Stationery for Year 11? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 18, 2017

Beginning Year 11 in a couple of weeks (getting nervous)! I need help in regards to what stationery to buy... How does everyone organise their notes during year 11/12? Filing systems? What do I bring to school on the first day?

If someone could supply a shopping list, that would be helpful :spin:

Subjects include:
Advanced English
2 unit maths
1 unit Extension Maths
Legal Studies
2 unit religion

Jun 27, 2016
Probably not the answer you're looking for, but honestly, it all comes down to personal preference. You need to experiment with different types of stationery and utensils that best suit your writing style. Personally, I was constantly switching pens throughout both Year 11 and 12; find something you like and stick to it!

Re: notes, it's a great thing you want to tackle it this early but RELAX! It's really not such a major issue this early, at least from my experience. If you're really keen on thorough organisation though, I recommend lever-arch folders or plastic sleeves of some sort. You could even buy those coloured inserts for each subject if you're real dedicated. :D

I was told in Year 10 that senior school would require constant study, with no room for error. Then again at the end of Year 11, the same thing. In retrospect, that was complete ********. Just enjoy your early days with a mind on the future, you'll do fine!


Active Member
Sep 13, 2015
I definitely recommend using binder arcs. Its files everything amazingly. Get one for each subject and put all your notes, assignment notifications, test results in each folder for each subject. Get loose sheets for your notes, or writing pads with holes in them preferably. Trust me when I say this, it will keep you very organised with minimal effort.

For school, you can either take loose sheets in a plastic sleeve, or a note pad. Otherwise taking a binder folder should be fine too. Then when you get home you can file each of the notes in their respective subject folders.


New Member
Jan 17, 2017
I just went back to school shopping today (also going into year 11 and also getting pretty nervous :3)!

I'm doing:
- Adv. English
- Bio
- Business
- Software
- Mathematics
- Legal

For exercise books I got a 5 subject notebook (with those pocket things) so it'll be easy to divide texts/concepts/study units into each section to make revision easier later on! For my more content heavy subjects (Bio, Business and Legal) I got 192 page exercise books, with the exception of 160 for Bio (because I couldn't find enough colours haha!). For maths I got a 128 page graph lined exercise book, as well as a smaller A5 note book with a hardcover to use as a formula book throughout both Year 11 and 12. Software wise I went with a small 96 page exercise book mainly to study/take notes during exam time as I'm taking that course online :) All of my exercise books (with the exception of English) have binder holes already punched.

Thennn I also have a large J.Burrows Binder, which fits everything but my english book (which is easy to carry seperately), to go with that I got:
- Binder dividers (to divide the subjects, and of course nice and colourful :p)
- those flimsy plastic sleeves, each subject gets that at the back to put hand outs/loose bits of paper and such
- clear sturdy plastic clippable folders, with binder attatchements - I have two of these at the back, one to keep assignments/notes protected and one filled with loose leaf sheets (lined) as spare paper, or for those forgetful friends that always beg for paper haha!
That's all set up and divided into subjects with each 'section' having the subjects exercise book, and sleeve to store notes, as well as any other things (like a binder punched ruler for the maths section) - If you couldn't tell, I'm normally pretty forgetful so having as much of my stuff together is heaps easier!!

I'll also be taking my binder to school every day :)

As far as other stationary goes I got:
- Blue, Black and Red pens
- Glue sticks
- Sharpies to Mark stuff with
- Pencils (HB as that's normally exam standard)
- A pencil case (I got a really cute one, probably to make me happy when I really just want to cry later on :p)
- White board markers (at my school we have whiteboard tables in our study space!! As well as to use at home to organise myself :)
- Sticky notes (the square ones, as well as the arrow ones for marking things in texts!)
- Paperclips
- Binder clips (I"ll use these to clip my timetable to the inside of my binder when school starts!)
- A 5 draw storage tray (I'll explain that in a minute)
- An expandable filing system (I'll also explain that)

As far as filing goes, I keep the 5 draw storage on my desk, with the top labelled 'To do' the second draw labelled 'Processing', and the third 'To File'. The last two I have empty for overflow as well as random stuff!

When I get hand outs/homework to complete it goes in the 'To Do' draw when I get home from school, If I'm working on something but need to change to another task/subject - the stuff that I'm currently working on goes in the 'Processing Draw'. The 'To File' draw is really just notes/finished hand outs/work I've recived back and such that I don't have the chance to file straight away. I then use the expandable filing system to long term store my notes, assignments and completed stuff! I have 4 of the 'pockets' for each subject, and I use one for notes, one for assignments/assessments, one for handouts and the last for other stuff I might get for that subject. Using that longterm means it'll be super easy for me to find stuff for studying and revising later on :)

Another thing to buy might be batteries, at my school - we mainly complete our work online (using our own laptops) for years 7-10, and because of that my writing as gotten super weak and I can't write for very long without getting a sore wrist. If you rubberband the batteries to the top of your pencil/pen it strengthens the muscles you use to write meaning you'll be able to write faster and neater when it comes to exam time :)

Sorry for the long response but I thought I'd try be as useful as possible! :)
Jun 27, 2016
Another thing to buy might be batteries, at my school - we mainly complete our work online (using our own laptops) for years 7-10, and because of that my writing as gotten super weak and I can't write for very long without getting a sore wrist. If you rubberband the batteries to the top of your pencil/pen it strengthens the muscles you use to write meaning you'll be able to write faster and neater when it comes to exam time :)
This! If you can get a handle on this in Year 11 you'll be able to blitz Year 12 when you need to really dish out those words on the paper. Great advice!


Premium Member
May 31, 2015
I just went back to school shopping today (also going into year 11 and also getting pretty nervous :3)!

Another thing to buy might be batteries, at my school - we mainly complete our work online (using our own laptops) for years 7-10, and because of that my writing as gotten super weak and I can't write for very long without getting a sore wrist. If you rubberband the batteries to the top of your pencil/pen it strengthens the muscles you use to write meaning you'll be able to write faster and neater when it comes to exam time :)

Sorry for the long response but I thought I'd try be as useful as possible! :)
Just one thing, I don't think neatness matters that much in exams (mainly applicable for english where you have to rush) because I've seen lots of responses from other students where the writing is very messy but examiners can pretty much read most things. To write fast just don't worry about neatness in the english exam mainly but for other subjects you probably don't need to rush so it's fine.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
I bought a binder for english and eco to chuck in all the notes they gave us. For in class i just used an exercise book and a pen, i found that the longer the year went the lazier i got in terms of organisation and for these writing heavy subjects i was reliant on my computer anyways. For math i used a normal exercise book for class and had a spare one where i would jot down harder questions i couldnt do or neat tricks i could use for tests.


May 9, 2016
Sanctuary Hotel
I bought 6 separate books for each subject and a few pens. Notes and sheets handed out were just folded and put in the first sleeve of my book to never be opened again :3

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