Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase (2 Viewers)


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
minushuman said:
Because I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius. Truly must suck to be someone who values their UAI as much as you do.

I'm not saying there is a deeper meaning in the course, i'm saying the course structure, syllabus and marking history should not have such a large impact on your work that it becomes the only thing you are striving to satisfy.
Hah, you've obviously missed the point of the HSC. You jump through hoops in order to get the highest marks you can. You weren't trying to satisfy the syllabus throughout your EE2 year? Hrmm.. that could in fact be why you have little to no hope of getting in the showcase.


Jun 19, 2004
kami said:
The Showcase is a collection of works that the Board of Studies feel is representative of an ideal candidate - nothing more and nothing less. It is an honour to be accepted and so it should be; would it not please any of you that someone valued your work for whatever reason? However we shouldn't think any less of ourselves and our works for not making it into the Showcase collection as it is merely the Board's opinion and no composition is universally valued, we all know that everyone's tastes are different and that we aren't accountable for that.

We should also be aware that marks and UAI contribution are not the sole defining factor in the HSC, for as mentioned there are a myriad of tastes and not all will suit the Board of Studies marker who will examine our work, and not every student does the HSC for the sake of UAI either - the HSC leads to many other places too. Furthermore there should not be a disparagement of works that are granted entry to Showcase for the sole reason that you feel a distaste for the Showcase concept; that is a childish bias and we can all be better than that.

Finally, for the sake of the moderators who work very hard for this forum, I ask that this sort of argument please end here.
i think you should cease posting essays. no one cares. move on.


New Member
Dec 5, 2005
minushuman said:
Because I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius. Truly must suck to be someone who values their UAI as much as you do.

I'm not saying there is a deeper meaning in the course, i'm saying the course structure, syllabus and marking history should not have such a large impact on your work that it becomes the only thing you are striving to satisfy.

You are such a loser!!! Well F you. And go and live in ur state of delusion. I think the BOS Showcase is excellent. I think it tries to be as appealing, entertaining and thoughtful as possible - though some works may be overseen. Well maybe you - the person im responding to - your work is crap, and no one but u can read or fathom it. And what u think that makes u a genius, no it makes u a sh*t pretensious artist. in fact, i wouldn't even call u an artist. "oh my god im so talented that no one understands me" -omg grow up u loser.


Chuck lives here
Jun 17, 2004
i am inclined to defend Kami's response, though there is probably a middle-ground in this argument. The BOS showcase is derived from what is considered the most compelling and/or intriguing works of the candidature, and those deserving of a high mark and in turn a favourable contribution to the HSC, though the nature of the EE2 course as one of the most flexible courses allows it an element of mutability in that it can be fashioned into any kind of intellectual experience you would want it to be. You could compose something that you feel would appease the marking criteria of the course, or take an integrated approach in investigating something that interests you, while staying within the guidelines of the course. I respect the choices of the BOS markers, and had i been shortlisted for the showcase, i would've felt relieved that my work was well received, and might contribute to a high mark in the subject. Everyone's creative process if different, and may or may not be a reflection of someone's intellectualism, talent or character, what can be admired is what is produced at the end of it all, and surely to experience another's work is a challenging and enriching experience


kami said:
Finally, for the sake of the moderators who work very hard for this forum, I ask that this sort of argument please end here.
As above. Please grow up, people. I value discussion, but if it becomes agressive I will have to begin deleting posts and/or closing threads.

rosepetal25 said:
i think you should cease posting essays. no one cares. move on.
I think you should cease being so arrogant and rude. I don't mind the sharing of ideas, but rudeness is completely uncalled for.

broken_jukebox said:
ou are such a loser!!! Well F you. And go and live in ur state of delusion. I think the BOS Showcase is excellent. I think it tries to be as appealing, entertaining and thoughtful as possible - though some works may be overseen. Well maybe you - the person im responding to - your work is crap, and no one but u can read or fathom it. And what u think that makes u a genius, no it makes u a sh*t pretensious artist. in fact, i wouldn't even call u an artist. "oh my god im so talented that no one understands me" -omg grow up u loser.
I think you missed the sarcasm in the original post. Rather than talking himself up, he was bashing those who define themselves based on a number awarded to them by UAC.


