Some books for sale!! second year chemistry, advanced physics 1st year, astro... (1 Viewer)


Ugliest Member
Jan 4, 2008
For second year chem:
Inorganic chemistry - the shriver/atkins one (excellent condition)
Organic chemistry (it's a bit of an older edition than the one in the coop shop but still as good)

Textbooks are pretty damn expensive from co-op, so I'll probably be looking to sell these together for $145, or for $80 each. And you'd probably sell them for about the same price too after this year, the subject content doesn't change much year to year. Unless you wanna read them every day for the rest of your life or something...

Oh I've also got a firstyear chemistry textbook that a friend bought last year before deciding to drop the subject for something silly like ARTS. So that's another $80 thing. It covers all of the firstyear course, both semesters. Very good.

Also, in semester 2 in firstyear, astronomy textbook if that subject is still being offered this year (from memory, all the assignment questions were pretty much straight out of this text book which made them so much easier to do)
This one (with the cds that came with it) => selling for just 40 bucks, cos i really can't think what to do with this book now the subject's over haha. It's a good subject, do it in second semester if you need another subject randomly.

Oh and i still have a copy of university physics (what you use for the advanced physics course in first year) - it's in pretty good condition, I bought it second-hand myself and found it a bit of a lifesaver. About $50 for that one, cos I changed my subjects and really just wanna make some space on my bookshelf. (it's a big textbook lol)

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