Lick Me.
hmmm its true, no matter what situation, your boyfriend is always going to be jealous if you hang out with an ex. But, if hes understanding and caring, he will realise that ex's can be viewed as friends, not threats. i mean, theres a REASON why theyre ex's right. and unless YOU personally are harbouring feelings for them, your boyfriend has nothing to worry about.
If your ex still has feelings for you, but hes adamant about being friends because you've been friends/used to go out for a long time, would it be fuelling his fire if you were still good friends with him? is it better to just stop seeing him for a while, until he gets over you romantically?
(not the case for me, my ex and i are best of friends, and my boyfriend and i are the best of... in love
and although they both get a little miffed, they understand i cannot and will not get rid of either one of them)
If your ex still has feelings for you, but hes adamant about being friends because you've been friends/used to go out for a long time, would it be fuelling his fire if you were still good friends with him? is it better to just stop seeing him for a while, until he gets over you romantically?
(not the case for me, my ex and i are best of friends, and my boyfriend and i are the best of... in love