religious justification of sex (1 Viewer)

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Aug 2, 2004
ella_fitzgerald said:
ok, so the point of this thread really is to find out why people who say they are living for Christ would deliberately live against what Christ lays out in the Bible... it dun bother me if you dun think god exists or the bible exists and stuff but if you're a christian i'd like to know what you think.. thats not to say i dun wana kno wat u ppl think if you totally dun think god exists, im just saying mayb this isnt the rite thread
I don't think that you really can bring up a topic relating to god and religion without there being a debate about it, it's everyones right to have an opinion and you can't just seclude a thread to 'christians only' you have to be willing to let other people speak their views as well - no matter how much they conflict with your own. I also think you should realise that many Christians interpret the Bible in many different ways, you have your own interpretation but i do not think that gives you the right to say that others that don't follow YOUR interpretation are indeed set out to "live against what Christ lays out in the Bible" for it is your interpretation not everyone elses.

ella_fitzgerald said:
sweetie its called the THEORY of evolution for a reason.. we cant know for sure! so in a similar manner, since we didnt expect miracles they could have happened and we cant know for sure that they didnt.
You can't really know anything for sure, yes there is scientific evidence for the theory of evolution and there are 'eye-witnesses' and testimonies written to explain the ressurection of Christ. BUT as i have said before, people are allowed to believe what they wish. You can have a debate about science and religion I'm sure we all could but as well as voicing your opinion you have to be able to step back and say "although i consider that person wrong they are entitled to their own opinion of which i should not attack".

ella_fitzgerald said:
A real Christian would want to live in a way pleasing to God outlined in His word, the Bible. That is, you would live by what he has established not only to please Him but also to look after yourself, because God wants what is best for us.
You have no right to say what a REAL CHRISTIAN are entitled to say 'the way i see it' but you have absolutely no right to tell people that your interpretation is a REAL christian unless you are God yourself which ofcourse isn't going to happen. I think you need to be able to understand that although Christians follow the Bible there are many different interpretations in the one have to recognise everyone has different viewpoints as well as being able to acknowledge your own as just that YOURS - not everyone elses

"Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins - 1 Peter 4:8"

And........just to point out the fact that you imply that even if you love a person and you have sex with them before marriage it is still a sin YET your signature is that. But therefore if you love that person you have sex with a love them earnestly doesn't that erase the apparent "sin" as you interpret it as? See how I can interpret that comment in my own way yet i'm sure you will interpret it another way.....different people have different viewpoints....that's all i have to say
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Untalkative Member
Sep 11, 2004
pirotess4 said:
there is scientific evidence for the theory of evolution
No theres not. Theres conjecture cleverly disguised as scientific evidence.
Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
DNA comparison is pretty scientific and does show Huge similarities between organisms. But if u were just trying to discredit pirotess then i say GO YOU! because i couldnt be bothered reading her blasphemous post. too lengthy. I could study for the HSC or waste my time. It's common sense: plain and simple.


Aug 2, 2004
The_highwayman said:
DNA comparison is pretty scientific and does show Huge similarities between organisms. But if u were just trying to discredit pirotess then i say GO YOU! because i couldnt be bothered reading her blasphemous post. too lengthy. I could study for the HSC or waste my time. It's common sense: plain and simple.
I think your comment only serves to show you ARE wasting your time....instead of encouraging the discreditment of others you should be studying and not posting your own irrelevant responses. Read your signature as this is obviously your puerile way of procrastinating so stop procrastinating and go study
Discredit something when you have the brain capacity to read it....
THAT is plain and simple


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
ella_fitzgerald said:
hmm.. ok.. well since i started this i shall inject some more of the opinion not only of myself, but of all the churches in my local area:
if you're a christian, you love god and you want to live in a way that is pleasing to him. hence because his word says dont have pre-marital sex, you wont.
now some of you will have issues here, thats prolly cos you're not christian/dont believe in the bible etc.
since this was directed at christains im going to continue, however
so right, god says this stuff for our own protection. god created sex and he thinks its pretty awesome. but he doesnt want US to be hurt which is whats gunna happen if you have premarital sex cos you'll break up with them and it will be harder cos they'll have that part of you etc
god makes it pretty clear in the bible that sex is between a married man and his wife.. if you dont believe the bible is real or dont believe in god and stuff thats cool, but for christians this should be the way we live.
in that manner then, for those christians who are like "oh y'all god says dont do it but im going to anyway" then i guess thats their choice, but how can they consciously know that its wrong and still turn against god in that manner? i mean gods all for forgiveness but its like if you break a window and your parents forgive you, you're not gunna run around breaking all the windows, right?
and for those of you who say the bible is not contemporary or up-to date or whatever, what impact does that have? theres nothing in the bible thats like "oh hey when this is 2000 years old, stop doing what it says".. Gods guidelines are there for our protection and if you TRULY love him and are a christian you should want to do, and you should do, what it says.
non christians, please ignore my rant, cos otherwise you'll come back with that god/bible doesnt exist and stuff and thats not my point here :)
god says dont have sex outside of marriage.. so the key thing is, for christians... dont.
where the hell in the bible does it say not to have pre-marital sex?

all the quotes you used only stated things along the lines of being sexually immoral, it stated nothing about pre-marital sex. Who says its wrong? if thats your own beleifs the fine but dont try an twist religion to cover your ass, because plain and simple i have NEVER found anywhere in the bible which tells people not to have sex before marriage. being sexually immoral could easily be interpreted to mean incest or wierd laceration fetishes or something.

