so, if that's all you make all year (254.6) yes, you will claim it back because in the year u would have made less than $6000. If you multiply it by 52, i got that you would make 13 260 in a year, so because you made over $6000 you will not be able to claim it back.
do you understand the tax brackets thing?
$0 – $6,000 Nil - first 6000 you make is tac free
6,001 – $21,600 - 17c for each $1 over $6,000 - so for each dollar you earn ober 6000, but up to 21 600 you will pay 17c in tax. this is the tax bracked you will fit into with a wage of 13 260.
so you'll get 6000 tax free
7260 is left. for this 7260 you will pay 17c in each dollar in tax. that's $1324 in tac (7260 x 17c = 7260 x 0.17). that seems like a lot!