The Evil Empire: 101 Ways That England Ruined The World (DO YOU AGREE?) (2 Viewers)

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Dec 11, 2005
The British Empire was the worst thing to ever happen to the world, claims author.

And now for something completely different.

Cruel Britannia


Britain is apparently to blame for just about all of the planet's problems. In its days of might and glory, our Sceptred Isle was in fact an Evil Empire that enslaved the world, and is today responsible for everything from African genocides to the Iraq War and the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

We are also to blame for global warming - because Britain launched the Industrial Revolution which produced the smoke that polluted the sky that heated the world. And as if that was not bad enough, we also burned Joan of Arc at the stake, made cocaine 'look cool' and pandered to Hitler, before dragging the whole world into global conflict.

These are just some of the accusations against Britain in an outrageous new 'history' book, The Evil Empire: 101 Ways That England Ruined The World, that looks set to blow a giant raspberry at the much-vaunted 'special relationship' between Britain and America.

It has been written by Steven Grasse, a selfstyled 'amateur historian' from Philadelphia, who believes that Britain has never been held to account for its role in some of the darkest chapters in global history.

After a successful career running a marketing agency, Grasse is now pouring his resources into launching his alternative view of Britain's national story - complete with websites, publicity stunts, video films and documentaries - because he wants to persuade the world that Britain is to blame for most global ills.

His aim is to grab the attention of a generation which no longer reads books and which is ignorant of history, but which, nonetheless, believes that America is the true Evil Empire.

'I'm not claiming that America is innocent of everything,' writes Grasse, 'but England is supposed to be our ally and our friend, and all we hear these days is how awful Americans are and what awful things America is doing. It is time people heard the other side of the story.'

So, in Grasse's eyes, Britain is to blame for world poverty and starvation, for The Great Plague, for the ravages of Nazis and Communists, and for Islamic terrorism today. Apparently, we are even to blame for the Vietnam War which humiliated America 35 years ago.

'There would have been no Vietnam War if there had been no French colony in Vietnam, and there would have been no French colony if England had not started with its colonies, which meant that everyone else had to have colonies too,' explains Grasse.

This is the sort of twisted logic that has inspired him to start the International Coalition for British Reparations, a new campaign launched with a full-page newspaper advertisement in America, which is demanding that Britain pay £31 trillion in damages to be distributed to every man, woman and child in the world as recompense for the damage the UK has inflicted around the globe.

'Look at World War I - you started that!' says Grasse. It was an unnecessary war, started by Britain because Germany wanted an Empire, which Britain, France and Russia had.

'You then dragged America into it. The whole bloody history of the 20th century, including the Nazi genocide, starts from that point. The average person does not know any of this.'

And here is Grasse on the Anglo-Chinese Opium War of 1840, when Britain sent a task force to protect its trading outposts. In a chapter headed 'They Hooked the Chinese on Opium', he writes: 'What could be worse than looking out your window and seeing a drug dealer, peddling his narcotics to every passer-by?

'How about a drug dealer who sets up camp on your doorstep and pummels your walls with musket fire and cannon balls until you allow him to sell drugs from inside your very home?

'Grisly stuff, I know, but it's exactly what Britain did to China during the 19th-century opium wars.' (Never mind that opium was not, in fact, illegal at the time - or that this anti-protectionist measure gave rise to the global free market from which America has prospered so greatly).

But it is when Grasse turns his eye to more recent problems that his accusations become as hysterical as they are inaccurate.

For he believes that many of the global problems we think of as being recent developments can be traced back to Britain's doorstep. He blames the spread of global warming on Britain's dependence on coal during the industrial revolution - a 'fact' made worse by our apparent indifference to global warming.

As for the debacle in Iraq, Grasse believes Britain is to blame for the bogus scaremongering over weapons of mass destruction which led to the ill-conceived assault on Saddam.

Even more of a liability in war than Blair himself, though, were 'the touchy British people, who seemed to want our mission to fail the day it began'.

Yes, we Limeys are untrustworthy allies, whose manifold failings include our antiegalitarian attachment to the Monarchy.

'It's more than tradition,' writes Grasse. 'It's worship. The British people desperately need a strict hierarchy to function. It needs to put a crown on an old lady simply for the sake of having someone to bow down before.'

Such assertions are so wrongheaded that serious historians don't know whether to laugh or rage. Among the first to comment was Jonathan Steinberg at the University of Pennsylvania.

