I have received offers for multiple degrees at different unis but still unsure of what I should do. Offers have been med sci, pharma, paramed, science and similar. I hacve enrolled in paramed but an having second thoughts mostly because of an offer of Usyd science. I have never been set in a specific degree as I think I would enjoy most things. Any advice on what I should do. My main concern is that I want to be able to get a good job with decent pay but doesn’t have to be amazing. I have considered med but feel like I can’t risk my chances of getting in. Sorry for the long post any advice is appreciated
I wouldnt be doing Paramed or Pharmacy unless you fully understand what those professions entail. With paramed, it is shiftwork which can be very hard on the body as well as your personal life (I live with a health care worker who does shift, its a huge burden). You will also be working in a very unglamourous job, despite what TV depicts, 99% of your job will consist of dealing with elderly patients (who often times will be bouncing from nursing homes to hospitals because no one wants to deal with them and secretly the system wants them to die to end the burden) and druggies. The remaining 1% will be those special jobs like car accidents and sick kids.
Pharmacists these days have been reduced to retail work with a bit of health work thrown in the mix. Pharmacists are very qualified people, but for the majority who work in retail pharmacy, the job has been heavily downgraded by the healthcare system/government.
I wouldnt be picking either career unless it was a passion, if you have picked them because "you dont know what else to do", I would do something else. Both are quite restrictive degrees and have little use beyond those specific professions.