Damns. I always end up in the most nerdiest discussions (LOL)
katie_tully said:
lol @ painkillers.
a. who wants to be dependent on painkillers for the rest of their natural life?
b. painkillers become irrelevant past a certain stage. most common example is morphine. the body develops a tolerance to morphine. as a tolerance develops, the dosage increases until the maximum dosage is reached. plus the side effects of painkillers are usually just as bad as the pain theyre meant to keep at bay.
a) Natural life = Not natural if you kill yourself
A lot of people are dependant on painkillers. Sometimes, it's the only reason they're not commiting suicide.
b) But the fact is, painkillers work. And there are different types these days. Not only morphine. I do agree though, sometimes painkillers are a pain themselves. But isn't it worth the risk? Rather then killing yourself, you could live a while longer with a little pain. You won't kill yourself just because you're having a baby now would you? I heard thats tremendous pain.
katie_tully said:
If I were in a constant state of pain, or had a degenerative neural disease I would hope my family would be understanding enough to let me die with dignity
That's not dignity at all though. There is a difference between what is right, and what is easy. As stated by Dumbledore.
katie_tully said:
And that is what it comes down to. Quality of life.
lol @ momentary second of relief. it's permanent??.
Yes indeed lol. I meant a moment of pain, and then so-called 'relief' ( which no-one can accept because no-one knows ). Hehe.
katie_tully said:
Such a nice, benevolent god. Allowing people to live in chronic pain.
I'm atheist. Yes
IF no-one suffered. There would be no doctors. There would be no distinction between the old, weak, the frail and the strong. Everyone would be the same.
From a scientific point of view (and I notice you are doing science

) Natural selection is essential for life.
If everyone remained strong there would be no need for you to do medical science.

Perhaps god is right then