MOSSAD Deputy Director
No. As bringbackshred said, having done year 10 advanced maths will mean you are pretty up to scratch with the work you would have learnt so far. And if you have had the ability to stay afloat in 2U, it shouldn't be difficult for you to learn whatever you have missed.nichhhole said:Firstly.. u seem concerned about the scaling factor... if you had enough units id recommend that you just totally drop maths altogether.. [the scaling for general is quite atrocious, for the amount of time you'd need to dedicate to it..(ie to catch up and go well...) i think you would have been better off just spending the time focusing on all your other subjects...
So many people complain that by the end of the HSC they wished they had dropped down to general as the work would be managable. If you stick with 2U and do moderately bad, you will negatively suffer and possibly end up hating the subject and therefore putting no effort into it. By the end of the year it wouldn't have worked out good.nichhhole said:BUT seeing as dropping isnt really an option for you...
you need to ask yourself..
'how much work have i honestly put in for 2u maht so far..'
if you know you gave it alot of effort [and still didnt go all that well..] then perhaps consider general..
but if you know you didnt put that much effort in [and u also know u are willing to put more effort in..] then stick with it.. [2u math is better in scaling than general..]
that said,
you shouldnt take subjects that exceed ur capabilities because scaling will not make up for that...
[you'd probably do even worse because it's generally better to be in the top of the lower subjects than the lower percentile of the harder subjects..]
if 2U is above you, than go to Gen..
but dropping will have its trials and tribulationssssssssss!
personally i'd stick with 2 U if i were you...
Don't ever trust in scaling...especially since most of you have no idea what scaling is or how it works. (Yes, I understand that you think you are aware of how it works but chances are you have no clue.)