He points out that in the 'plus' side of British history lay, just for a start, the Magna Carta, the creation of the first free Press and the first free markets, not to mention the abolition of slavery.

But it is only the bad things that interest Grasse. 'I want to start a debate; to throw a rock in the pond and watch the ripples,' he says.

One reason for his campaign is that he believes that after the debacle of President Bush's war on terror, young Americans have fallen into an era of national selfloathing, equal to that which paralysed the U.S. in the wake of the Vietnam War.

He hopes to restore American pride by pointing out that Britain has a far more shameful past than the U.S., but has never been forced to own up to its injustices.

'The English have never been forced to confront their past,' he says. 'Germany has. Japan has. America has - America does; we are always wringing our hands over what we did to the Indians, what we are doing to the Iraqis.

'Well, there wouldn't BE an Iraq if it wasn't for the Evil Empire (Britain) which created it, which created Saddam.'

Though much of his book is risible, Grasse is no fool. What he wants is for the rest of the world, led by Britain, to stop accusing America of being the root of all evil. He has a point.

Despite it being the world's only truly democratic superpower, pouring scorn on America has become something of an obsession among Britain's bien pensants.

'Why did some people even blame George Bush for the effects of Hurricane Katrina?' Grasse asks. 'He didn't start the hurricane, and the levees which burst were built before he was born.'

The danger is, of course, that by making equally absurd accusations against Britain, Grasse risks provoking the anti-American sentiment that he so objects to.

In its far-fetched assault on British history, his book is less of a rock causing ripples in the pond of public discourse than a giant pair of hobnailed boots, marked Uncle Sam, delivering a wholesale kicking to America's staunchest ally.

And as the saying goes: with friends like these, who needs enemies?

The Evil Empire: 101 Ways That England Ruined The World by Steven Grasse. Published by Quirk Books/ Chronicle Books plc and distributed in the UK by Grantham Book Services. £9.99.

If you're interested about it more.

Official Myspace page:

Official site:

International Coalition for British Reparations:

Do you all agree? To an extent I do. I mean just look at what they did to Aboriginals and many other stuff.
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Dec 11, 2005
brogan77 said:
Yes what a magnificent comeback. You used my exact insult then added the word "bitch" when I am neither female, nor a dog.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.
LMAO! You mad?

umop 3pisdn

Jan 6, 2007
We are also to blame for global warming - because Britain launched the Industrial Revolution which produced the smoke that polluted the sky that heated the world.
The Industrial Revolution is the single event responsible for the greatest increase in human standards of living, wealth and lifespan worldwide.

STFU or go back to your farm

Do you all agree? To an extent I do. I mean just look at what they did to Aboriginals and many other stuff.
You've convinced me... no, wait


When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sung this strain:

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair;
Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown'd,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

edit: don't make things so big..
Last edited by a moderator:
Dec 11, 2005
DAMN! people already catching feelings from an article I didn't write but I cosigned parts of it. Awww what farm? Australia has a shit load of farmers in the outback. Why you here for?

And smh at that poem you posted that you did not write.



Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
Ahh, the ever increasing trend of pseudo-history. Very interesting.


Mar 31, 2007
Britain is single handedly responsible for making the world a better place. Britain spread freedom, democracy, scientific advancement, education and most importantly English language.

All commonwealth countries should thank Britain for colonizing their countries, in fact pay royalties for all those good work done by british pioneers and brits should be reaping all those hardowrk done by their ancestors.


Feb 2, 2005
brogan77 said:
Yes what a magnificent comeback. You used my exact insult then added the word "bitch" when I am neither female, nor a dog.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.


About time one these threads popped up. I challenged someone before to make this thread- they would start it and I would prove how England ruined the world.

But lol after sometime it was locked and hidden away before I could even get started on TOPIC.

BUt here it is, I cant wait TO FUCK Your POMMY dickheads over.

- You Ruined the world so many fucken ways - that all the problems we have now is BECAUSE of England.

- Look at Pakistan and India - Thanks England
- Look AT the Middle eAstern situation - th anks England
- Look at AMerica - for gods sakes...

Although the article postedf by CSI is shit - in that it has some really lame basis.

For eg WWI - is claims that Germany wanted an empire just like England and France - they had one but it was very small. The real reaosn England fucked up here was coause shitty Generals and their Horse theories. ....

Ok where to start on this topic - there is much to go through....

