^^ doing trial classes with both centres in a few weeks
does anybody have experiences with either of them?
thank youuu
I did ACE and Zhang's online last year, so things might have changed. Take my experiences with a grain of salt.
I only did the ACE exam trial program, where they would send a paper, and have an online session explaining the answers. I have purged that experience from memory as I did horribly in the exams, and was made even more confused by their explanations. But that could just be me being bad at physics.
Zhang's online was basically the same as the in-person experience (i.e: teacher reads off a bunch of summary notes) and unfortunately asking questions had a 10-second lag, which was awkward at times. But I think all the required content was delivered. Was it delivered well? It was not the best, if you are looking purely for online tutoring, it's pretty solid.