New Member
Sep 29, 2005
Okay so i've missed this whole convo, just skipped straight to the end and don't really know what everyone's talking about, but thought this was the right thread to go to to ask when we find out if we've been shortlisted for showcase? (Hopefully this isn't the part where somebody cuts in and says "ah hate to break it to you but notifications were released days/weeks/months ago..." which would totally break my heart as im still a little bit hopeful...) i should probably read the thread as this has probably already been covered but... im too lazy and why should i have to use my brain to that extent now that the HSC is over and im FREE? So yeah, someone let me know, (or atleast break it to me kindly if they've already been notified) and ill just be going back to the beach ASAP. cheers! :)


Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman
Aug 8, 2003
In here !
minushuman said:
Because I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius.
Anyone got a pin? I wanna pop the balloon.
Apr 3, 2004

Can I first ask that petty bickering stop, right now. I know you're all passionate artistic people, but there is NO need to resort to profanity or petty name-calling to get your point across. Save your angstiness for your writing.

Justin's covered the administrative stuff, so I'm ready for the rock and roll part now.

rosepetal25 said:
why the hell would u do the damn hsc if not to receive a high UAI?
Err, I kinda wanted to get the HSC over as fast as possible. I wanted the UAI that would let me get into my university course, or to put me into a position where I could transfer into my desired university course (and with all the back-door transfers these days, you just need A uai. It doesn't need to be in the 90s or 80s or even 70s). Yes I wanted to get a "nice" uai (to satisfy my ego and drive for success, if nothing else) but I wasn't going to sacrifice my life in order to get it. I had fun in my HSC year, and I wouldn't have done it any differently.

minushuman said:
I'm not saying there is a deeper meaning in the course, i'm saying the course structure, syllabus and marking history should not have such a large impact on your work that it becomes the only thing you are striving to satisfy.
I totally agree! There were a couple of girls in my grade who lived and breathed their HSC. Even without putting it at the top of their priority list, some really felt the effects anyway - one had a nervous breakdown (had to defer from Uni, don't know if she can go back), and one will have no people skills --> won't do well at work. Balancing "work" (whether the HSC, Uni, or otherwise) and "play" is incredibly important.

I've said this before - the patterns you get yourselves into now will likely be the ones you follow FOR A LONG TIME. Particularly through Uni, very possibly through your working years. Work yourselves to death, and you'll be successful for sure - you'll also find it difficult to rest, and your social life (particularly spouses and immediate friends/family) will very likely suffer.

There's no point in working yourself to death when you look at it in the long-term. Work hard, but work well - give yourself room to breathe, and always look at things in perspective.

666_blessings said:
While you keep making comments like that, I'd say your ego is in no need of further inflation at all.
Honey, I don't see it as ego. In his shoes, I may not have used the exact words, but I would have DEFINATELY said the same thing. I'm a huge advocate of balance, and have publicly been so for a long time now.

rosepetal25 said:
righht ok...funny thing is you dont sound like a genius...i'd classify you as something along the lines of arrogant prick.
Continue like this, and you'll be speaking for yourself.

nwatts said:
Hah, you've obviously missed the point of the HSC. You jump through hoops in order to get the highest marks you can. You weren't trying to satisfy the syllabus throughout your EE2 year? Hrmm.. that could in fact be why you have little to no hope of getting in the showcase.
NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Admittedly I've worked a few hours overtime here and there, but I've never pushed myself past the brink of insanity in order to get "the highest marks I could" if it just wasn't worth it. I got good marks - that's what I wanted. I AIMED FOR WHAT I WANTED.

