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Rules for Customers (2 Viewers)


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
-Don't come in on a Friday night and ask for a large cup (of water) so that you can go to the Hungry Jacks next door and take their free drinks. This gets me into a lot of shit from managers who I don't even work for.
-No i won't sell you a soft serve cone for 30 cents just because that was how much it cost 10 years ago.
-On that note, don't order a cone and then pay for it with a 50 dollar note.
-If you're gonna leave the store for a few minutes or longer (to make a phone call or whatever), then take your food with you. Don't come back half an hr later and complain that someone stole or threw away your cheeseburger because you were too stupid to take it with you.
-Don't put your rubbish in the mop bucket just because it "kinda looked like a rubbish bin"...someone has to eventually fish it out and it's never fun trying to look for a half eaten burger =(


Feb 4, 2006
when there is a $2 trolley of discounted apparell stuff...do not act like monsters and just grab anything and everything


Sep 15, 2006
-I may be drinking coffee when I serve you, don't ask for one - no one should be drinking coffee in an electrical shop anyway
-Dont whinge when it takes time to scan your stuff, MYOB RetailManager is a shit program
-If I am running around the shop fixing the computers that keep stuffing up, don't distract me
-If I am at your house fixing your T.V. or computer or whatever, don't shit me, especially then it is 5:45 and I want to go home (I dont get paid after 5:30)
-Don't make jokes about technology never working ~ I deal with the shit every day, and therefore I KNOW
-If I am in a bad mood, like usual, dont aggrevate it by saying shit like "you don't look happy to be here" if I don't look happy, it's because im not
-I dont get paid after 5:30, therefore, dont come in at 5:20 and expect me to spend half an hour discussing a T.V. with you
-Don't leave your dead batteries with me, I dont want them.
-There is only me and the owner that works there, if we are both busy, dont abuse me because I will only abuse you back
-When you expect me to go to your house because there is no picture on your T.V. I don't mind, but if its only the TV being on AV mode, I will then be slightly pissed off that you took me away from more important things
-Read the instruction book
If I go to your house to set up a home theatre system, don't tell me how to do it, if you know how to do it, why am I doing it?
-Dont abuse me for not returning your phone calls when I dont get a message to.
-If I say I will be there at 11:30, I will be, make sure you are too.
-Computers suck - deal with it!
-Suppliers do not work to our timeframe

Thats about it for now.
BTW - If anyone is thinking about getting a job in a small electrical shop, I would advise you to bash yourself over the head 10 times with a frypan and reconsider your decision


Humoures Pun
Jul 23, 2006
Ranger Stacie said:
Ohh yes. I always try not to snigger when someone asks for a takeaway coffee and ia sk them if theyd like small or large and they look at me snottily and say "regular". I just told you the 2 sizes, fuckstick, and regular wasnt one of them!
Yes i used to get that aswell but what really annoyed me was when people ordered a regular coffee. Now what does that entail, small or medium, long black, flat white or a cappacino. Everyperson has there own perception of what this "regular coffee" really is.


Apr 27, 2003
Captain Gh3y said:
I actually like my job and most of the customers are nice, but just a few thoughts, most of which reflect more on how lazy I am:

- The more gift cards you use, the better. $5 per card for a $300 purchase would be ideal... after all the incredibly long line of people behind you are going to whinge at me, not you.

- Throw your stuff on top of the stuff of the person currently being served, and make sure to do so when I'm not looking. Then when I ask either of you where one person's stuff ends and the next begins, whinge at me, or let the person currently being served whinge at me. Ideally you should both whinge at me.

- If you don't have a pile of gift cards, use a cheque.

- The reason why the running total price on the screen keeps going up as I scan more items should be self evident. (someone actually asked me this today)

- If you are in an area of the store where some stock is marked down dramatically, and you find a similar (eg. they're both t-shirts, etc.) but more expensive product nearby that is clearly not marked down, you should demand that I give it to you for the same price.
After all, it was in the same general area of the store. If I won't do it, whinge at me. Then whinge at customer service when they come to check the price, as you insisted. Then whinge at me when they come back and confirm the correct price. Don't forget to say that you don't want the item after all of this.

