Should I do Ext 2? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 14, 2023
I'm in Year 11 right now, and it's like Term 1 so I feel like if I really really wanted to I could definitely get in. I'm doing Ext 1, and for the first test I got a high B - but it is just the first test so I don't really know. I genuinely like math, I think it is an interesting subject when I can understand it (which I do for the most part). I also do like a good 4 hours of math tutoring every week, but I have a bad habit of falling behind on school homework which is bad since the school homework is starting to get harder. I also feel like my algebra isn't like completely solid and there are holes in my foundation, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to get in, including myself since I have worked so hard for this.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
I'm in Year 11 right now, and it's like Term 1 so I feel like if I really really wanted to I could definitely get in. I'm doing Ext 2, and for the first test I got a high B - but it is just the first test so I don't really know. I genuinely like math, I think it is an interesting subject when I can understand it (which I do for the most part). I also do like a good 4 hours of math tutoring every week, but I have a bad habit of falling behind on school homework which is bad since the school homework is starting to get harder. I also feel like my algebra isn't like completely solid and there are holes in my foundation, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to get in, including myself since I have worked so hard for this.
I don't know the reqs your school has to do 4u, but I think you should at least try to get in. I did 4u in year 12 and found it to be a very rewarding subject, and the scaling isn't to bad either. It is a good thing that have a genuine interest.

Some people will choose to do 4u just for the scaling and won't care to much about their marks or how they go because they think scaling will take care of itself.

Eagle Mum

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Since you enjoy maths and are doing reasonably well, it’s worth the try. Do close any gaps you have though. Are you providing or receiving the 4 hours of maths tuition? If the latter, then you should have ample opportunity to ask your tutor to clear up any questions you have.

Maths Extn 2 scaling is generally favourable. My eldest probably only mastered three quarters of the curriculum and she still got E4 (highest band), whereas my son knew all of the curriculum, but thought the last question on the paper was harder than it actually was, so didn’t provide a complete answer within the exam time and only scored eight marks more than she did. MEx2 scales relatively well for the median student and compresses at the top.
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Dec 15, 2010
If you like maths, you should definitely go for it! It's a fun subject, but will definitely take some hard work. What I've heard from students is that the jump from Extension 1 to Extension 2 is bigger than the jump from from Advanced to Extension 1, so make sure you're aware of this.

Since you're in Year 11, you have some time to work on your foundations, so I would encourage you to try to identify the areas where you are relatively weak and finding exercises to do (Note: I really like Chapter 1 of the Cambridge 3U textbook for practicing algebra)


New Member
May 7, 2022
Yes definitely give it a go. Imo as long as you stay very organised and on top of things, it’s a very manageable subject and the difficulty isn’t as bad as it seems.

That being said, make sure you still have 11+ units when you take it, and sit any advanced tests so that it’s not a hassle if you end up dropping.

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
I'm in Year 11 right now, and it's like Term 1 so I feel like if I really really wanted to I could definitely get in. I'm doing Ext 2, and for the first test I got a high B - but it is just the first test so I don't really know. I genuinely like math, I think it is an interesting subject when I can understand it (which I do for the most part). I also do like a good 4 hours of math tutoring every week, but I have a bad habit of falling behind on school homework which is bad since the school homework is starting to get harder. I also feel like my algebra isn't like completely solid and there are holes in my foundation, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to get in, including myself since I have worked so hard for this.
wait so you're in yr 11 and doing x2?


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
Highly suggest you do it if you would undertake a degree requiring an introductory maths course. Even if not, 4U pays dividends to your ATAR and is one of those very few subjects that will reward you for every effort you make, very hard not to land a solid ATAR with this subject by itself given you put in the bare minimum.

Assuming you are determined and are ambitious from your post, 4U would be a banger option. Don't worry about the difficulty curve, don't be intimidated by ppl tryna act like 4U will break you, just take a stab at it.

If you are committed in your studies and put in a decent amount of effort, you'll do great. This is from personal experience because students in my 4U class who studied it, despite being below mediocre (in my eyes), did relatively better than expected with their ATAR and IMO it helped their ATAR tenfold.

