beer bingo some guy sits in the corner drawing numbers and calls them out and you mark them off on your gamecard (a grid of random numbers). if you get a line in a row crossed off you call out bingo! and win beer. its a lot more fun than this description. it helps to have a few beers before it starts as well.
there are heaps of american girls, you learn to spot them pretty easy. there are lots of internationals at theme nights (toga parties etc) at the uni bar, and they've always been pretty friendly to me.
i find its harder than youd expect to meet people at university, even in your own course. its a bit weird having seen some people every other day for three years and still not know their name. i find the best way to meet other peope is to get involved in club, or the short courses that are run by sam every semester. there are heaps of different things and cost from $10 to a few hundred. you get this pamphlet thingy when you enroll with a list of them all. all the clubs and stuff have stalls during o-week that you can sign up.