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The Sciences Subjects (1 Viewer)

Sep 14, 2004
Sydney, Australia, Earth, Milky Way...............
I'm doing Chemistry. I used to do Physics and I did the holiday tuition courses for it but eventually I figured I didn't like it, couldn't get along with my teacher and didn't agree with how slowly we were going. But funnily enough I still read my physics books (Stephen Hawking!) and all those spacey things.

So I dropped it. Probably wasn't the smartest thing for me...I told my parents that physics wasn't really necessary for Medicine, which was the only reason I dropped it **feels bad**


holla back girl said:
to be honest...don't do bio! it sux heaps...i don't do it but its pretty crap..does nothing for your uai...a lot of memory.. and you don't need it for med.
i suggest phys and chem, really easy! plus lots of resources available
wats so gud bout physics..?.. u wanna have another maths lesson?? lol.. IMO biology is so much more interesting than physics.. physics is all bout theories and formulas etc.,.. newayz.. i dun really matter if bio scales me or not coz all my subjects scale high.. and i have back up subject.. :D:D:D


Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
-neurosurgeon- said:
if u want to do medicine u'll definitely need chem and apparently they prefer physics to biology....no idea why..and correct me if i'm wrong
As has been said, HSC bio isn't exactly the kind of stuff they're using in med. Like all the HSC sciences it's been 'humanatized' a bit.

If you consider all the medical imaging technology is used you can see why a basic understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its behaviour would be quite useful. Also, if you're looking towards the brain/nervous system or any of the senses then you've got electrical impulses, light, lenses and sound waves.

kadlil said:
wats so gud bout physics..?.. u wanna have another maths lesson?? lol.. IMO biology is so much more interesting than physics.. physics is all bout theories and formulas etc.,.. newayz.. i dun really matter if bio scales me or not coz all my subjects scale high.. and i have back up subject.. :D:D:D
Physics is the basis of all the physical sciences. If you want to understand chemistry and why any of the stuff takes place, physics is where you turn. Some people prefer something a little more grounded in reality (eg. bio) but I think it's really cool to learn about the fundamental nature of matter, space and time.

(P.S. Physics > other HSC science)
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KFunk said:
As has been said, HSC bio isn't exactly the kind of stuff they're using in med. Like all the HSC sciences it's been 'humanatized' a bit.

If you consider all the medical imaging technology is used you can see why a basic understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its behaviour would be quite useful. Also, if you're looking towards the brain/nervous system or any of the senses then you've got electrical impulses, light, lenses and sound waves.

Physics is the basis of all the physical sciences. If you want to understand chemistry and why any of the stuff takes place, physics is where you turn. Some people prefer something a little more grounded in reality (eg. bio) but I think it's really cool to learn about the fundamental nature of matter, space and time.

(P.S. Physics > other HSC science)
i find it really weird that physics is a more relevant thing to medical.. i understand the the wave, electromagnets etc.. but.. yeh..
Jun 29, 2005
lol i was thinking more of nuclear medicine (ie technetium-99) as an application of physics for medicine..


Aug 20, 2003
I've only done half a year of med so far, but it seems like bio is probably the most useful subject. But most of the hsc bio you finish very quickly, so it's not that much of an advantage. Furthermore with hsc phys the way it is these days, its even less useful. That said, the faculty does recommend hsc chem and prelim phys as assumed knowledge, not bio.


Dec 31, 2004
kami said:
The Science Subjects-what they are and what you can do with them:

BIOLOGY-Biology is a study of the way living things function and why. Within the core of this course you will look at ecology, drugs, organ transplants, the heart, the kidneys, blood, urine, DNA, epidemiology, the theory of evolution and the photosynthesis of plants just to name a few things. In the options you will gain the opportunity to study one of the following; how creatures communicate including such things as the structure of eyes, ears and vocal cords or biotechnology, where you will investigate the technologies involved in biology such as artificial insemination and transgenics or you will look at the biochemistry of photosynthesis in plants or you will study genetics in depth, looking at how we pass on traits and features or you will study how humanity has evolved from his prehistoric state to what he is today by look at things like anatomy and bone structure. This course will blend quite well with the outcomes of Earth&Environmental Science, Chemistry and Senior Science. Also in conjunction with Chemistry it is considered a suitable background for many scientific studies including Medicine, Veterinary Science and Pharmacy.

CHEMISTRY - Chemistry is a study of how elements and compounds interact to form the complex reactions in the world around us, as well as those we produce ourselves. In the core of this course you will look at the classification of elements&compounds, atoms, the atmosphere, valency and bonding, the history of metals, the mole concept, hydrogen bonding, solubility, water's relationship with heat, hydrocarbons, renewable fuel, batteries, nuclear chemistry, acids in the environment, esters, the synthesis of ammonia, water pollution just to name a few things. In the options you will gain the opportunity to study one of the following; industrial chemistry which includes studying the roduction of sulfuric acid, the making of soaps and detergents and the Solvay process or an indepth study of corrosion and its prevention or a look at the biochemical reactions of movement or a study on how forensic investigators employ chemistry in a variety of ways for example blood analysis or the chemicals involved in paints and dyes as well as other areas of art. This course would blend quite well with Biology or Physics and does require a limited degree of mathematical capability. Chemistry as a subject is generally considered reccomended background for the lion's share of science subjects at uni not to mention a great deal of engineering courses, and when taken in conjuction with Biology or Physics it provides an excellent background for such courses as Medicine, Veterinary Science and Pharmacy.

PHYSICS- Physics is a study of motion, force, waves and fields whether they be magnetic, electrical or gravitational. In the core of this course you will look at velocity and acceleration and learn how to explain them scientifically, you will look at how gravity affects the motion of objects, how sound works, the orbits of planetary bodies, motors and generators, how current flows, the photoelectric effect, and cathode rays among other things. In the options you will investigate one of the following; the physics involved in geology or the study of physics as it relates to medicine such as ultrasound, x-rays and MRI scans or you will study the physics of the stars and the galaxy or you will study atomic theory and quanta and so on or an indepth study into electronics and transistors. This course would blend quite well with Chemistry, Cosmology, Engineering Studies and Mathematics, it also requires a limited degree of competence in maths. Physics is a subject which is a useful foundation for a large amount of science and engineering courses in university, and when taken in conjunction with Chemistry is an excellent background for Medicine.

Thanks for the advice. (It would've been better if you told me this before I chose my year 11 subjects).

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
i do biology. its fun, i wanted to do a science but i knew there was no way i was doing chem or physics so i chose that instead. looking back on it, physics actually looks a lot more interesting than it sounds, i wouldnt mind doing it as well either.


Jun 10, 2004
let's find out.
Originally posted by KFunk
(P.S. Physics > other HSC science)
Haha, no way. Chem >phys>any other science, be it HSC-style or anything.

A basic knowledge of physics is no doubt useful in any situation, but that's about it. Phys is useful in understanding chemistry and biology etc. I could rant on and on about uni physics, but that would take a while. In short, phys was the worst science subject I took last semester. HSC phys is completely different to uni phys - that's when you start real physics and all the maths in addition, solving random second order differentials etc...mechanics is ok, thermal phys is ok...waves no way.

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