Some Advice for the Class of 2006? (1 Viewer)


Nov 2, 2005
listen i disagree about finding a theme and sticking to it. The last thing i would want is an artwork that is void of any subjectivity(unless your doing something postmodern etc). You cant force creativity, and for most people motivation only arises from desperation, i think that you shouldnt try and plan this, i mean if ur not that "arty" maybe go along the structual plans of a work, but if your passion is art i suggest wait till that moment when it hits you and you feel like all you want to do is keep creating. Until then just experiment. As postmodernist critic once stated "all originality is accidental by now". I dont think you should work from a theme(despite what your teacher constantly reiterates) rather let it develop naturally, experimenting until you see whats taking place infront of you. Jasper Johns once said he never planed artworks, rather the objects told him what to do.....i feel what he means. remeber you dont need a year to create, you just need creativity, cause once you start it will all flow, and generally you will work more prolifically. Jean Michel Basquiat created 6 paintings a week when pressured by his abusive dealers, so ther you go just go and get inspired before you, look at other works, listen to music or smoke some dope(not advised for those wishing to do well in the theory aspects) whatever it takes to get you inspired.

sorry for boring you all.


New Member
Sep 10, 2005
DON'T PICK VISUAL ARTS UNLESS IT IS A PRE-REQUIST FOR A COURSE YOU REALLY WANT TO GET INTO!!!!!!!!! particularly if you don't really like or clash with your art teacher. be organised with your bow, but i think you'll find most people agree it was a big disappointment for the time, effort, and money spend. do something small, eg. not 4 1m x 1m canvas', and i wish i'd done something post-modern abstract crap i could do within an hour. you most likely will not get the marks for the effort you put in, so my advice as someone who has spent the year working their arse off in this subject only to be bitterly disappointed, concentrate on other subjects where its easier to get good marks. i didnt put much effort into legal but i got over 20 marks better in the trials, & rank wise i got 2nd in legal & 2nd last in art.


Dec 2, 2004
Here's my advice for all you aspiring art farts. lol

make plans for you bow of work now and over the xams holidays. Take photos, sketches, videos whatever. Collect as much info as you can to help you stream your ideas.

Try out techniques now for your style. eg, try using oil paints or mixing pastels with crayons etc. Do heaps of sample works so you know what particular medium you feel comfortable with.

Theory wise. Learn the frames - subjective, cultural, postmodern, and structural.

Pick your artisits who you'll be inspired by now. Get as much info as you can on your chosen muses and get samples of their work and do sketches so you can see if you can appropirate anything of their style into your bow.

Exam tips - know your frames!!!!!! trust me on this. The art test is pretty easy really. They give you pictures and captions to analyse, using art terms and the frames - yet again.

BOW can be fun and it can be a real pain in the ass. I seriously mean it when I say get your stuff together now. There were people in my class who changed their mind a month before their bow had to be handed in for marking.

Get as much advice from teachers about past papers.

Also one major thing.

Stick to what you believe in and are comfortable with. There's a list of art teachers who claim they know all the answers. Screw them. It's your bow, not theirs. Tell them to make their own crap if they're so insistant on making you add papier mache etc....

Good luck art class 2006.

You're going to have heaps of fun.

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