else relevant.
>> we will not be silenced or ignored. we will not give up. we will get
>> what we are fighting for. united we are stronger.
>> love annaliese


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
They should be stripped of their degrees and booted out of the university.

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