sykes and codsi ones are the best, fair bit of info
chapman is tooo detailed..some of the stuff u relaly dont need it..always check the syllabus when ur using the chapman
leading edge is also good, i use that in conjunction with the skyes and codsi one
excel is too brief for meeh i look at it last and so is the hineman one.....i lyk the mind maps in it, and it does have some itnesting case studies in it, but a lil too brief at times and the terminologies (especialli for finance) variations really complciates my understanding... cuz i found myself spenign a lot of time just trying to match up chapman and sykes and codsi's terminologies with the hineman one
bulmer is okies, i used that last because soemtimes it doesnt relaly cover the main areas, but it is v good with details, and the case studes at the end up chaters are also good.