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Srebrenica Muslims bury the dead (1 Viewer)


so delicious...
Sep 22, 2004
with any luck, London
nekkid said:
i did not simplify anything. i stated what i had understood from the court ruling.

so, in your opinion, the court (which is responsible for administering punishment to those who deserve it - no light responsibility) did not take into account other reasons that may have contributed to this event? you are also implying that the court did nothing more than "scratch the surface" of the issue, and that the court's "sweeping statement" was not representative of the "true" cause of this event.

i respect and recognise what you and your family has been through. unfortunately, this happens on a daily basis around the world. yes, you were there, and you have done some research for your history extension project and may know a lot more than the majority of the people on bos, but you do not know the whole story.

again, my prayers and condolences go out to those who have suffered because of this tragedy.
i cant be bothered going through this whole thing coz the more i talk about it the more worked up i get and i dont want to tell my whole story with the experiences of this war because i dont feel i can tell anyone, really. plus the fact that no matter what i have gone through, i have friends who have had to deal with a lot worse at the hands of other people.
basically what i wanted to tell you was that you are simplifying, and im not saying it like its a horrible rah rah thing, but it is what most people do. people simplify conflicts every day- we talk about the slaughters in Rawanda, Sudan, Iraq etc and we simplify it with statements like "Iraq happened because Bush wanted oil" when its a lot more complex than simply oil.
secondly, ive done a lot more research than just for a history project. i have spent a lot of time and effort going through the crisis and trying to understand it, because it has haunted much of my life. i do not pretend to know it all, but as you say i know more than most (possibly all, i dunno, anyone else read up on this at all even?) on this issue, so i think you have to understand i know a bit more than you about the causes and consequences.
as for the court, i believe it did what any court should- hand out judgement based on the facts acessable to it at the time. the court is not a historian who tries to figure out each point of view and understand why something really happened. the court is there to punish those who did wrong, like, for example, Milosevic, Gotovina, Karadzic and Mladic, not to lay down the history of the reigon and its people.


so delicious...
Sep 22, 2004
with any luck, London
CrashOveride said:
Serb nationalism was the root cause. Milosevic visited Kosovo in 89, promising apparently oppressed serbs he will do this and that. Promotes them to high government positions etc. Slovenia and Croatia dont like this. Slovenia, being as you say much better off than all the others has no need to stay there. They left with little conflict mainly because they didnt have any significant serb minorities and also more importantly, there were under the protective wing of Austria.

Croatia i think was at that time, had the position of being at an executive level as per the constitution. Their leader at the time, Mesic, was a moderate, not much into communism etc. Serbs don;t like him. At this time, UN also pushed croatia to extend its new constitution into serb majority areas etc provided that serbs treated equal and that jazz. Croatia declares independance, followed by Serb tanks into croatia. I havn't even begun to talk about the Bosnian tragedy, but really the entire thing writes its own encyclopedia. Obviously, people disagree and thats even moreso in the nature of the balkans. So at this point i dont want to end up arguing pages upon pages. If you really want to, thats where MSN comes in.

My main point is that there was a power hungry person who wanted more for himself and his people, at the expense of others. Whatever the cause of war, the actions that followed and the masses of civillians killed by no means is justified. I don't think "pin-prick" is adequate a label you have used, as 8000 in a space of only 3 days is quite signiifcant. Justice and peace will be hard to attain in that part of the world, but while you have war criminals freely walking and protected by governments and fradulent entities created on the foundation of genocide you can't have true justice.

I agree with the author of the thread in that we need to rememebr events such as this. My condolences to the victims and their families.
what you also have to understand is that the serbs living in albania were actually genuinly in dager. im not going to go into the debate as to if they had a right to be there in the first place, but the "shiptari" as we know them are not exactly the nicest race of people when it comes to outsiders. milosevic's comment "nece oni nas vise tuc" ("they will hurt us no longer") was an empassioned response to a situation in which he was placed with a group of angry, nationalistic serbs.
i agree with you, milosevic was horrible. he was, overall, just an arse who knew how to use the media to get his own way. but then i would challenge you to find someone else among the balkan leaders who did NOT do this.
while i know, to you, srebrenica may look big (and i am sorry that i happened, it makes me angry to even think it did. knowing some of those who survived it makes it quite shocking), it is only one of the masacres that occured. if you look at places like Malo Selo, and the outlying reigons in the north between the serbs and croats, you will see that there are plenty more dead who have sadly not been recognised.
its even sadder to see these nationalistic sentiments here in australia. i have serb friends, i get along with them just fine. this soccer match rubbish is so uncalled for.
thats a bit off topic, sorry i didnt adress all of what you said but im getting tired.


