america wants out, but america wants out of a country that is on the road to recovery, not in turmoil from people that are killing iraqis at random.
you, of course, in no way addressed that the economics of getting oil via invasion ignores the high cost of the invasion and that it would've been far cheaper to do as russia and france did and start dealing under the table with saddam more.
of course, there's also that the main group that has issues with saddam no longer being in power is the minoiry sunni population, and thats because after decades of being in charge, this minority (20%) is no longer the ruling group. Shiites (60%) are more a mixed group, and the Kurds (20%) have been very supportive of American actions. Of course, none of these groups want their country to have an ongoing struggle, but thats common sense. However, there is an increased opportunity.
sanctions lasted as long as they did directly because of Saddam's refusal to comply. there IS evidence that saddam had weapons he wasn't allowed, and that he was ready to start rebuilding his weapons stock as soon as he could. Of course, I'm more a fan of a quote I'd heard from one Iraqi: "Saddam WAS a weapon of mass destruction". He had had WMDs, and if he had his way, he'd have them again. What I don't get is that you're going beyond questioning the priorities of why Iraq was invaded to seemingly defending Saddam as well.
Of course, if we want to talk hate, we should also keep in mind that gov'ts like Saudi Arabia focus hate elsewhere so that their own rule isn't challenged.
As for your "real" and "fake" reasons....
There are already American "strongholds" in the region, in so much as there are bases in Saudi Arabia, and some countries, such as Kuwait, that have remained relativly good relations with. Also Israel, in that sense.
How you argue that its a puppet gov't even though it is NOT the sort of gov't america would ideally want as religion has been a key factor, or how you see a democraticly elected gov't as a step down from a dictator that would kill any opposition I can in no way see, and from your viewpoint, its clear that under no circumstances would you accept any gov't the Iraqi people would ever elect.
Oil, like I said before is foolishly achieved this way. The best way to have gotten oil would have been to not pressure Saddam to get rid of weapons, or have arranged deals with Saddam, ala france and russia.
As for how you deem fake reasons....
there was significant information that suggested Iraq did have weapons...the information was wrong in some cases, and others are still questionable, but it was not created information. I'll have to dig it up, but there were foreign leaders also saying Saddam had weapons, even though some, like Chirac, opposed any military action.
the fact that the iraqi people now have a democracy where 80% of the people that no longer had a voice now get one, apparently, is a trivial point to you.
and finally where did you get the view that 9/11 was one of the main reasons given behind it? that was never a large arguement. TERRORISM was, but Saddam does have a history of working with terrorist groups, or supporting terrorism. For example, Saddam has given money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. That there is support of terrorism. There was no claim of "well, Saddam is responcible for 9/11, lets overthrow him"