the syllabus states you must know two rites, and know generally the definitions of all three rights.
it also states you must be prepared to write on two rites.
however they did not state you MUST write on two rites and therefore you can write on one or two.
the question saying the impact of religious rites on EDLOB meant
you would generally define all three religious rites and how they celebrate symbolize and make present central beliefs of religious traditions having significant impact on EDLOB blah blah blah, which can particularly be seen in the rite of passage for instance blah blah whole essay on rite of passage etc.
my religion teacher is a judge at the marking and wrote the CSSA paper and said this is generally what you would do, but you could write on 2 if you wished, it would just perhaps disadvantage you if you didnt do it succinct enough. best of luck