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R There Any Chinese PPL Here (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 11, 2008
chochang said:
I dont know..i was only 1 when i went back to HK..
I think my parents wanted me to spend a few schooling years in HK..
I dont regret it though..
I can write and speak in well (madarin included)
And now I'm doing Japanese continuers as well for my HSC..it sort of helps because i know most of the kanjis :)
:) Hey! I find that many Cantonese people who learn their Mandarin overseas usually have a Cantonese accent, do you speak fluent Mandarin, or do you have what some people call a 'Honkie' accent when speaking Mandarin? Just curious! Please don't be offended :(

Oh and i'm assuming your Maths is top notch eh? The education system in HK is crazy! They do hard stuff in primary school ...

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