I will speak plainly and simply here. I beleive that your church is manipulating you to beleive in their interpetation of the bible so that they can control you. By all means worship god, but he himself says not to listen to others but to follow his word [what better place to get what god says than from the bible- straight from the horses mouth so to speak] if you real the bible yourself and without relying your current bias that you actually interpet it to mean pre-marital sex... than fiair enough.

yes i am Christian. obviously more christian that you seen as you seem to follow the words of your church leaders as apposed to the words of god through the bible.

thats the main thing that pisses me off about religion. Shifty bastards use it to brainwash the idiodic masses and against all logic they do what he says. People try and argue how much religion has helped people, but the forget how much it has also fucked up the world... NO it is not a good thing to have people indoctrined to be sheep as apposed to actually having independant thought. What about all the wars caused by religion? What about that bastard John Paul II who encouraged abstinence and yet did not encourage protection resulting i nthe highly religious South Africa becoming an AIDS riddled country.
What about the crusades???? fuck yeah, i sure love how the Catholics "helped" the world then, what with all the killing and plundering

What about the percecutions? They bitched about how they were thrown to the lions when Roman religion was dominant... but as soon as the Catholics are in charge they start burning "Heretics"[people who chose to follow a different religion] at the stake.

Witch hunts?

the list goes on and on. Religion can be a good thing, but people need to make their own interpetations about it... they cant just blindly follow their leader and hope they are interpreting the word of god correctly


Aug 2, 2004
Serius said:
the list goes on and on. Religion can be a good thing, but people need to make their own interpetations about it... they cant just blindly follow their leader and hope they are interpreting the word of god correctly
Good point and well made :)


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Yeah, i have no problem with people believing in god. But institutionalised/organised religion is so depressing. Watching ordinary people become sheep.....religion dosent need leaders and organised structure. Dogma esp is something that is very dangerous.


Love Addict - Nakashima
Jan 16, 2005
Deus said:
Yeah, i have no problem with people believing in god. But institutionalised/organised religion is so depressing. Watching ordinary people become sheep.....religion dosent need leaders and organised structure. Dogma esp is something that is very dangerous.
I find it kind of creepy. I find fundamentalists a little creepy too.


Aug 14, 2003
Serius said:
where the hell in the bible does it say not to have pre-marital sex?

all the quotes you used only stated things along the lines of being sexually immoral, it stated nothing about pre-marital sex. Who says its wrong? if thats your own beleifs the fine but dont try an twist religion to cover your ass, because plain and simple i have NEVER found anywhere in the bible which tells people not to have sex before marriage. being sexually immoral could easily be interpreted to mean incest or wierd laceration fetishes or something.
well, according to islam, the quran is the final message of god which confirms and reinforces all the previous messages of past prophets (including moses, jesus, etc).

and it states that sex is only permitted within marriage.

Serius said:
I will speak plainly and simply here. I beleive that your church is manipulating you to beleive in their interpetation of the bible so that they can control you. By all means worship god, but he himself says not to listen to others but to follow his word [what better place to get what god says than from the bible- straight from the horses mouth so to speak] if you real the bible yourself and without relying your current bias that you actually interpet it to mean pre-marital sex... than fiair enough.
manipulation for what cause or end?

Serius said:
yes i am Christian. obviously more christian that you seen as you seem to follow the words of your church leaders as apposed to the words of god through the bible.
that's nice. even though you have minimal knowledge of christianity and the bible, you think that your literal intepretation holds more weight than the opinions of those who have studied the text for their whole lives. cool.

Serius said:
thats the main thing that pisses me off about religion. Shifty bastards use it to brainwash the idiodic masses and against all logic they do what he says. People try and argue how much religion has helped people, but the forget how much it has also fucked up the world... NO it is not a good thing to have people indoctrined to be sheep as apposed to actually having independant thought. What about all the wars caused by religion? What about that bastard John Paul II who encouraged abstinence and yet did not encourage protection resulting i nthe highly religious South Africa becoming an AIDS riddled country.
What about the crusades???? fuck yeah, i sure love how the Catholics "helped" the world then, what with all the killing and plundering

What about the percecutions? They bitched about how they were thrown to the lions when Roman religion was dominant... but as soon as the Catholics are in charge they start burning "Heretics"[people who chose to follow a different religion] at the stake.

Witch hunts?

the list goes on and on. Religion can be a good thing, but people need to make their own interpetations about it... they cant just blindly follow their leader and hope they are interpreting the word of god correctly
blindly following anyone is stupid - religious leader or otherwise.

ok great, religious wars are the past. now we wage wars for the buck. whoopteedo.


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
kangaroo said:
I don't think anybody here doubts that God warns us of any kind of sexual immorality. (Acts 15:20; Romans 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13,18; 7:2; 10:8; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Jude 7).
As well as HEB 13:4: "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
We have been told time and time again that our sins of the flesh are comdemning many to hell and is constantly offending God, through the many messages OUR Saviour Christ has given to His faithful over the past few years. I don't know why so many people are trying to find loopholes to excuse this sin, if you have had pre-marital sex then you need to confess your sins, and truley be sorry. It's not over for you at all, you still have choices that stem from the free will God gave you.

You are so a troll.
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