Happy Lala
It's a province, and at most an SAR. Whatever it is, it remains part of the Peoples Republic of China.doggogo8 said:It is not a province ,don't be so straight!
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It's a province, and at most an SAR. Whatever it is, it remains part of the Peoples Republic of China.doggogo8 said:It is not a province ,don't be so straight!
Tasmania is its own country by its own proclamation. I've been down there, and a lot of Tasmanians want to be independent from Australia. It doesn't matter, because the rest of Australia doesn't recognise Tasmania as its own country. In China, Taiwan is a Province. In Taiwan Province, Taiwan is STILL a Province of the People's Republic of China. It doesn't matter where you are, because a fact remains a fact no matter where you are.Bone577 said:It is a country by it's own proclamation. Country is a term referring to a nation being recognised as such. Hence, it is a matter of semantics. In China Taiwan is a province, and in Taiwan it is a country.
US support for Taiwan is based on the fact that China is going to be the biggest threat to US hegemony in the future, what small amounts of money the US makes from Taiwan is insignificant to the geo-political and military benefits.
However, this in no way mean that Taiwan is any less entitled to its right to self-determination, no matter the nationalistic zeal of Chinese people living in Australia who would probably not want to live under the fascistic and unfair rule of the former extreme communist turned extreme capitalist country.
Just because you say they don't have the right doesn't make it so. In fact all it does is make your wrong. May I direct you to the UN charter, ICCPR, UDHR and numerous other conventions and treaties which China along with any halfway moral nation has signed and ratified all cover the right to self determination.Phanatical said:Tasmania is its own country by its own proclamation. I've been down there, and a lot of Tasmanians want to be independent from Australia. It doesn't matter, because the rest of Australia doesn't recognise Tasmania as its own country. In China, Taiwan is a Province. In Taiwan Province, Taiwan is STILL a Province of the People's Republic of China. It doesn't matter where you are, because a fact remains a fact no matter where you are.
The people who live in Taiwan Province are entitled to self-determination, in that they can elect their representatives to the National Peoples Congress. They DON'T have the right (and never will) to declare themselves a new country, as much as I do to declare that my house here in Greystanes is Sovereign land and independent from Australia. My house is not sovereign land, and nor is Taiwan Province anything except part of China.
Phanatical said:If Tasmania wished to be independent, they do NOT have that right unless the rest of Australia is willing to give it to them.
And the people of Taiwan DO have the right to self-determination. They have the same right as the rest of the country to elect their leaders to the National Peoples Congress. They do NOT have the right to destroy our country by splitting it in two.
Hey, dude,chill,Phanatical said:If Tasmania wished to be independent, they do NOT have that right unless the rest of Australia is willing to give it to them.
And the people of Taiwan DO have the right to self-determination. They have the same right as the rest of the country to elect their leaders to the National Peoples Congress. They do NOT have the right to destroy our country by splitting it in two.
ha,thanks a lot for explaining, ur concept ROCKS , i LOVE IT!!!!Bone577 said:Listen again, UN Charter, UDHR, ICCPR all state the right to self determination. And NO they DO NOT need Chinese permission to be independant.
That is like saying East Timor needs Indonesias permission.
Or the US needs the British permission.
Or Palestine needs Israels permission.
In short... no.
Also, self-determination means complete autonomy, period. Again, UN Charter, UDHR, ICCPR all of which China has ratified support my case. Self determination does not mean subversion.
Oh FUCK YOU. History has shown us that the Chinese people have produced far better leaders than anything the west has ever produced.leetom said:A good Western nation should take command of the Taiwan situation. History has shown us that Orientals are clearly incapable of governing themselves effeciently and as a result, have had to lok to the West for leadership.
Hong Kong residents don't like to admit it, but British administration saw much more prosperous times.
Phanatical said:Oh FUCK YOU. History has shown us that the Chinese people have produced far better leaders than anything the west has ever produced.
And Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Peoples Republic of China, and if it is separated from the rest of China, would result in the separation of our MOTHERLAND. It is not just a country, it is the homeland of our culture, and by destroying our country, you destroy our glorious culture.
