For now guys, let all the examinations for Yr 12's and 10's and Uni students conclude, then we can sort plans out of how to actually maintain standard for the forums, Laz and Fat muscle and Tactic and the other admins are busy with studys but after it they will fix it.
You see to become a mod you really have to be quite erudite within the area of that forum, we can't just mod everyone, they might abuse their powers, me and Lexi and the other newer mods were under a period where we were monitored to see how we would suit for the mod position, and in return we did a pretty good job, i know that some users just take the moderating part fun and the power, well to be honest all the power we got is editing, deleting and merging a thread from our own assigned forum, it's no biggie, but you also have to perpetrate for your actions.
But for now people leave it at that, the admins will work something out after the exams.