You know, this is going to sound terrible, but I really have to have an enormous amount of respect for the terrorist organisations in Iraq. Capturing civillians, letting us get to know them on a personal level as they plead to Tony Blair on camera for their lives. When the conditions of the troops being taken are not met they are beheaded on film with the footage available on the internet. What a powerfully emotive method.
I respect this tactic immensely. They could walk onto a crowded London street and kill 100 people. yet they choose to kill just one... and draw it out. It's so much more powerful than any other method. While the US drops bombs on children's hospitals in Iraq (a "mistake", of course) the terrorists are striking at the heart of the globe. They are playing on all of our emotions and human dignity. If they put a suicide bomber in England and killed multiple people the public would blame and hate them, but by saying "Tony Blair, we'll kill this person if you don't do this by this date" they are shifting the blame for their actions onto the government. While this does not cause them to be seen as blameless it turns public opinion towards those in government who could have stopped it and did nothing.
As I said, enormous respect. Not for their murder, actions or cause, but for their brilliant methods.
I respect this tactic immensely. They could walk onto a crowded London street and kill 100 people. yet they choose to kill just one... and draw it out. It's so much more powerful than any other method. While the US drops bombs on children's hospitals in Iraq (a "mistake", of course) the terrorists are striking at the heart of the globe. They are playing on all of our emotions and human dignity. If they put a suicide bomber in England and killed multiple people the public would blame and hate them, but by saying "Tony Blair, we'll kill this person if you don't do this by this date" they are shifting the blame for their actions onto the government. While this does not cause them to be seen as blameless it turns public opinion towards those in government who could have stopped it and did nothing.
As I said, enormous respect. Not for their murder, actions or cause, but for their brilliant methods.