hmm.. ok.. well since i started this i shall inject some more of the opinion not only of myself, but of all the churches in my local area:
if you're a christian, you love god and you want to live in a way that is pleasing to him. hence because
his word says dont have pre-marital sex, you wont.
now some of you will have issues here, thats prolly cos you're not christian/dont believe in the bible etc.
since this was directed at christains im going to continue, however
so right, god says this stuff for our own protection. god created sex and he thinks its pretty awesome. but he doesnt want US to be hurt which is whats gunna happen if you have premarital sex cos you'll break up with them and it will be harder cos they'll have that part of you etc
god makes it pretty clear in the bible that sex is between a married man and his wife.. if you dont believe the bible is real or dont believe in god and stuff thats cool, but for christians this should be the way we live.
in that manner then, for those christians who are like "oh y'all god says dont do it but im going to anyway" then i guess thats their choice, but how can they consciously know that its wrong and still turn against god in that manner? i mean gods all for forgiveness but its like if you break a window and your parents forgive you, you're not gunna run around breaking all the windows, right?
and for those of you who say the bible is not contemporary or up-to date or whatever, what impact does that have? theres nothing in the bible thats like "oh hey when this is 2000 years old, stop doing what it says".. Gods guidelines are there for our protection and if you TRULY love him and are a christian you should want to do, and you should do, what it says.
non christians, please ignore my rant, cos otherwise you'll come back with that god/bible doesnt exist and stuff and thats not my point here

god says dont have sex outside of marriage.. so the key thing is, for christians... dont.