Maybe I could have got a much higher UAI if 'd worked my butt off in 2004. Of course, I could also be insane by now if I'd had to give up my dance training and "me" time, which was the main source of not working like an energizer bunny. I've said it before. The patterns you get into now will affect you for a long, long time. I kept up my extra-curricular activity during the HSC, as a result of that I've been able to fulfil my dreams and get some professional work, as well as performing in places (like Singapore) I never even dreamed I would. I've also learnt that "Me Time" is so imporant - it calms me down and stops me from hitting burnout.

There's nothing in this world worse than burnout. Think you can keep up a breakneck pace for the rest of your life? Think again. Go at a pace you can maintain (this is so much like dieting) for the rest of your life. If you spend all your energy during your HSC year, you won't have anything left for post-HSC. There's no point in almost killing yourself to get into something like Law or Medicine, only to find once you're there that you're not capable of keeping up with the workload anyway.

If you want to spend the rest of your life with 90% of your time devoted to work, then fine. But the rest of us don't, and I take it as a personal insult when you imply that "it's the thing to do".

"You weren't trying to satisfy the syllabus throughout your EE2 year? Hrmm.. that could in fact be why you have little to no hope of getting in the showcase."

I think the syllabus is stupid sometimes. I would certainly satisfy it (if only marginally), but other than that, I'll do what I like. Pretty much anything can be twisted to satisfy the syllabus, and if someone says that postmodernism is the only thing that's accepted, I'll kill you. One of my friends directly bashed postmodernism in his RS and he still did really well. Not a top band, because the board is subjective, but still really well. And I RESPECT him so much, because he refused to sacrifice his integrity to make a bunch of people happy.

And about the showcase - I don't frickin' care about getting into the Showcase. One of my friends did, and I'm so proud of her. But remember - not everyone thinks the Showcase is "the Ultimate Definer of Good Creative Writing Pieces". It's only one judge. There are millions of others out there, including me. Sure, it's nice to get into, and to get recognition from one source about the quality of your work, but it's not the be-all end-all. If you want to write for marks (and risk regretting it later), fine. If you want to write true to yourself and your style, fine. I respect that.

broken_jukebox said:
You are such a loser!!! Well F you. And go and live in ur state of delusion. I think the BOS Showcase is excellent. I think it tries to be as appealing, entertaining and thoughtful as possible - though some works may be overseen. Well maybe you - the person im responding to - your work is crap, and no one but u can read or fathom it. And what u think that makes u a genius, no it makes u a sh*t pretensious artist. in fact, i wouldn't even call u an artist. "oh my god im so talented that no one understands me" -omg grow up u loser.
--proved that showcase-bashing did occur--

The Showcase, and the board the governs what goes into it, is subjective. The creative writing industry is subjective. Heck, the entire artistic industry is subjective. We all know that. It's just as risky to bash someone else's work, as it is to praise someone else's.

Oh, and can we not use so much profanity?

Zahid and 666_blessings, all this balloon-popping stuff really isn't neccessary. Note the use of sarcasm, read his post again and take in his point. It's worth reading, I assure you.

EDIT: Apologies for not responding sooner (perhaps if I had, my response wouldn't have been as aggressive) but several of the ipr members - including Justin and I - went away for a week. Thanks to kami and blackman for keeping their heads cool :) The reason for my general outburst is that I am SO against "working for marks" - I've seen so many people break under this "self-imposed" pressure.

I have nothing against people working towards goals - if you intend on working like mad for the rest of your life, then fine. But otherwise I strongly suggest you instil a work ethic that is effective, reasonable and SUSTAINABLE, taking into account YOUR "life" (whether this be recreational time, social time, outside-of-school work etc).
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Aug 20, 2004
is the basic thing from this that noone from 2005 has been nominated for the shortlist yet??

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
cherryblossom said:
the letters get sent out to each student personally? when?
could someone answer my question it would be wonderful and I would be happy and maybe act eccentric for a while


Dear children,

Although this is a bit after the fact I will but in my personal thoughts in order to break up your childish and arrogant fight with each other. Please enjoy.

minushuman said:
Eh, I think the Showcase is bullshit. They should rename it as follows -
"Cliched Post-Modernism: A Showcase of Young Writers who change font-size and typeface, as well as those who use onomatopoeia and just generally make grabs at easy marks under the guise of 'originality' through the exploration of death/religion/greek-myth/war".

