Sydney Uni Commerce Society (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 25, 2003

Just a quick shout out to let you know that Sydney Uni's Commerce Society [ComSoc] is starting to look for new people for next year. So if you want to be a part of it, start going to their meetings and stuff.

Do your research at where you'll find all the dates for their events.



Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
Sydney Uni Comsoc sucks
1. They don't do anything. The major event of the year is like the comsoc ball.
2. It sucks in comparison to UNSW comsoc.
3. There's hardly any publicity. You'd think that out of all the members of comsoc, there'd be someone doing marketing, and perhaps apply principles learnt to practice. eg. Interfaculty sports. Is that run by Comsoc, or e+b?
4. It is more organised than e+b (the faculty society)

How about a few bbqs? Publicised meetings? Cut the red tape?

I look on onto more organised faculty societies like scisoc with envy.

sif not 99

Jul 14, 2002
West Pennant Hills
first of all before getting stuck into comsoc could you do any better?

Unless your best mate is a guide dog which Im thinking that it wouldnt be you would have seen a number of things that comsoc has done this semester, hmmm Im not even in comsoc and I managed to see what they have done, sure yeah the ball is their major event for the year and yeah I went, it was mad, but nevertheless they had quite a few other events that they ran, such as the E Y interview skills workshop like last week, the pub crawl, deutche bank, mock trading game, they helped coordinate the BRW portfolio investment game, escape cocktail night....and what not,

just exactly user what student societies are you involved in on campus? Just for interests sake?


New Member
Aug 25, 2003
I agree totally. You have the right to bag something once you have tried to do it yourself. It's not easy doing what they do!

I find that students expect professional services from these guys, whilst at the same time offer nothing back to its running etc. And big note - they are all volunteers who run it!

I think they are fantastic, and I intend to a go to all their shit, and get on one of their committees. I think I could run it in a few years!

Have a beer for me,


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
Then maybe my best mate is a guide dog because I haven't seen much of what they've done.

They might have actually done a lot of stuff, it might be the best society in the entire universe, but what's the use if no one knows about it due to the lack of advertising?

I know it's all student run, it's all volunteers, but I never see anything in the Daily Bull, or any posters or signs about meetings, organisational things that most other clubs and societies have. Once in a while there might be a Comsoc Ball. Or there might be some kind of career evening. And there's a Comsoc sticker stuck to the back of one of the toilets in Eastern Avenue.

I don't expect a professional service, but it's not like the rank and file members can do anything, only executive committee members can make decisions (that is just the exclusive impression that I get anyway, please correct me if i'm wrong)

It's almost as if... you don't matter.

What other clubs and societies I joined does not matter Nevertheless, for your information, I'm in SUanime, SURCAS, St John, Russellian society, Marxist Club (but I only joined for the Tshirt, been to 1 meeting), Resistance, several other leftist groups that I joined at Oweek and never returned to,
Does this satisfy your interest? Before you say "you don't participate in enough clubs and societies to be able to criticise Comsoc" I might remind you that it is a fallacy of argument attacking the circumstances of the arguer, instead of the argument itself.


sporadic attendee
Nov 9, 2002
Members can get involved! The exec are dyinggggg for help. What kind of "say" do you want? They are currently trying to establish committees - sport, social, careers, sponsorship etc (they sent around an email or check the website.) They have something on practically every week, its just a case of people not necessarily showing up. A society can be only as good as its members, and although 900 ppl may have joined, 900 are not buying tix to the cocktail party, the ball, yum cha or going to interview workshops etc...What do you expect/want from them? Let them know and join a committee, or start/be in charge of a committee.... :rolleyes:

hehe bit of a contrast user...comsoc vs marxist...? :eek:

sif not 99

Jul 14, 2002
West Pennant Hills
dont put words into my mouth
i didnt say or imply that.....
"you don't participate in enough clubs and societies to be able to criticise Comsoc"

just for my information do u actually have an organisational role in any of these socieites? and do u have an email address becoz comsoc sends out heaps of emails to their members advising about events, if u you would like I could post them all up here on the forums?

You say

"but it's not like the rank and file members can do anything, only executive committee members can make decisions (that is just the exclusive impression that I get anyway, please correct me if i'm wrong) "

I cant say for sure how comsoc works (I am not on the exec) yet i expect that they have an annual general meeting where members can rock up and vote for who they believe should be running their society, in mine they do, if they dont thats not so good, but if there is somebody who is wanting to be involved I know that its no harder than sending an email. It is the nature of these societies to be "autocratic" dont like that word but it best describes the situation because without a "chain of command" and delegation of tasks to certain invididuals on the committees nothing would get done, especially in a society as large as comsoc.