- Customer cash rules:
$0.05 = $50
$1.00 = $50
$5.00 = $50
$11.15 = $50 (you get one of each!)
$20 = $50
$50 = $50
$50.05 = $100...

- Ask for about 6 different receipts and be sure to use your credit card for each transaction

- The concept of "the customer is always right" actually overrules the laws of physics. So yes you CAN have it all in one bag (I'll also put 2L of water into a 500mL bottle if you'd like), and if in doubt it's best to whinge at me.

- Yes, I not only have scissors of any size, tape of every variety, elastic bands of all sizes, string of any strength under the counter, etc, but in fact I have an entire Spotlight store's worth of shit you may need just sitting here.

- Yes, of course I do this job full time and it's my greatest ambition in life. What else would you expect?

- I have full power over the layout and set up of the store, so request any changes to me and they'll be implemented immediately. I also wrote the TPA and set prices for all kinds of products, so same applies.
thank you for that, hilarious

i'm not ready to leave customer service :( as incredibly crazy as that sounds.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
Captain Gh3y said:
- The reason why the running total price on the screen keeps going up as I scan more items should be self evident. (someone actually asked me this today)
HAHAHA. thats really retarded.


Oct 12, 2004
- Dont buy something and pay me all in 5c coins, especially when you dont count it and dump it in my hands expecting me to count it all for you.

- Dont take 10yrs to make up your mind whether to break a $100 note or pay by card

- Dont come up to the cigarette counter and expect me to sell you cigarettes "right now" whilst I'm in the middle of another transaction

- Dont whinge like a bitch and scream at the top of your lungs and swear at ME just because we dont sell your brand of cigarettes in a 20 pack - I'm sorry, but we only sell them in 25s

- Dont buy stuff it you cant afford it. No, I cant let you have the item even if you are 5c short.

- Dont try to shoplift - you will get in trouble and possibly banned from the place

- Learn to speak english if you are foreign. I dont understand you nor can I speak a thousand different languages. Four is my tops.

- Yes, you dont have to do your FlyBuys at the very end. The computer keeps a record.

- Dont give me a giftcard with no money in it and claim that it does.. then not have any form of payment on you.. it holds up other people and wastes my time

- Dont sigh, repeatedly slap your credit card near me, glare at me, etc.. when I'm the only one working on the registers.. I'm sorry but it's not my fault that the person who did the roster is a dumbcunt that never even graduated high school

- Dont bring your loud rowdy kids into the store. They scream the house down, YOU cant control them for the love of god, and they disrupt the whole place.. me, other customers, and everyone else in the store.. then when they steal chocolate or sneak confectionary into the bill, you complain to ME that you dont have money to buy this kinda stuff.. like ffs, look after your own kids.. wasting my fkn time to do a refund in peak hour

- Dont just come in, stand at the magazine rack and read a whole magazine, then leave without buying anything.. you're a fkn hobo..

I think I'll stop ranting now..


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Once you've paid for your drink, that's what I'm going to make. If you don't want coconut milk, or you want it on soy, for god's sake TELL ME AT REGISTER. Don't let me make the whole drink THEN decide you want to change it.

Also, don't ask me to top up your drink. You're paying for 650mls, and the cup is about 710mls. There is going to be a gap at the top *shock*.
And when your drink overflows because you made me fill it up too much, don't ask for a new lid. Get the fuck out of my store.


Oct 12, 2004
scarybunny said:
You're paying for 650mls, and the cup is about 710mls.
But how do we know how many mls we're paying for and how big the cup is..? Some noob at NZ Natural made me a drink.. took like 15mins =.= But he didnt put enough stuff in and there was around an inch missing.. felt kinda rorted..

But yeah..

For the customers.. PLEASE TAKE A SHOWER..
Although I know I work in boganville, ffs at least dont make me hold my breath when I serve you.. I dont want to inhale the stench of old urine..