I think it would be truly insulting to recieve such an offer as it's a clear indicator that your work is utterly conformist in it's strive to be non-conformist.
This is a fairly common view of the HSC, however it is also very offensive to those who genuinely work hard and get in. I know for a fact that at least one person who made it into the 2004 Showcase is not someone who writes conformist rubbish for the sake of it. In fact, this is one person who I cannot see conforming to anything unless she had a genuine interest in or a genuine belief in it. You insult not only those who achieve something, but you also insult a close friend of mine who you, with a comment that you have nothing to back it up with. You have no information on whether or not these texts were genuine, and you assume they're not because they happen to be what the trend for the Showcase is, and they are approved of by the markers.

rosepetal25 said: sound like a jealous dickhead. the thing we are striving for is a uai that will get us into our uni courses, nothing more nothing less and deep down inside we all know and acknowledge that.
rosepetal25 said:
well i am sorry mr 'i am searching for deeper meaning in a BOARD developed course' that i did not experience the enlightenment and inner peace which you display. maybe you are the one who is fucked up...why the hell would u do the damn hsc if not to receive a high UAI?
nwatts said:
Hah, you've obviously missed the point of the HSC. You jump through hoops in order to get the highest marks you can. You weren't trying to satisfy the syllabus throughout your EE2 year? Hrmm.. that could in fact be why you have little to no hope of getting in the showcase.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Ok perhaps not that wrong, but getting there. I agree that the comments were unwarranted and appeared resentful, but I do not think that the only reason we should do a course is to use it as a tool for a high UAI. If that was the only reason, everyone would be doing Extension 2 Mathematics, Physics, Extension languages, etc. Courses are often done for enjoyment, especially since two years is a damn long time to do a course you hate for the sake of a number at the end.

The course may not have a deeper meaning, but it's definitely not just a tool for a UAI. It is something that people enjoy. It is a challenge. It is something they do because parents make them. I don't know what it is to some people, but for many it's not just a damn tool.

Also, not everyone does their HSC for a UAI. My mate did it because he needed it as a qualification so he could get his apprenticeship. He referred to it as a "time killer". You may have done your HSC thinking the entire time that the only reason you were there is for a UAI. But to have your life defined by a number and how to achieve it is pretty sad.

And now we get to the fun stuff...

minushuman said:
Because I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius. Truly must suck to be someone who values their UAI as much as you do.

I'm not saying there is a deeper meaning in the course, i'm saying the course structure, syllabus and marking history should not have such a large impact on your work that it becomes the only thing you are striving to satisfy.
This comment seems to have sparked a bit of anger, and I fail to see why. But before I launch into the ultimate HSC insult (because I am disappointed in a few of you... I thought you were better than you've shown in this thread) of analysing the post in terms of intention, context, themes, techniques and examples (Advanced English style), I will just re-post some of the more idiotic and poorly thought out responses (which is most of them, really).

666_blessings said:
While you keep making comments like that, I'd say your ego is in no need of further inflation at all.
As above. I'm disappointed that you can't see the sarcasm there.

rosepetal25 said:
righht ok...funny thing is you dont sound like a genius...i'd classify you as something along the lines of arrogant prick.
I would have thought that such "sophisticated" Extension 2 students would have be able to recognise sarcasm when it's staring them in the face, especially when their works are (supposedly) full of social commentary and satire.

brokenjukebox said:
You are such a loser!!! Well F you. And go and live in ur state of delusion. I think the BOS Showcase is excellent. I think it tries to be as appealing, entertaining and thoughtful as possible - though some works may be overseen. Well maybe you - the person im responding to - your work is crap, and no one but u can read or fathom it. And what u think that makes u a genius, no it makes u a sh*t pretensious artist. in fact, i wouldn't even call u an artist. "oh my god im so talented that no one understands me" -omg grow up u loser.
It's all very well to be annoyed at someone who disparages others without any real reason, but this sort of behaviour is just as bad, if not worse. You go on about how he shouldn't put the Showcase down, and then suddenly you're on the offensive, telling him that his Major Work is probably crap. Not clever.

