Question About Streams... (1 Viewer)

jordan c:

New Member
Oct 5, 2021
Sorry if this sounds really stupid, but I'm currently enrolled at the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) course, and was told by someone I know that I would be restrained to only the stream for the honours year. That confused me a lot, since I thought that I could do any honours? I was planning to either take one in neuroscience or psychology, but now I'm scared that I can't do those because of my stream. They then advised me to switch to the normal stream for that, but I just want to reaffirm if this is true or not. Does my stream restrain what I can do for my honours? I tried inquiring USYD but they're on their break :C

Thank you very much!


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
The person who told you this is likely inferring this from the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies and Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) pages on USyd's website. What you have been told may be true for two reasons:
  • The person's suggestions are consistent with the information provided in the studies section on each program's page on USyd's website. In the case of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies, there is a multitude of Honours subject areas, which would make sense given the multifaceted nature of a Bachelor of Arts. However, the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) appears to offer only one Honours subject area, being International and Global Studies.
  • The information on USyd's website suggests that this version of the degree focuses specifically on International and Global Studies, hence the reason that it is in the name. Additionally, studying this program involves completing a language minor as well as a second major, which can be an extension of the language minor. The reason I mentioned this is that this information seems quite specific (and therefore consistent with the nature of this degree) as opposed to information regarding the standard Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies, which is more general/less specific.
It is possible that such variants of this program are designed for students who are specifically interested in completing advanced coursework or pursuing Honours in a particular area. Another example of this is USyd's Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations), which also only lists one Honours subject area, being Government and International Relations.

I hope this helps! :D

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