Lets start on Australia,

WE all know how australia was formed - it was convict colony that gained independence from Britain (thank god we gained independence_ but fuck we still have the queen).

They landed here - massacred all the aborginies a nd here are some people questioning the credibility of China? wtf. anyway.
They absoltutely wiped these people who were innocent and had done nothing wrong at all. Then they have assimiliation policies - which was even worse. Using Aborgines like slaves.
? anyone have anything to say to that.


Feb 2, 2005
YankeeChica said:
Britain is single handedly responsible for making the world a better place. Britain spread freedom, democracy, scientific advancement, education and most importantly English language.

All commonwealth countries should thank Britain for colonizing their countries, in fact pay royalties for all those good work done by british pioneers and brits should be reaping all those hardowrk done by their ancestors.
Yeah no,

so britain spread democracy? is that when you kidnap black africans and use them as slaves?

Or is that when go to Australia and wipe out the Aborginies?

Or is that when you incite violence between Arabs and jews?

Science - britain was well behind in science. the only reason they got this far was because of some helop from their european buddies - especially Germany.


Mar 31, 2007
To my knowlege slavery was well established and existed as a trade 2000 years before Britain started its slave trade. Brits as successful business innovtors only make it extremely profitable by trading slaves to the Americas.

Indian and Pakis should thank Britain for colonizing India. Because without British legacy they would not have democracy nor speak english. India's success in IT owes to the British introduction of English as language of instructions in Schools and Universities. You should thank brits for endless Indian telemarketers calling you.

Hongkong, Singapore and Malaysia are among the richest asian countries thank to centuries of British rule while the french ruled Vietnam and Dutch ruled Indonesia are the poorest in the area.

South Africa, another ex British Colony is the richest and most developed country in Africa ; thanks to the brits. French , german, Belgian, italian colonies are the poorest even today and are plagued by terrorism, civil war and disease. Thanks always to efficient british administration and policies.

In America, ex british Colonies such as USA, Canada are the worlds most prosperous, richest and successful countries because they are descendants of hard working and freedom loving puritans from Britain. Compared with Spanish Colonies such as all of latin americas and Portuguese colony such as Brazil are all third world countris and are among the poorest countries in the world.

Australia also owes its success as a prosperous nation to its origin as a british colony. If Australia was colonised by Spaniard, portuguese, italian or dutch it will be just another barren 3rd world country in Asia.

Britain was the leading inventor in the fields of science until it was over taken by US during the 19th century.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
HotShot said:
They landed here - massacred all the aborginies a nd here are some people questioning the credibility of China? wtf. anyway.
They absoltutely wiped these people who were innocent and had done nothing wrong at all. Then they have assimiliation policies - which was even worse. Using Aborgines like slaves.
? anyone have anything to say to that.
Not quite



Feb 2, 2005
YankeeChica said:
To my knowlege slavery was well established and existed as a trade 2000 years before Britain started its slave trade. Brits as successful business innovtors only make it extremely profitable by trading slaves to the Americas.
So slavery is democratic whow.
Indian and Pakis should thank Britain for colonizing India. Because without British legacy they would not have democracy nor speak english. India's success in IT owes to the British introduction of English as language of instructions in Schools and Universities. You should thank brits for endless Indian telemarketers calling you.
English has nothing to do India's sucess. india sucess came through sheer hard work - pumped by the hatred towards the Poms.
Hongkong, Singapore and Malaysia are among the richest asian countries thank to centuries of British rule while the french ruled Vietnam and Dutch ruled Indonesia are the poorest in the area.
Yeah, no they were drug traffickers paradise.

South Africa, another ex British Colony is the richest and most developed country in Africa ; thanks to the brits. French , german, Belgian, italian colonies are the poorest even today and are plagued by terrorism, civil war and disease. Thanks always to efficient british administration and policies.
They have serious racial issues, and they also one of the highest crime rates (courtesy of Aryan).
In America, ex british Colonies such as USA, Canada are the worlds most prosperous, richest and successful countries because they are descendants of hard working and freedom loving puritans from Britain. Compared with Spanish Colonies such as all of latin americas and Portuguese colony such as Brazil are all third world countris and are among the poorest countries in the world.
yeah they were only prosperous because the kicked the POMS out. else they would it be shithole like England is. England has one of the higest depression rates.
Australia also owes its success as a prosperous nation to its origin as a british colony. If Australia was colonised by Spaniard, portuguese, italian or dutch it will be just another barren 3rd world country in Asia.
How can you make such a statement?
Britain was the leading inventor in the fields of science until it was over taken by US during the 19th century.
Nien, it was the Europeans.