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
Highly suggest you do it if you would undertake a degree requiring an introductory maths course. Even if not, 4U pays dividends to your ATAR and is one of those very few subjects that will reward you for every effort you make, very hard not to land a solid ATAR with this subject by itself given you put in the bare minimum.

Assuming you are determined and are ambitious from your post, 4U would be a banger option. Don't worry about the difficulty curve, don't be intimidated by ppl tryna act like 4U will break you, just take a stab at it.

If you are committed in your studies and put in a decent amount of effort, you'll do great. This is from personal experience because students in my 4U class who studied it, despite being below mediocre (in my eyes), did relatively better than expected with their ATAR and IMO it helped their ATAR tenfold.

Eagle Mum

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Never heard of mx2 accelerants before ? If you can do this, I would drop out of mx2 in year 11, sit maths advanced hsc and see how you go. If you get 99/98 then you can make a decision to keep that mark and not do mx2 or you can do mx2 in year 12.

Do you have other strong subjects or do you need 4 units of maths ? It will take 40-50% of your time, have to ask yourself do you love the subject and at what cost to other subjects like English.

if you are sitting advanced and mx1 this year and score say 147/150, would you really give that up to do mx2 or keep it and invest time in other subjects? If you score 49/50 in mx1 this year and decide to do mx2 in year 12?at least you have 98/100 already banked.

sorry for this confusing post
That was exactly my son’s position in Yr 11 as a MEx2 accelerated student. He had 147/150 by sitting Adv maths in Yr 9 and MEx1 in Yr 10. For his time line, it was worth while to sit MEx2 in Yr 11 as there really wasn’t much to lose, but when he didn’t achieve a state rank as he’d hoped, he subsequently considered re-taking MEx2 in Yr 12, especially as he had plenty of time on his hands since physics is easy for him, so he really only had six units to study, but then the question was did he want to gamble a pretty good MEx2 mark to go for a state rank?

After thinking about what he really wanted to do with his time, he ended up composing music (HSC and non HSC) instead and javelin practice so that will leave only pole vaulting for him to master to compete in decathlons (since he knew he’d be at ANU this year and could access the AIS facilities). He did help his Yr 12 year mates with MEx2 even though he didn’t retake the subject and so wasn’t in their class any more and is now tutoring students in this year’s MEx2 class.
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New Member
May 7, 2022
Never heard of mx2 accelerants before ? If you can do this, I would drop out of mx2 in year 11, sit maths advanced hsc and see how you go. If you get 99/98 then you can make a decision to keep that mark and not do mx2 or you can do mx2 in year 12.

Do you have other strong subjects or do you need 4 units of maths ? It will take 40-50% of your time, have to ask yourself do you love the subject and at what cost to other subjects like English.

if you are sitting advanced and mx1 this year and score say 147/150, would you really give that up to do mx2 or keep it and invest time in other subjects? If you score 49/50 in mx1 this year and decide to do mx2 in year 12?at least you have 98/100 already banked.

sorry for this confusing post
They did a typo they meant ext 1, I don’t think they’re accelerated


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
I'm in Year 11 right now, and it's like Term 1 so I feel like if I really really wanted to I could definitely get in. I'm doing Ext 1, and for the first test I got a high B - but it is just the first test so I don't really know. I genuinely like math, I think it is an interesting subject when I can understand it (which I do for the most part). I also do like a good 4 hours of math tutoring every week, but I have a bad habit of falling behind on school homework which is bad since the school homework is starting to get harder. I also feel like my algebra isn't like completely solid and there are holes in my foundation, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to get in, including myself since I have worked so hard for this.
Oh u wanna do ext 1? GO for it. If you dont like it you can drop down to advanced. The fact you "genuinely liked math" means that you're willing to put in the effort to learn it, don't worry about "Oh i have this bad habit" "Oh I do this wrong", you'll eventually find a way to improve on this issues as you progress. This is a no brainer, do MX1!!! You'll thank me later.