Dec 28, 2004
mr EaZy said:
in the doc: the serbs said on loudspeaker: "we endured 500 years of Ottoman rule".
It was thanx to the serbs that the Ottoman's did sweep through Europe though not many people would like to acknowledge that fact


there's too many of them!
Jul 2, 2004
The whole Balkan region is inhabited by the Slavic race isn't it?

Racially, a Croat is the same thing as a Serb, and a Serb is the same thing as an Albanian. From what I have seen, what causes them to differ is in religion. All of them are SLAVS.

The Serbs resent their history of submission to the Ottomans and they vent this resentment by genociding the only living remnants of the Ottoman era- modern day Muslims.

Any Serb-Croat conflict I imagine was the result of a border dispute between the Croatian and Serbian governments.


May 28, 2004
leetom said:
The whole Balkan region is inhabited by the Slavic race isn't it?
Racially, a Croat is the same thing as a Serb, and a Serb is the same thing as an Albanian. From what I have seen, what causes them to differ is in religion. All of them are SLAVS. QUOTE]

leetom, the whole region is slavic occupied, and croat is the same thing as a serb. but serbs and albanians aren't the same race. Yugoslavs meaning "south slavs" when translated are slavic race, while albanians are of turkish race, ottomons.

Nice posts Azzie. People can't generalise who were the good guys and who were the bad guys, even thou media did. Luckly during that time my town didnt overly get effected but coz it is close to croatian border we had lots of wounded, and refugees coming to us and tanks and such going to fight, our familly and friends had to go and guard, fight, protect and it is a sad fact what happened. Good posts Azzie.


New Member
Nov 25, 2005
leetom, the whole region is slavic occupied,
You obviously love the cock, the region in not totally dominated by Slavic splinter minorities, there are large numbers of Magyar, gypsy, Turkish, Romanian and Albanian extracts all over the Balkans which hold considerable influence to there Slavic counterparts.

and croat is the same thing as a serb.
In what context? Racially? Ethnically? Ethno-linguistically? Historically? Culturally/ Religiously? Be specific damn it.

but serbs and albanians aren't the same race.
I have upgraded you from the intelligence of a kindergarten student to that of a first grader, go you.

Yugoslavs meaning "south slavs"
Ohhh, 2nd grader is in the house, go you.

, while albanians are of turkish race, ottomons.
Moron, Albanians are of an ancient indo-European lineage much different to the central Asian barbarians to the west of the caucus. Perhaps you should enlighten yourself and recognize the Illyrian’s before further humiliating yourself in public.

You disgust me.
Nov 17, 2005
There was a genocide of Muslims in the Balkans?

Quickly, lets hijack a plane and fly it into a building in France!!! We must avenge our muslim brothers!!!! Kill the infidels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 28, 2004
==GUMBY== said:
You obviously love the cock, the region in not totally dominated by Slavic splinter minorities, there are large numbers of Magyar, gypsy, Turkish, Romanian and Albanian extracts all over the Balkans which hold considerable influence to there Slavic counterparts
what got up r ass? had bad sex last night?

u idiot i was talking about countries. and it is dominated by slavs. the only countries not of slavic origin in balkan region are albania and romania even romania is sometimes excluded.

==GUMBY== said:
In what context? Racially? Ethnically? Ethno-linguistically? Historically? Culturally/ Religiously? Be specific damn it.
mate in every context except religiosly. same language, same traditions, same music, art, same mentallity.

==GUMBY== said:
I have upgraded you from the intelligence of a kindergarten student to that of a first grader, go you..
well done here is a "thumbs up" fo you. you know how to "upgrade". you are a man of many talents

==GUMBY== said:
Moron, Albanians are of an ancient indo-European lineage much different to the central Asian barbarians to the west of the caucus. Perhaps you should enlighten yourself and recognize the Illyrian’s before further humiliating yourself in public...
mate i dont care if they r asian or american indian. the point was that Albania is not of slavic background. wanna fight about it? tough sh*t...u loose!

You disgust me


New Member
Nov 25, 2005
>>>what got up r ass? had bad sex last night?

I haven’t had sex in a week due to exams, I am full of sexual frustration, feel my intellectual wrath, worm.

>>>the only countries not of slavic origin in balkan region are albania and romania even romania is sometimes excluded.

You forgot Greece, and a section of Romania is part of Balkans, they also have much political and historical links to the region, so they can be openly classified as "balkan" nations. So GTFO>______


I am not your mate, wench.

>>>in every context except religiosly.

ROLFMO, you’re a shadow of an intellectual being. I will destroy each of your arguments one by one, crush them like ants I will.