But isnt it amusing that you espouse a rather left wing and marxist viewpoint yet you only joined the marxist society for the t shirt and you havent been back to any of "those societies" to be involved. I find that inherently contradictory and a reflection of somebody trying to be kewl and left wing yet you only joined the marxist society for the tshirt? Give me a break....sounds like you are confused.....are you a man of principle? Dont take this too personaly but I can see you as one of those guys protesting about globalisation yet wearing nike shoes, adidas trackies and visiting maccas after the protest as your earlier post certainly suggests that you are a sellout...

Henceforth although you say that its a fallacy to attack the circumstance of the arguer I think that in doing so I have effectively undermined your argument. You have no credibility whatsoever. Nevertheless I have shown that your argument is fundamentally floored on two levels,

1. It has been shown that your own circumstances are inherently contradictory which comprehensively highlights the "fallacy of your argument" - your words not mine
2. Your argument has also been shown to be erroneous and is factually misrepresentative.

Kind Regards,


PS: I cant believe you dont see the posters man when they are promoting events they are up in merryweather.....and its surrounds, and I cant believe you dont get the emails.....


foregone conclusion
Feb 8, 2003
hey Sif not 99 i kno from some earlier posts taht you do Commerce (Liberal Studies), i was wondering if u can do both Political Economy and Government as majors in taht, as well as maybe Economics or Finance..

also would you say its a pretty good decision to do taht course as opposed to say comm/arts or maybe a business/law degree at UTS in terms of doing theoretical politics and economics, as well as practical career based stuff?

sorry if this doesnt make much sense, its a whole lot of questions ive always wanted to know, but tough to explain.

my dream course would be economics and social sciences / law at Sydney, but i doubt id get a high enough UAI (99.6+??) and im looking for somethign similar..


Feb 22, 2003
My brothers a member he goes/went to the ball/s i think and a harbour cruise maybe


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
What makes a society great? The ability for members to have a say in the everyday running of such a society? The ability for members to congregate and meet and socialise on a regular basis? The ability for all members to have an understanding of how the system works, and participate in it? The ability for members to feel equal, to feel that their membership is welcome in the society?

You say that you don't know how exactly Comsoc is run because you are not exec. If you a member, surely you should have at least a basic idea of how things are run.

You mention Annual general Meetings; every club/society sponsored by the University of Sydney Union has an AGM every year, usually wrapped up with a BBQ to entice members to attend.

You say that if one wants to involved, you could email them and join one of the committees, but is that a realistic option for none but the most zealous first year? A first year to be surrounded in a room full of more experienced and specialised students. Intimidating, to say the least. I am suggesting perhaps a more open, and "all welcome" meetings might be better. A face to the email address.

And I'm sorry, but I do not see how my point of view can be classified as "leftist". Democratic perhaps, but note I did not ask for the entire Comsoc Executive Government to be burnt down and placed in the stakes. Your assumptions about me are wrong, I never returned to those left wing organisations because I found them hopeless for the same reason you implied that I was, the "Nike and Adidas wearing anti globalisation run a rally sign the petition and save the world tree hugging hippies". The Marxist Club also isn't strictly leftist, it's more like the intellectual discussion of left inclined pieces of work, very boring stuff which is why I never went back. Perhaps you might like to tell us what other clubs and societies you joined so I can make unjustified, offensive and wrong assumptions about you? Don't take it too personaly though.

Here's an assumption now; you obviously never did philosophy and hence do not understand the basic art of logic.


sporadic attendee
Nov 9, 2002
Ok, maybe I'm just a "zealous" first year, but i rocked up to a meeting of "experienced" people, and they were heaps friendly and inclusive. They invite everyone to their weekly meetings (12-1 tuesdays MLR4) and there is one with food this tues for all ppl interesting in joining committees...What more can they do? Have weekly bbq's for 900ppl? They try and hold stuff, but you have to attend! the only true way to meet ppl is to get involved in organisation...Answer the emails, they're dying for help and come on tuesday then!


sporadic attendee
Nov 9, 2002
Ok proof of the pudding...Comsoc had a meeting today inviting people to get involved. At least 30 ppl were there to join committees and more sent emails but were unable to attend. If you want to help with anything, you can! They want everyone to be involved. So if you're complaining and u weren't there/didnt register an interest, you're utterly hypocritical and are losing out on a great opportunity to get involved! :D

sif not 99

Jul 14, 2002
West Pennant Hills
I apologise I am quite ill I will keep this short
you say
What makes a society great? The ability for members to have a say in the everyday running of such a society? The ability for members to congregate and meet and socialise on a regular basis? The ability for all members to have an understanding of how the system works, and participate in it? The ability for members to feel equal, to feel that their membership is welcome in the society?

