My Grandfather Proffessor Alberto Ephelemus Doowongle was a theoretical physicist who helped Einstein formulate his theory on relativity. In fact, it was he who tutored Einstein while he was out of school, and actaully wrote many of the papers on general relativity for him... of course, you would not be familiar with this name of his, as he also had many other Aliases, such as one Mr. Max Planck, an identity he took up to avoid suspicion by the Germans. This indentity was merely a stretching of an earlier name of "Maxwell", who you may be familiar with. He was also a very young man at the time being only 10 when he tutored einstein, and as such, also lived to become known as "Stephen Hawkings".. but tragically, was involved in an accident... and to this day, no one knows my Grandfathers secret identity... he is in fact, CLARK KENT. UP AND AWAY.