ReaveR said:
Damn, I swear Blazey had said its contracts onwards only..
Correct: Blazey said that it's only the content from after the midsemester. Thus, it's Contracts, Agency & Partnership
In the last lecture she said there will be 5 short Questions, taken from the front of the chapters. There's at least one (maybe two) on Agency, there. These questions are the "by the end of this chapter you should be able to..." questions.
From there, there are two contracts problems. Tyou've gotta do the whole State the Parties, State the Legal Problem, State the Facts, Apply the Law routine to both of these. Both of these, I believe, are on contracts.
Finally, you write an essay abuot partnership. I asked her wht strucutre she wanted for that, she said that we can waffle a bit... So it'll be something to do with partnership, and we can drag whatever we like (from Partnership or related) into it.
Should be pretty easy, in my opinion, in the end. Just make a nice little cheat sheet, remember to refer to the law. Dont' need to cite years, just cases, and appropriate statute. Generallyl, the statute I think we'll need to know is the Trade Practices Act, Fair Trading Acts, Sale of Goods Act, MAYBE the Electronic Transactions Act. The Statute of Limitations might be good to remember for the contracts problems... the agency acts, if there're any (still gotta do revision for that), aswell as partnership-related ones. I'm putting a list of these at the heading for each section, so they're readily findable on my little sheet thing.
...hope that helps...