me: show me a student society where this is the case, even if it isnt logistically its a nightmare for a society the size of comsoc to accomodate this, nevertheless i suggest you stop hiding behind and persisting to push that ideological wheelbarrow, its nice to be pushing it yet get real, get with it, get a grip

you say
You say that you don't know how exactly Comsoc is run because you are not exec. If you a member, surely you should have at least a basic idea of how things are run.

me: I dont know how its run because I am too busy being involved in my own society, I choose not to know, that is my right, if I do want to know I know of plenty of eager to assist comsoc ppl

you say
You say that if one wants to involved, you could email them and join one of the committees, but is that a realistic option for none but the most zealous first year? A first year to be surrounded in a room full of more experienced and specialised students. Intimidating, to say the least. I am suggesting perhaps a more open, and "all welcome" meetings might be better. A face to the email address.

me: I say why dont you get involved, its no excuse to say that its an option only for the most zealous first years, thats a COP OUT AND YOU KNOW IT if you had been involved you would know that any student society worth its union funding welcomes ALL INTERESTED HELPERS be they 1st 2nd or whatever years...

you say: Here's an assumption now; you obviously never did philosophy and hence do not understand the basic art of logic.

It is obvious that I havent done philosophy yes I do agree, I can actually construct an argument, attack somebody elses and comprehensively prove my point at the expense of yours....

brother that is game set and match, your case falls down


sporadic attendee
Nov 9, 2002
Lol brilliant...! Go 'sif not' ;) Our amehurst bound mate would be proud with the argument...:p

Go back to bed and feel better soon ok? :)


New Member
Aug 25, 2003
Well it's good to see healthy debate going on. Viva la democracy!

There have been some good post submitted on this topic. Let me add my comments for what they are worth.

The point about the amount of publicty and general advertising about events has been taken on board. But as we said from the beginning, email/website are the two main communicate channels to members. As the text books say, marketing is all about targeting. What better and more effective way can you do it than sending a simple email with advice on upcoming events. Much more environmentally friendly too. Date and times of all the events are up on so the information is out there. [There is instruction there if you are not receiving the emails...]

Now coming back to getting involved. I agree that coming into any group where you don't know anyone is intimidating. But again, I refer you to my earlier comments about being volunteers. The service is as professional as possible, but there is a limit to what the student run society can and can't do. Unfortunately there is not enough hours in the day to hold everyone's hand and instruct them what to do who wish to get involved. The key with all of this is initiative - initiative - initiative! If you can organise things by yourself rather than being reliant on the other executives to tell you what to do every few minutes, you will make a huge impact on the society. It may sound obvious, but let me assure you, history proves it's not. Now don't infer from my comments that the exec are unfriendly. Quite the opposite! You couldn't find a better bunch of people who are all there because they believe in running a great society for the students of the University of Sydney. They collectively have a lot of experience and are very helping for new comers. But the fact that they are involved in the society at uni means invariably they are also heavily involved in other areas, whether that be sport, work or doing double degrees etc. Don't blame the proactive people for your inactivity!

When people relate us or compare us to UNSW, there are some good comparison points. Firstly, I gather the Faculty gives ComSoc no funding. This means they have to use the Union's funding guidelines which we all know is not very much. In nearly 2 years of operation, ComSoc has nearly everything that their UNSW's equivalent has, despite the time and recourses they have been 'given' to to it. Once again, if you think an area is lacking, go to their meetings, or get yourself on the committees or executive and make a difference that way.

And just to end, can you imagine what Uni would be like without all the clubs and soc's? Pretty dull. Heck, if the ComSoc didnt start up in 2002, look at the alternatives: E+B Society who?

Look forward to reading your responses,


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
I leave this place for 2 months and this is still here. Since I can't be arsed to go read what shit Sif not 99 has come up with this time, I'll just jump straight to the point and say you and whatever argument you have pulled from your arse will inevitable suck, I have my opinions and reservations, and I voice them so that perhaps somehow I can provide suggestions and constructive criticisms.

Some points:
Marketing: In my opinion, there's really not much point in marketing to members. Members expect to be notified and kept updated on events, but it is non members and people who will never be members because they don't know what comsoc that I think comsoc lacks marketing targeting to. eg. Scisoc markets. They have BBQs every month or so, and if you wear a SciSoc shirt, you get a free BBQ. They had or are having a ball, it's called the Bucky Ball. I'm not even a science student and I'm thinking about joining Scisoc next year. yes, it's the enticement of a free BBQ, but if it were not for marketing, then I would not be aware of this.

Joining in: I know it's a student organisation, I know they do the best job they can but helping out ...seriously... it's intimidating. Kinda like walking into the SRC or union office and going "I want to help out at the next anti -something rally."

Lack of funding: Perhaps the faculty allocated a portion of their funding to the E+ B society.

E+B society is amusing, almost as amusing as the "discounts" offered by comsoc.

Is there even an E + B society? The more I think about it, the more absurd it seems.

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