>>>same language,

Wrong, there are huge regional and dialectal differences within the two, and the Serbian language utilizes the Cyrillic alphabet while the latter use the Roman alphabet. Also, after the Bosnian wars and the fall of Tito’s post WW2 Yugoslavia , the official languages of Serbia is Serbian, and Croatia; Croatian. Now go hang yourself, madam.

>>>same traditions,

You obviously love the cock, and fail to see the huge difference between the traditions of the two ethnicities which reflect the religious and historical ordeals which separated them after the middle ages. An example would be ‘Pundaski’ which is practiced by Serbs around Easter, which is the harvesting of Olives and molting them into fine beads and clothing ornaments. This is is not a Craotian tradition.

>>>same music,

Wrong, Serbian music is heavily influenced by Turkish instruments and rhythms. Croatian, is not.


Wrong, Serbian style is almost identical to traditional Byzantine art. Croatian, is not.

>>>same mentallity.

ROFL, you’re an idiot and your generalizations are useless.
Mentality in the Balkans given the cultural and religious tension is almost fueled by cultural kingship and brotherhood, are you suggesting a Croatian man would have the same mentality as a Serbian bigot who hates Croatian people? ROFLM, logic > than you

>>>well done here is a "thumbs up" fo you. you know how to "upgrade". you are a man of many talents

And you are a woman of limited intelligence, go you

>>>mate i dont care if they r asian or american indian. the point was that Albania is not of slavic background.

Oh but you do little girl, you made it very clear that they were Turkish, and I quote:

Fuckhead said:
, while albanians are of turkish race, ottomons.
You lose.

wanna fight about it? tough sh*t...u loose!
Its funny how you are unable to comprehend the difference between loose and lose, you lose this argument, and you are loose, now good day to you madam.

>>>You disgust me

I despise your limited intelligence. Kthnxby
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May 28, 2004
1. greece isnt considered part of the balkans
2. langauges are the same, serbs write cyrllic and latin while croats write latin. words are still ponounced the same, or at least close enough that people can understand each other. and the language is called "serbo-croat". they just devided the two after the war so people can say im from serbia and i speak serb or im from croatia and i speak croat.
3.u forgot rok and roll, "starogrodske", ballads, narodne, turbo folk isnt all that serbia listens to and ill be damned if i am associated with that type only.
4. menatllity and art are the same or at least very similar.
5. everyone is my mate..including you, you silly billy

Now for all you fellow readers, here u had an example of two types of Serbs. One is Gumby who obviously refuses to be associated with fellow slavic people, for god knows what reason and is a Serbian nationalist, we call them "Cetniks". And me, who acknowledges that mistakes have been made at Srebrnica and that whole war, we r only humans after all, and moves on not clinching to the past like a fly onto a pice of shit, we are called Serbs. That is what you see at the soccer riots. Ustasi the croatian nationalists vs. cetniks the serbian nationalist, while normal serbs and croats sit on the side like yourself and ask "WTF?" :)


New Member
Nov 25, 2005
>>>1. greece isnt considered part of the Balkans

YOU ARE WRONG MADAM, the Balkans peninsular is the historic and geographic name for south eastern Europe, below the Danube. Greece falls in it geographically and more importantly; historically. Go eat our own words and choke on them.

>>>2. langauges are the same, serbs write cyrllic and latin while croats write latin. words are still ponounced the same, or at least close enough that people can understand each other. and the language is called "serbo-croat". they just devided the two after the war so people can say im from serbia and i speak serb or im from croatia and i speak croat.

WRONG AGAIN WOMAN!!! The languages have redefined themselves as separate languages, following the disintegration of Tito’s post war Yugoslavia. The change is OFFICIAL, and has been made permanent through historical and nationalistic changes by the upper class to further perpetuate the gap, i.e: look at accentuation, morphology, syntax and vocabulary which all have RECOGNIZED differences. You can not argue against the legality of separate languages, nor can you argue the fact they differ on many other levels as well. You lose, maggot.

>>>3.u forgot rok and roll, "starogrodske", ballads, narodne, turbo folk isnt all that serbia listens to and ill be damned if i am associated with that type only.

I have no idea what the fuck your talking about, please; red pill in the morning, blue pill at night.

>>>4. menatllity and art are the same or at least very similar.

This is becoming tedious, I have already shown the gallery how this is not to be true.
Please, your wasting my time you Jejune little joker!!!!

>>>5. everyone is my mate..including you, you silly billy

Fine, ill be your mate.... for now.