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
CieL said:
But how do we know how many mls we're paying for and how big the cup is..? Some noob at NZ Natural made me a drink.. took like 15mins =.= But he didnt put enough stuff in and there was around an inch missing.. felt kinda rorted...
If the drink is too low then I will top it up, simple as that. I know what is too low and I'm willing to fix it. But it shits me terribly when they think I'm trying to rip them off by giving them a drink that isn't spilling all over their suit.

What I'm saying is that I know exactly what I'm doing and the customers should stop trying to tell me how to do my job.

And I hate that they value that 1cm of smoothie so much. Cheap people annoy me.


so hot right now...
Dec 16, 2005
When you ask me for help in a department I know nothing about, and I tell you that I will page the manager, do not come up to me after 2 minutes of waiting and sarcastically say, "thanks so much for calling the manager" if they haven't arrived yet. Managers do not materialise out of thin air. You have to wait for them!! Especially if we only have two managers in the store because it's a public holiday!


Oct 12, 2004
kate_is_me said:
When you ask me for help in a department I know nothing about, and I tell you that I will page the manager, do not come up to me after 2 minutes of waiting and sarcastically say, "thanks so much for calling the manager" if they haven't arrived yet. Managers do not materialise out of thin air. You have to wait for them!! Especially if we only have two managers in the store because it's a public holiday!
omg agreed..
There was this truckie guy who was unloading all the stock into the dock... and the carpark is next to the dock... and he sees me get out of my car n everything before I start my shift... then when I'm 2mins into my shift, I see him again, and he's like... "Can you call your manager?", and since I just started I have no idea what's going on or who he is really.. then after I get on the PA to call the manager, he complains that that was what someone did 10mins ago.. like how the fuck should I know what happened 10mins ago? Then he went off his nut, changing his mind between walking in and out of the store.. complaining about how long it's taking n stuff.. I mean, fuck dude.. it's not my fault.. and we only have one manager which would be of assistance to you.. doubt he'd drop everything asap for you..

But yeah..

I had this girl come in the other day... and she asked for a pack of cigs worth $9.95.. and she says to me, "I just want to get rid of some 5c coins"
So I think, alrightttt... 30-40 pieces wont hurt, since we have to buy change anyway... and she started counting, and lots after lots of 5c pieces came... turns out she wants to pay the whole $10 by 5c pieces... took me a SHITLOAD of time in peak hour, I counted 220 coins to be exact... and then 5mins later I tell my supervisor and he said he remembered that he learnt it was illegal to use 5c pieces over the value of $2... is this true????? I so wanted to kill him cos he told me after it happened..


London Calling
Dec 25, 2003
yeah, there is some technicality there. I remember learning it in Yr 9 commerce but I mentioned it at work the other day after some moron decided to pay his entire grocery bill in coins ( granted, they were in packets/bundles but it pissed me off having to count to check).

I mentioned it in the lunchroom and everyone kidna shot me down saying u have to accept it :mad:


Oct 12, 2004
haha I actually bothered to google up..

According to the Reserve Bank Act 1959, Australian notes are legal tender. According to the Currency Act 1965, coins are legal tender for payment of amounts which are limited as follows:

* not exceeding 20c if 1c and/or 2c coins are offered (however, it should be noted that these coins have been withdrawn from circulation but are still legal tender);
* not exceeding $5 if any of 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c coins are offered;
* not exceeding 10 times the face value if coins in the range 50c to $10 inclusive are offered; and
* to any value if coins of value greater than $10 are offered.

These general comments are offered only as a guide and should not be taken as legal advice. If further clarification is required, you should obtain legal advice.

From http://www.rba.gov.au/CurrencyNotes/LegalFramework/legal_tender.html


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
CieL said:
haha I actually bothered to google up..

According to the Reserve Bank Act 1959, Australian notes are legal tender. According to the Currency Act 1965, coins are legal tender for payment of amounts which are limited as follows:

* not exceeding 20c if 1c and/or 2c coins are offered (however, it should be noted that these coins have been withdrawn from circulation but are still legal tender);
* not exceeding $5 if any of 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c coins are offered;
* not exceeding 10 times the face value if coins in the range 50c to $10 inclusive are offered; and
* to any value if coins of value greater than $10 are offered.

