Originally posted by hipsta_jess
i usually used 2 ring lever arch files, but its kinda a waste, coz id drop the folder and the arches would go out of alignment, so id need to buy a new folder...
I use two of those - one for prelim work and one for hsc with dividers for each subject. I wouldn't take this folder to school though - too bulky and it breaks if you drop it. I only put in the relevant things like syllabus points, worksheets, assignments etc. I don't put homework in there so l just chuck it out.
At shcool l use a 2 ring binder for biology only. For maths l use an exercise book (lined, not graphed) and for English and Hospitality l use A4 Files.
I also have a 5-subject notebook which is EXCELLENT if you want to quickly write down notes or ideas for an assignment. Its also really light in your bag.
EDIT: My friend has gone through two of those arch files since year 12 started (last term) and she used to bring it to school everyday and put in EVERYTHING from her classes. She claimed that when she got home she'd empty out all the things she didn't really need. I'm sure her arm was dead by the end of each day though. Now she has one 2 ring binder for all of her subjects and carries that around all day.