Anyways, back to the extremely offensive post.

minushuman said:
Because I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius. Truly must suck to be someone who values their UAI as much as you do.

I'm not saying there is a deeper meaning in the course, i'm saying the course structure, syllabus and marking history should not have such a large impact on your work that it becomes the only thing you are striving to satisfy.
Question: Different comments can be interpreted in different ways by different people, especially when presented in print. Discuss with reference to the above quote, and explain why sometimes people aren't as intelligent as they think they are.

The Internet is a tool for the communication of different thoughts and opinions, and due to its size it is home to a large number of people and opinions. These opinions are presented in many different forms, including in text - such as on a discussion forum or web page -, in an image, animation, video or sound clip. Each form has its own strengths and weaknesses when communicating ideas, however it is text that presents some of the more common drawbacks. These drawbacks can be addressed with reference to minushuman's post about the value of a UAI, as well as the sense of superiority that other readers may feel towards this particular individual.

Minushuman's post caused a great stir in the Bored of Studies student community in the "Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase" thread, with statements that he is "a loser" and "something along the lines of arrogant prick", however it can be confirmed that these comments are ill informed, especially when considering the strong use of irony and sarcasm. The irony and sarcasm in the thread can be seen when minushuman states that "I don't need a high UAI to make me feel adequate about my own genius". It is ironic in the sense that those with a lower UAI are certainly not in a position to call themselves geniuses, and sarcastic when considered in the context of the entire post and rest of the thread. Not only does the composer's comment imply contempt for those who define themselves by their UAI, it also suggests that there is more to the value of an individual than a number.

The context of the post comes in the midst of a discussion on "jumping through hoops" in order to receive high marks, with minushuman placing more value on completing one's own work in a way that they enjoy, rather than attempting to please the marker. When the post is taken out of context, it can easily been seen as a sign of arrogance, and this surely appears to be the case with the comments that followed it. The overwhelming negative response to this post suggests that most of the people who replied to it - those who often appear to think themselves highly sophisticated and intelligent - have taken the post out of context to serve their own purposes. As this is the case, it can be suggested that many Extension 2 students appear to have become more full of themselves than they should be, and have previously displayed, causing serious disappointment in those who may have thought them better than that.

The Internet is a tool for communication, however when ideas are presented in text they can often be misinterpreted when techniques such as irony and sarcasm, as well as the context in which a message has been posted are not taken into account. Negative responses to comments that do not deserve them suggest many responders believe themselves superior to the original composer, and that they are more intelligent than they perhaps are. This is ironic in itself, considering the overwhelming presence of satire and social comments in their own works, and should serve as a warning to those who think that their opinions are more important than those of others.

I think I'll wrap it up there. I strongly suggest that people think carefully before getting rude and offensive, and making themselves look like fools. This applies to everyone, including minushuman who, through the way some of his posts were worded, perhaps deserved to be pulled up slightly for his conduct.

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super katie

Dec 29, 2003
The second star to the right
Hey gibbo987 even if you dont get into the showcase, it would probably be beneficial to future students if you posted your mw for them to see what the standard is for nominations. If you've already posted it then disregard what i've said :D

super katie

Dec 29, 2003
The second star to the right
If you've been shortlisted, enough people at the board will have seen your work to ensure that the chances of someone in future years plagiarising and getting away with it are very slim. But yeah its your decision :)


New Member
Sep 8, 2005
hey gibbo987, i would love to read your major work because ive been short listed for critical response as well (3rd in the state!!! not to boast or . i know what you mean about the plaigerism thing tho, so if you could pm it or email it to me that would be great :)
Congrats on being shortlisted!!


