STATE #1 TUTOR AVAILABLE FOR JAPANESE (First Lesson Free) UAI 99.75 (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 7, 2008


If you're a 2008 Japanese Student and you're looking for a capable private tutor to guide you through the coming year to secure top marks then please read on... :read:

A quick run down on me:

* I'm Andrew- はじめまして!:wave:
* I graduated in 2007 with a UAI of 99.75 and the following Japanese marks:

-Japanese Continuers (2U): 97/100 (SECOND in the State)
-Japanese Extension (3U): 48/50 (FIRST in the State)

* I am half-Australian and half-Japanese so although I'm not a native speaker, my Japanese is at a highly conversant level.

And a summary on the tutoring I provide:

* I offer one-to-one tutoring with a flexible format- basically this means we can structure lessons in any way that suits you. This may be in the form of homework help, working through each senior grammer structure point-by-point, fine-tuning writing tasks, brushing up speaking skills etc.
This can be worked out in the introductory lesson but it remains open to change during the year according to your assessment task needs.

* For Speaking: Having prepared extensively for speaking tasks during my own HSC I have an enormous collection of questions and sub-questions for the interview-style speaking tasks for Continuers and the monologue-style speaking tasks for Extension which will be able to prepare you for almost all eventualities that a speaking exam can throw at you :)
I find that recording your own speaking tasks and listening over them to make small adjustments is the best way to prepare for these (although it does get a little painful listening to your own voice over and over again :p ).

* For Writing: I am able to provide you with concise writing exercises on every sub-section of every topic eg specific writing exercises for leisure, traveling in Japan etc.
These incorporate past HSC questions, questions from Japanese Teachers’ Association and Masumi Sorrell past papers and a number of original ones. These forms of exercises are invaluable as a means of consolidating understanding as you go along and the best way to revise your knowledge before assessment tasks. They also allow me to identify any areas that you are having trouble with and to target those.

* For Reading&Responding (A) The main thing needed for success in this section is a solid groundwork in vocabulary and kanji which I can help you build. Again, we can work through ways of approaching a reading passage that will maximize understanding and marks.

* For Reading&Responding (B): The most common problem that students have in the exam is that they tend to read the stimulus passage then just ‘parrot’ back what they have read in the form of a letter, speech etc.
While doing this might scrape a few marks it is NOT what markers are looking for in high-end responses. I can walk you through how to integrate your understanding of the passage with your knowledge of senior structures which will allow you to correctly address the question in a succinct way.

*For Listening: This is often a section of the exam that students fall in often simply due to a lack of practice outside class lessons. I can provide you not only with examples from textbook CDs and tapes but also listening items from teachers’ resources and again, some original transcripts (my pronunciation is near perfect).
I will be able to work through useful exam technique with you that will assist you in listening tasks, namely note-taking skills and the way to answer questions with only an understanding of the general ‘gist’ of the passage.

*For general work with grammer, vocabulary and Kanji (with Continuers and Extension) I mainly work from the Wakatta! Textbook supplemented with Mirai, Excel and Obentoo Senior. I find that rather than spending time writing out your own consolidated notes, working through logically-structured textbooks is far more time-efficient and effective.

*One last thing- I am more than happy to provide open consultation between lessons via phone, SMS, MSN, email, facebook etc. If you have a problem during the week or even if you need some last minute help before an assessment task, I’ll do my best to help you out ASAP.

And finally the necessary details:

*Currently, I am offering a free one-hour introductory lesson where I can give you a mini-rundown on each section of the Japanese course (speaking, writing, listening etc.) to give you an idea at where you stand. I will also bring a free sample of some of my own resources relevant to the topic you are currently studying.

*My rate is currently $25/hour with one meeting per week but this is negotiable. If you have an issue with this, please contact me regardless and we’ll see if we can work something out.
Also, though I very much prefer one-to-one tutoring, as it tends to achieve the best results, I’m willing to also do semi-private tutoring in groups of 2 or 3 as long as you can arrange that.

*I also prefer to tutor from home (I live in Rhodes, which is Inner West). However if it is necessary I am willing to travel a midway library (in Strathfield, Eastwood etc.) but we have to work this out on a case by case basis. Please contact me and we’ll chat :)

And so that's about it from me now. If you’re at all interested or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or reply in this thread.





New Member
Jan 7, 2008
To all the people who have PMed me/ sent me an email recently, I am very sorry but I am unable to offer my tutoring services to any more students this year due to balancing uni/other commitments. Apologies for not replying more promptly- my hotmail account is currently out of action.

The good news is that I will be uploading some free resources/practice questions/exemplar responses onto the Japanese resources section on the website over the next couple of months (because it is currently looking very bare...) so if there is anything in particular that you would like please contact me and I'll see what I can do.

Finally, for all future correspondence my email is now:



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