I would also be interested in your sources. Also, comparing a suburb to an autonomous region is ludicrous. It would be far more relevant to compare it to something like East Timor, or Aceh, or Palestine, or if you want to be an imbecile Tasmania, all of which have this right... even Taiwan. You saying it doesn't is not only baseless, it is wrong and not an argument.Phanatical said:If it were the wish of the Greystanes people to declare the Nation of Greystanes, is it our right to declare ourselves independent? Fuck no. Taiwan has no right to declare itself independent, not only because 99% of China doesn't want it to, but because 99% of the people within Taiwan Province itself don't want it to separate from our Glorious Motherland.
So fuck you.
For god's sake, why the FUCK can't u shut up ur mouth (u keep using fuck)Phanatical said:If it were the wish of the Greystanes people to declare the Nation of Greystanes, is it our right to declare ourselves independent? Fuck no. Taiwan has no right to declare itself independent, not only because 99% of China doesn't want it to, but because 99% of the people within Taiwan Province itself don't want it to separate from our Glorious Motherland.
So fuck you.
Do you have a single digit IQ or something?neo_o said:Precautions need to be taken against a group of people whom in previous situations haven't flinched from strapping bombs to the backs of children.
They're Chinese traitors and rebels.doggogo8 said:Oh, and did i mention China continually bulling Taiwan, check it out, it isn't really anything to be proud of. For such a country,taiwan , where the people work so hard , the people have so high hopes, and here is china , making taiwan BAD BAD BAD, saying they are TRAITORS, and than all the hopes and hard work, sweat Taiwan once have, IS DEMOLISHED IN ONE SECOND, making Taiwan feel SAD, MAD, ANGER, WE ARE A COUNTRY WHERE PEOPLE WORK HARD, ARE KIND , HELP OTHERS, i just hope some of the people who post here PLEASE put yourself in our shoes, HOW WOULD U FEEL, HOW PAINFUL AND SAD IT IS FOR SUCH A SMALL ISLAND TO BE DESTRUCTED BY SUCH A HUGE NATION-----CHINA.
If you want Taiwan to be a country so the Chinese can have their endless civil war forever, then just say the word.ur comment is really not quite good! >"<
u haven't got any sufficient evidence to claim a few things, check out ur history book before u make up ur mind that, "taiwan is def a part of china, its ridiculous that it isnt, its like tasmania wanting independance. "
really i'm not offending u but looook at ur history book ,
taiwan is NO PART OF CHINA, NONONO!!!!
before China went ....... communist, taiwan had to back away, to avoid many things, and phew! Taiwan did or it will be devastated by many horror events the communist China once did .
yep, the U.S supports Taiwan for the sake of money, but look dude,JUST BECAUSE THE U.S WANTS OUR MONEY,that doesn't justify it, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE IS WRONG. This world will go mad if people judge to quick, like bush, don't compare Taiwan to any other country, it is stupid, Tasmania,Hawaii, any other, don't be to extreme because u might offend some here
If they have the military and political power, then yes they do, but by the looks of the trend, they're have less and less right and soon or later, they'll be no better than prostitutes. What I recommend is that, since they're still in the position to talk, they should talk peace and be a SAR like HK. This solution would be way better than missile landing on top of it.Just because you say they don't have the right doesn't make it so. In fact all it does is make your wrong. May I direct you to the UN charter, ICCPR, UDHR and numerous other conventions and treaties which China along with any halfway moral nation has signed and ratified all cover the right to self determination.
In fact if the Tasmanians DID want to be independant (your statement is suspect to say the least) then yes they do have a right. I have said this before yet you still use the same ludicrous analogy.
Saying that non-chinese people have no right to comment is stupid, and seems to me a (unsuccessful) method of trying to disqualify the voice of reason (people who disagree with you).
just, get over yourself?berry580 said:They're Chinese traitors and rebels.
Taiwan IS part of China and China includes the island Taiwan just like how Australia owns the island Tasmania.
About your destruction bullsh!t, got find a hole and cry in it.
Everything comes at a price. The destruction of Taiwan in return for the unity of all China and for true peace (no civil war), it's more than worth it.
If you want Taiwan to be a country so the Chinese can have their endless civil war forever, then just say the word.
If they have the military and political power, then yes they do, but by the looks of the trend, they're have less and less right and soon or later, they'll be no better than prostitutes. What I recommend is that, since they're still in the position to talk, they should talk peace and be a SAR like HK. This solution would be way better than missile landing on top of it.