Eagle Mum

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Oh u wanna do ext 1? GO for it. If you dont like it you can drop down to advanced. The fact you "genuinely liked math" means that you're willing to put in the effort to learn it, don't worry about "Oh i have this bad habit" "Oh I do this wrong", you'll eventually find a way to improve on this issues as you progress. This is a no brainer, do MX1!!! You'll thank me later.
My interpretation of OP’s post & thread title is that she is currently doing extension 1 maths in Yr 11 and is seeking advice on whether she should try to get into her school’s future MEx2 class for Yr 12.

OP, most of the posts in this thread are encouraging you to do so, and as advised, so long as with MEx2, you have at least 11 units, you would have the option to drop down.

My now son-in-law was my daughter’s classmate - he took MEx2 with my daughter and only on the day of the HSC exam itself did he decide to do the Adv maths paper instead of the MEx2 paper. He could leave his decision to the last minute because there were only the two of them who finished the MEx2 course, so the teacher gave him assessment marks for adv maths, MEx1 and MEx2, but in order not to jeopardise the Adv maths class assessments too much, my daughter formally dropped advanced maths so that she wouldn’t receive an assessment as she was very sure she would sit the MEx2 paper. Edited to add: studying MEx2 turned out to be a real benefit for my son in law even though it didn’t count for his ATAR since he didn’t sit the HSC MEx2 exam - he went on to top his engineering course at uni and receive prize money for this achievement and is now a successful engineer.
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New Member
May 7, 2022
Oh u wanna do ext 1? GO for it. If you dont like it you can drop down to advanced. The fact you "genuinely liked math" means that you're willing to put in the effort to learn it, don't worry about "Oh i have this bad habit" "Oh I do this wrong", you'll eventually find a way to improve on this issues as you progress. This is a no brainer, do MX1!!! You'll thank me later.
They are already doing mx1 (not accelerated, just normal), and are considering doing mx2 in year 12 i think


Mar 20, 2021
I highly recommend that you try taking the 4U course.
Doing the 4U course will make the 3U content quite simple and you will find that with enough dedication, the 4U exams will begin to become 'doable'. Moreover, the 4U course is not actually that difficult compared to University Maths which many people who have only taken 2U maths will have to do anyway. As such, I think that people should just push themselves to try 4U and to do well in it.
Also, the scaling for 4U is as good as people say :)


Active Member
Oct 19, 2022
Uni Grad
I'm in Year 11 right now, and it's like Term 1 so I feel like if I really really wanted to I could definitely get in. I'm doing Ext 1, and for the first test I got a high B - but it is just the first test so I don't really know. I genuinely like math, I think it is an interesting subject when I can understand it (which I do for the most part). I also do like a good 4 hours of math tutoring every week, but I have a bad habit of falling behind on school homework which is bad since the school homework is starting to get harder. I also feel like my algebra isn't like completely solid and there are holes in my foundation, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to get in, including myself since I have worked so hard for this.
If it makes you feel any better: in the grand scheme of things, it will make no difference. If you do well in ADV or EX1 or EX2, you will be regarded as being "kid that is good at basic math" from a university lecturer perspective (as these courses are all quite simple from a university math perspective).

If you are looking to apply for a very high ATAR program or a degree program which is highly quantitative, you should probably do EX2 (and do it damn well) as the others in your course will have done so, and the quantitative degrees will work fairly quickly through the first year content (at a high ranking university, you need to be getting distinctions to justify being there, so starting your courses strong is helpful).

Every year I teach students in prep math + Math1110/Math1010/Math1131/Math1141 across various unis, as well as a mix of second- and third-year linear algebra and ODES + PDES + graduate DEs (teach grad DEs rarely), and the students who tend to do quite well in the first-year courses are the ones who come into the courses very strong, doing well in EX1/EX2 tends to be a mark of good performance.

This is because courses like Math1110/Math1131 are in part repetitions and in part continuations (if you do well) of the content which stopped in EX1/EX2. UON will not allow you to enroll in MATH1110 without at minimum a band 5 in Advanced, and UNSW is usually hesitant to let you enroll in MATH1131/MATH1141 without a cumulative mark of 100 in ADV+EX1. So, whatever one you choose, just make sure you do well if you want the highest probability of success in continued math courses (if they are required for your degree).

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