well they're pretty similar its just with seng you get industry experience. You decide below are the Program structures for both degrees.
B Sc (Computer Science) - Program Structure
Year 1
Computer Science has mathematics and computing courses in year 1, representing five out of eight courses for a full-time student. Electives are chosen from areas such as Physics, Information Systems, Chemistry, Philosophy, Psychology, Geography, and Economics.
COMP1011 Computing 1A (6 UOC)
COMP1711 Higher Computing 1A (6 UOC)
COMP1021 Computing 1B (6 UOC)
COMP1721 Higher Computing 1B (6 UOC)
MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
MATH1231 Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics (6 UOC)
Plus 6 UOC of Electives
Electives are chosen from areas such as Physics, Information Systems, Chemistry, Philosophy, Psychology, Geography, and Economics.
Year 2
Three of eight courses in year 2 comprise core computing. The remainder are electives. Common electives include mathematics (many choices), more first year courses (maximum 12uoc), material that follows on from first-year electives and information systems.
COMP2011 Data Organisation (6 UOC)
COMP2711 Higher Data Organisation (6 UOC)
COMP2021 Digital System Structures (6 UOC)
COMP2041 Software Construction (6 UOC)
Plus 6 UOC of General Education
Year 3
Between five and seven computing courses (selected from around ten available courses) are taken in year 3. Students proceeding to the Honours year must take at least six level 3 courses in computing or other disciplines.
With the approval of the Program Director or nominee, students in this program wishing to fulfil the requirements for a major in a second discipline, as well as the Computer Science requirements, may substitute, a course from the other discipline for one of the level 3/4 Computer Science courses. Students may also select electives from COMP9xxx courses having met the required prerequisites.
COMP3111 Software Engineering (6 UOC)
COMP3121 Algorithms & Programming Tech (6 UOC)
COMP3131 Programming Languages & Compil (6 UOC)
COMP3151 Foundations of Concurrency (6 UOC)
COMP3211 Computer Architecture (6 UOC)
COMP3231 Operating Systems (6 UOC)
COMP3311 Database Systems (6 UOC)
COMP3331 Computer Networks&Applications (6 UOC)
COMP3411 Artificial Intelligence (6 UOC)
COMP3421 Computer Graphics (6 UOC)
COMP3511 Human Computer Interaction (6 UOC)
Year 4
Year 4 Honours (Optional) COMPAH3978
Computer Science Honours takes one-year full-time or two-years part-time of study.
Normally, students are expected to have attained an average mark of 65 (according to New South Student calculations) to qualify for entry to the honours year. Students who do not meet this expectation may be admitted in special circumstances. Students who have graduated with a three-year computer science degree from the University of NSW or another university can apply for honours. Application forms are available from the Student Office of Computer Science and Engineering in K17 G01. Detailed information about the program is available at the Honours web-site at:
Formal notification of acceptance into the honours program will be mailed on the day following the University's official notification of results.
Computer Science Honours students must at least complete 18uoc level 4 elective courses. Students may substitute level 4 courses from other schools with the permission of the Program Director.
COMP4918 Thesis Part A
COMP4919 Thesis Part B
Computing Electives
Computer Science Honours students must at least complete 18uoc level 4 elective courses. Students may substitute level 4 courses from other schools with the permission of the Program Director.
B E (Software Engineering) - Program Structure
Stage 1
INFS1603 Business Data Management (6 UOC)
INFS1611 Requirements Engineering (3 UOC)
MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics (6 UOC)
MATH2400 Finite Mathematics (3 UOC)
SENG1010 Software Eng Workshop 1A (3 UOC)
SENG1020 Software Eng Workshop 1B (3 UOC)
And ONE of:
COMP1011 Computing 1A (6 UOC)
COMP1711 Higher Computing 1A (6 UOC)
And ONE of:
MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
COMP1021 Computing 1B (6 UOC)
COMP1721 Higher Computing 1B (6 UOC)
Stage 1 - Free Electives (6 UOC)
Stage 2
COMP2021 Digital System Structures (6 UOC)
COMP2110 Software System Specification (3 UOC)
COMP2411 Logic and Logic Programming (6 UOC)
INFS2603 Systems Analysis and Design (6 UOC)
MATH2859 Prob, Stats and Information (3 UOC)
SENG2010 Software Eng Workshop 2A (3 UOC)
SENG2020 Software Eng Workshop 2B (3 UOC)
And ONE of:
COMP2011 Data Organisation (6 UOC)
COMP2711 Higher Data Organisation (6 UOC)
General Education (6 UOC)
Stage 2 - Free Electives (6 UOC )
Stage 3
COMP3141 Software Sys Des&Implementat'n (6 UOC)
INFS2607 Business Data Networks (6 UOC)
SENG3010 Software Eng Workshop 3A (3 UOC)
SENG3020 Software Eng Workshop 3B (3 UOC)
SE Electives (24 UOC)
General Education (6 UOC)
Stage 4
SENG4910 Thesis Part A (6 UOC)
SENG4911 Thesis Part B (12 UOC)
SENG4921 Professional Issues and Ethics (6 UOC)
SE Electives (24 UOC)
The 8 electives (48 UOC) for stages 3 and 4 may include any third and foruth stage COMP, INFS and 3rd year MATHS courses. Electives and more information can be found at
seng is more management/design based and compsci is programming hope that helps...