Dec 27, 2004
blissness said:
hey gibbo987, i would love to read your major work because ive been short listed for critical response as well (3rd in the state!!! not to boast or . i know what you mean about the plaigerism thing tho, so if you could pm it or email it to me that would be great :)
Congrats on being shortlisted!!
hi blissness - i tried to contact you via email and PM but apparently you dont wish to receive either! oh welll... im a 2006 crit responder and i am so interested to read the critical response that earned a 3rd in the state!!! so could i please read it?


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
jhakka said:
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Ok perhaps not that wrong, but getting there. I agree that the comments were unwarranted and appeared resentful, but I do not think that the only reason we should do a course is to use it as a tool for a high UAI. If that was the only reason, everyone would be doing Extension 2 Mathematics, Physics, Extension languages, etc. Courses are often done for enjoyment, especially since two years is a damn long time to do a course you hate for the sake of a number at the end.

The course may not have a deeper meaning, but it's definitely not just a tool for a UAI. It is something that people enjoy. It is a challenge. It is something they do because parents make them. I don't know what it is to some people, but for many it's not just a damn tool.

Also, not everyone does their HSC for a UAI. My mate did it because he needed it as a qualification so he could get his apprenticeship. He referred to it as a "time killer". You may have done your HSC thinking the entire time that the only reason you were there is for a UAI. But to have your life defined by a number and how to achieve it is pretty sad.
I disagree. Not every student is capable of MX2, sciences, language extensions, etc.. Their talents lie in arts based courses like english, history, society & culture etc.. In this case, courses like EE2 are used the way most people use MX2 - to ensure high scaling and a high UAI. It's a very well known fact that those who perform exceptionally will do EE1/EE2 to "get rid" of their advanced mark because of its relative poor scaling. In this situation, these two courses are used as tools to get a high UAI.

If people enjoy a course, that's brilliant for them. And I do hope that people who choose courses in yr11 pick ones they enjoy and have strengths in. However to perform exceptionally there are certain holes you need to jump through. I've read the past two years' BOS Showcases, and most of the bored showcase, and the vast majority of pieces which perform exceptionally are post-modernist short stories. If you're looking at EE2 in order to get a very good mark, you're inclined to write in this style, because it's what markers want. This favouring of style happens in every subject. I don't understand why many deny it in EE2, under the banner that "it doesn't matter" because this is a course to "enjoy" and be "challenged" by.

The focus of the HSC, and for many the entire point, is to get a good enough UAI to get into a uni course they want to do. Ie, endure the shit to get to what you truly enjoy. By this, all courses are used as tools, which combined serve to present a UAI. EE2 may not be always used as a tool to get a high UAI - but it is used as a tool to get a UAI. And because most people aim highly, the course (because of its nature and because of its scaling) quickly turns into a tool used to get a high UAI. As I said earlier, you may enjoy the course, and you should have picked the course because you have a particular writing passion, but in the end you're doing the HSC - and the point of what you're doing is to get into university (if that's your aim).

ALSO, the majority of EE2 students are very intelligent. They will realise the obvious benefits of doing the course and performing well, and will shoot to score high marks according to natural BOS favourites.


I never said the point wasn't to score high marks. I said it wasn't purely a tool for a high UAI, which is what the likes of rosepetal25 has been yammering on about. Yes, I know you have to be smart in your choices if you want a good UAI, and I know that you need to play your strengths. However I do not see that the main point should be the scaling. I could have done 3 and 4 unit maths and probably have perfermed reasonably well, but I didn't because at that point in time I didn't enjoy maths. I later regretted the choice, but that doesn't matter. I was good at Ancient History, but I hated it. So in the end my marks dropped because I put less and less work in.

It's all well and good to do high scaling subjects that are the same as your strengths, but unless you're really, really stubborn, you'll want to enjoy it if you want to perform well consistently over two years.


New Member
Sep 8, 2005
hey porcia, sorry about the no pm/email thing - i'll have to fix that up. anyway, i've decided to post my major work so let me know what you think!!

apparently my major work file is too big to post, so im just putting the reflection statement up for now but i can email you my major work if you're that interested!!

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