>>>Now for all you fellow readers, here u had an example of two types of Serbs. One is Gumby who obviously refuses to be associated with fellow slavic people, for god knows what reason and is a Serbian nationalist, we call them "Cetniks". And me, who acknowledges that mistakes have been made at Srebrnica and that whole war, we r only humans after all, and moves on not clinching to the past like a fly onto a pice of shit, we are called Serbs. That is what you see at the soccer riots. Ustasi the croatian nationalists vs. cetniks the serbian nationalist, while normal serbs and croats sit on the side like yourself and ask "WTF?"

Generalizations and false allegation- cry I. The gallery has observed no such evidence to the proof of my lineage or ethnicity, this statement = worthless to me and everyone with an IQ above 5. Go back to your pro-Hravtski seminars and be gone with you-

Laku noć, foo
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May 28, 2004
I have no idea what the fuck your talking about, please; red pill in the morning, blue pill at night

i dont do drugs..."play clean, stay clean"

some scholars say greece is in balkan region, others dont. hence there isn't an argument here. you can only say what u have read from book X and ill say what i have read from book Y.

if the languages are different, how come i can undersatnd croatian then, i didnt learn it at school and i am not of that nationality. please explain.

turkish influenced turbo folk isnt the only type of music that runs the plains of serbia...u got rok and roll, yugoslav ballads, the "starogradske" (old-town music) and true national songs which invlove pipes and accordians and "kolo".

laku noc mali cigane.


New Member
Nov 25, 2005
i dont do drugs..."play clean, stay clean"
Good, little girl.

some scholars say greece is in balkan region, others dont.
Well those scholars are idiots, “the Balkans” is a historic reference to the nations of south eastern European, below the Danube. Greece is Geographically and Historically part of the region. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ill informed and stupid.

hence there isn't an argument here.
Then be gone with you, serpent of Zion.

you can only say what u have read from book X and ill say what i have read from book Y.
I want proper references from your sources, immediately.

if the languages are different, how come i can undersatnd croatian then, i didnt learn it at school and i am not of that nationality. please explain.
As mentioned earlier, following the decay of the old post war Tito Yugoslavia, nationalist scholars and special interest groups sought to revive the old dialects and differences by formally changing the language. You are fluent in “Serbo-Craotian”, which is the old lingua franca of the region, much has been done to implement the changes to the languages, I am of course, dealing in technicalities as such.

turkish influenced turbo folk isnt the only type of music that runs the plains of serbia..
Irrelevant, I stated it was an indifference within the synthesis of Serbian and Croatian culture, you only further my point.

laku noc mali cigane.
You will provide me and the gallery an adequate translation, my dear.
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L i q u i d

New Member
Jun 1, 2005
lol this is so simple. Serbs only say it is complex so they dont have to explain the horrendous crimes their country committed.

Serbs wanted a GREATER Serbia.. Thats why they attacked slovenia, croatia, bosnia and kosovo. Pure blood, pure race.. more land for themselves.. but they got greedy and look where it got them.. lol

Serbs ethnically cleansed all men and boys in Srebrinica to decrease the population, because they were racists and also to prevent the bosnian army from defending themselves. Oh and why didn't they kill the women you ask?? I guess they just prefered raping them instead. Over 100 000 bosniak women were raped during the course of the war and in some cases women were killed too by serbs.

You shouldn't refer to them as 'muslims' , they were bosnians. Thats like me referring to you as 'Christians', bit silly isnt it :p. Small numbers of croatian and serbian heritage also fought for bosnia to create an independent state because they thought of themselves as bosnians and believed in defending innocent lives.

SIDENOTE - bosniaks are not arabs like some silly person stated. They are slavs just of the islamic faith that was brought to them by the ottoman empire. Bosnia also consists of serb and croatian minorities that lived together peacefully under Tito's. But then Serbia had to screw it all up.
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mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
ive come across people who vehemently defend what the serbs did- but they are full on racist and lost when it comes to explaining whats going on in the region.

racism = stupidity a friend of mine was writing an essay on racism and was asking me stuff about the topic

made me remember something though:

the word Adam in semetic languages means black! and Eve (Hawa) also means a kind of black

type up Adam and Hawa on google first link explains it

coincidence maybe... i wouldnt make a big deal out of that though


May 10, 2005
The yugoslav war had a lot to do with gullible people lead by mafia. It also had a lot to do with serbian mentality, it goes something like : Whatever land my foot sets on, it is the property of the Republic of Serbia, and nobody else, even though Croatians and Bosnians have been here for hundreds of years". Fuck i hate cetniks, if i could have my way i would behead every one of those fucking "CCCC' flag bearing motherfuckers and shit down their necks. Filthy fucks.

You'll never see a croat or a bosnian tag a wall with spray paint declairing their " heroism and nationalty", but you will always see that four C orthodox bullshit in the filty alley-ways, where it belongs.

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