Rankings for 95+ ? (1 Viewer)


Feb 19, 2013
Since Year 12 has just started I thought now would be a good time to evaluate the preliminary results and see whether or not I am on track for my goal ATAR.

Below are my rankings so far.
I am yet to receive my yearly report but I have received the results back and so I combined them with my half yearly results and these are a close estimate - hopefully.

Below were my estimates at the time of posting:
Eng Adv: 5 / 127
Eng Ext: 3 / 15
Economics: 3 / 47
Modern History: 5 / 64
Business Studies: 6 / 126
Legal Studies: 10 / 179
Society and Culture: 2 / 24
(10/28: I've since received my yearly results. Here's a quick update. I don't think it really makes a difference. I dropped and moved up a few places in all subjects.)

Eng Adv: 2 / 127
Eng Ext: 3 / 15
Economics: 2 / 47
Modern History: 7 / 64
Business Studies: 2 / 126
Legal Studies: 10 / 179
Society and Culture: 3 / 24

My school is ranked about 105.
Give or take up to twenty places because I can't find an updated rank list.

So the big question is, if I keep this up, is an ATAR of around 95 possible?
It's kind of worrying for me because my school / cohort is not exactly known academically and the school mark / ranking always get dragged down significantly each year, as confirmed by my teachers.

The thing about this ranking is that I recently dropped Society because I don't actually enjoy it and I don't want to do the major work because the whole Personal Interest Project (PIP) thing doesn't interest me what so ever. As a result I have picked up History Extension and with that I am aiming for ~ 3 / 15. If I do achieve this result (fingers crossed), do you think it will be a good idea to drop Legal and have 10 units instead? Which is actually what I would prefer and think will be a good idea but I would like to hear some other views on this.

Also another question: I know Year 11 does not really reflect the final year results but I was wondering do the ranking fluctuate greatly? Of course, a lot of people tend to work harder, or actually start working for Year 12 so competition will be fierce and being at the top now does not guarantee anything but right now I am extremely worried about being completely dragged off my current positions.

Please help!
Thanks a bunch!

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Feb 17, 2013
The legal rank won't drop you down too much really, because you have more than 10 units it may not count anyway depending on results in other subjects. Consider dropping it if you think dropping it would enhance your performance in the rest through having greater time to spend on each of them.
95+ is totally possible atm. But getting top 3 in modern and business would really really make it a massive chance.
Best of luck.


Alligator Navigator
Feb 22, 2012
I would be looking at 95+ with those ranks.
And it really depends how much you like your subjects as to whether you should keep 12 units. If there is one subject you hate, drop it (I hated business and economics, so I dropped them both despite coming first and second hah). If you like all your subjects, 12 units isn't too hard to carry. See how your first round of assessments go anyway if your not sure.
And ranks do fluctuate from year 11 to year 12, but the top kids will generally stay at the top, and the bottom kids stay at the bottom. It's only really the middle that changes.


Feb 19, 2013
The legal rank won't drop you down too much really, because you have more than 10 units it may not count anyway depending on results in other subjects. Consider dropping it if you think dropping it would enhance your performance in the rest through having greater time to spend on each of them.
95+ is totally possible atm. But getting top 3 in modern and business would really really make it a massive chance.
Best of luck.
Thank you!
I think I will try my best in History Extension, see how it goes and then make my final decision.


Feb 19, 2013
I would be looking at 95+ with those ranks.
And it really depends how much you like your subjects as to whether you should keep 12 units. If there is one subject you hate, drop it (I hated business and economics, so I dropped them both despite coming first and second hah). If you like all your subjects, 12 units isn't too hard to carry. See how your first round of assessments go anyway if your not sure.
And ranks do fluctuate from year 11 to year 12, but the top kids will generally stay at the top, and the bottom kids stay at the bottom. It's only really the middle that changes.
You have no idea how much better it makes me feel about finding out there's someone out there who has also dropped another subject despite coming first/second in it. My classmates said I was crazy so I've been really doubting my decision, until now obviously! =) As for the ranking fluctuation I suppose I'll just have to work harder to ensure I keep my current positions and hopefully even move up a few places.

Thanks for your reply!


Alligator Navigator
Feb 22, 2012
You have no idea how much better it makes me feel about finding out there's someone out there who has also dropped another subject despite coming first/second in it. My classmates said I was crazy so I've been really doubting my decision, until now obviously! =) As for the ranking fluctuation I suppose I'll just have to work harder to ensure I keep my current positions and hopefully even move up a few places.

Thanks for your reply!
My social science head teacher still thinks it's crazy. Her face when I bought her the forms to drop both of them was priceless haha.

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