These general comments are offered only as a guide and should not be taken as legal advice. If further clarification is required, you should obtain legal advice.

From http://www.rba.gov.au/CurrencyNotes/LegalFramework/legal_tender.html
yeah, i've posted something similar before, it;s not illegal to accept them, but ur not obliged to


Jan 12, 2006
Don't grab your product/s the moment I have scanned them and you have signed the credit card slip. I am not finished with them and they WILL beep because you havn't given me time to take the security tags off eight items.


Oct 12, 2004
-Mooooove fasterrrrrrrrr

There are some customers which seem like they're moving in slow motion.... there'd be a queue of about 7 people behind them, and still they take a whole two minutes to get their purse out, then another minute to get a stubborn card out... then they take 30secs instead of 5secs to punch in their PIN... Like wtf is wrong with you? Stuck in some time warp? I dont have all day for you, especially when you're only buying $3 worth of stuff.. by the time you've done all that I could of made $100 off another customer..

- Change in coins

Dont glare at me if I have to give you $7 in change in two and one dollar coins... esp when I apologise and let you know that the whole stupid store is out of $5 and $10 notes... like fuck you, as if I'd like to slow down my scan rate to pick up coins instead of grabbing a note


CieL said:
-Mooooove fasterrrrrrrrr

There are some customers which seem like they're moving in slow motion.... there'd be a queue of about 7 people behind them, and still they take a whole two minutes to get their purse out, then another minute to get a stubborn card out... then they take 30secs instead of 5secs to punch in their PIN... Like wtf is wrong with you? Stuck in some time warp? I dont have all day for you, especially when you're only buying $3 worth of stuff.. by the time you've done all that I could of made $100 off another customer..

- Change in coins

Dont glare at me if I have to give you $7 in change in two and one dollar coins... esp when I apologise and let you know that the whole stupid store is out of $5 and $10 notes... like fuck you, as if I'd like to slow down my scan rate to pick up coins instead of grabbing a note
Wow you really hate customers lol


Oct 18, 2006
Melbourne, Victoria
Back from my days as a courier.

Dont book in 2 boxes to be picked up and change it to 5 when I get there, makes you look like a cheap asshat.
Dont call the boss and insist im on drugs after being told after 2 calls im not, really not the way to get friendly with your delivery man.
Please gives us correct addresses, print clearly if you are writing. I dont want to go to lets say Eltham only to find I have to go to Dandenong.

This one is more for people on the road:
Learn to drive or get the f**k off the road. Most problems are caused by cyclists and rich people in their super luxory cars.


Oct 12, 2004
pLuvia said:
Wow you really hate customers lol
I dont hate them...

Majority of the people are the sweetest people... it's just that I work in Boganville and you do get some retards around there...

It was like last night, our store closes at 10pm.. and at 9:59pm, there was one asian man who was the last person in the store.. so my supervisor gets on the PA and announces that the store's closing/now closed, so please make your way to the registers, bla bla blah..

So I serve the man, bleep all his stuff thru... then ask him for FlyBuys... and he was looking around in his wallet, shaking his head from side to side, so I take it that he doesn't have FlyBuys... then he immediately gives me a $20 note... I hit the buttons to give him change, and I already had $1.20 worth of change in my hand... and THEN he gives me his FlyBuys AND a Coles Staff Discount Card... and I'm like, "ummmm I think it's too late..." and gives him his change as I wanted to close off already... he looks at his change and goes...

Him: I have the card!
Me: It's too late, I've put your purchases through the system already... I've even got your change out before you presented your cards
Him: *imagine a short asian baldy of around 50yrs old* C'MON MAN!

Then my supervisor butt in to resolve the issue [ie. it's the asian man's responsibility to present his cards, discount card in particular, before he gives his money] cos he wanted to get out asap too.. then the asian man started yelling and finally got escorted out by the security guard lololool returd...

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