Feb 4, 2006
YankeeChica said:
Britain is single handedly responsible for making the world a better place. Britain spread freedom, democracy, scientific advancement, education and most importantly English language.
I don't think spreading the English language is the most important. In fact, that's hardly an achievement. We're no better with the langauge, nor would we be worse without it. It's actually sad the way cultures (including language) are becoming homogenised.

YankeeChica said:
All commonwealth countries should thank Britain for colonizing their countries, in fact pay royalties for all those good work done by british pioneers and brits should be reaping all those hardowrk done by their ancestors.
That idea is just stupid.


Mar 31, 2007
HotShot said:
So slavery is democratic whow.
yes if it was not british slave traders there would not be so many blacks in americas living in the worlds greatest country and enjoy its high quality living standards. close to 40 million black americans would be living in africa in poverty much like the rest of africans.

English has nothing to do India's sucess. india sucess came through sheer hard work - pumped by the hatred towards the Poms.
But it was the Brits who introduced English to Indians, which enabled them to become IT professionals and the worlds hub of BPO centre.
Yeah, no they were drug traffickers paradise.
still they are the richest countries comparable to the west, thanks to british rule.

They have serious racial issues, and they also one of the highest crime rates (courtesy of Aryan).
Racism in south africa was started by dutch settlers, many blacks african regard brits as their liberator.
yeah they were only prosperous because the kicked the POMS out. else they would it be shithole like England is. England has one of the higest depression rates.
The Americans themselves were at first Poms, like most australian at first were. They only done away with the British rule and the language, the people, the culture, the laws, all derive its origin from the British. England turned into a shithole as it is today thanks to muslim immigrants.
How can you make such a statement?
Because all british colonies mostly became developed and successful countries compared to other countries colonised by other european powers. There are no french, no spaniard, no italian, no portuguese colonies which became prosperous countries like British colonised countries.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
YankeeChica said:
yes if it was not british slave traders there would not be so many blacks in americas living in the worlds greatest country and enjoy its high quality living standards. close to 40 million black americans would be living in africa in poverty much like the rest of africans.
Yep, typical jewish, the muslims must be mentioned somewhere in this post.....

Racism in south africa was started by dutch settlers, many blacks african
YankeeChica said:
regard brits as their liberator.
The Americans themselves were at first Poms, like most australian at first were. They only done away with the British rule and the language, the people, the culture, the laws, all derive its origin from the British. England turned into a shithole as it is today thanks to muslim immigrants.
yep, here are the muslims.

sheesh aryan, your even racist to africans, blacks, muslims, arabs, iranians, australians, whose next? asians? italians?


Feb 26, 2007
YankeeChica said:
Britain is single handedly responsible for making the world a better place. Britain spread freedom, democracy, scientific advancement, education and most importantly English language.

All commonwealth countries should thank Britain for colonizing their countries, in fact pay royalties for all those good work done by british pioneers and brits should be reaping all those hardowrk done by their ancestors.

You first, ungrateful Yank rebel.


Mar 31, 2007
circusmind said:
You first, ungrateful Yank rebel.
US already paid all royalties plus interest in the form of Marshall Plan to put back war exhausted and drained Britain to its feet. More than 3 Billion dollars (now worth hundred of billions of dollars) were given to Brits.


Feb 26, 2007
YankeeChica said:
US already paid all royalties plus interest in the form of Marshall Plan to put back war exhausted and drained Britain to its feet. More than 3 Billion dollars (now worth hundred of billions of dollars) were given to Brits.
On the other hand, you fucked up the language and gave us the American Idol franchise. I'm gonna say the US is still in the negatives.

-1 for crap trolling.


Mar 31, 2007
circusmind said:
On the other hand, you fucked up the language and gave us the American Idol franchise. I'm gonna say the US is still in the negatives.

-1 for crap trolling.
Who cares what you think? The world knows US is supreme, thanks to hard working brits who colonised America.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
YankeeChica said:
Who cares what you think? The world knows US is supreme, thanks to hard working brits who colonised America.
so the US is reigning "supreme" thanks to british colonialism, yet britian itself is a "shithole"?
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