Strictly speaking, the number of significant figures you use in your final answer should have at most the number of significant figures in the least accurate measurement. i.e. using the example you have given us:
25.0ml (3 sig. fig.) 0.1M HCl (1 sig. fig.) , 1.365g NaOH (4 sig. fig.)
You should only have 1 significant figure in your final answer..
Moreover, you should make no assumptions about any given quantities, i.e. 0.1M HCl
IS 0.1M HCl but anything.. Yes, there is certainly uncertainty in the molarity of HCl and it may not be exactly 0.1M (in fact you can never, at least not with our current technology, get an EXACT answer unless you can count the molecules one by one) It follows that saying 0.1M is
NOT equal to saying 0.1M +/- 0.05, given that you don't know nothing about how the solution was prepared.. and (i'm not definitely sure about what I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyway) even if you are giving 0.1M +/- 0.05, you will only use 1 sig. fig. in your calculation (some people tend to think that 0.1M +/- 0.05 is 2 sig. fig. which i don't think is the case)
If you are not comfortable with using significant figures and that the question doesn't require you to use it, quote your answer in ndp and put in a bracket next to the answer (to the nearest *an integer* decimal point(s)) Hope that helps