If I'm not allowed to flame you.. then what can I do?dashkenny said:Thought i'd just start it off, don't flame me if this was supos to go in the 'cadetship 2007' thread
Should've asked us at the info sessions; or listened at the workshops which gave out plenty of tips for group interviews.dashkenny said:Could people currently doing cadetship's please give some advice on how to approach the interviews?
I agree. Usually we bring heaps of people out there but this time it was just 5 of us and I was swarmed from all directions! Even getting to the drinks outside for a Coke was quite a challenge (then I realised I should take off my name badge).dashkenny said:cheers guys
in response seremify, ahaha i'm a melbourne person and the icaa night was so packed i couldn't even get a chance to talk to current cadets etc
Depends on the firm. Different firms have different ways.dashkenny said:in particular are the group interviews / test / partner interview all done in one day? or is it like stages?
Don't worry too much- I felt daunted too (I'm from a government school). Just be yourselfdashkenny said:oh and that uni account thingo is i'm currently studying one subject relating to university accounting and my aim is for high distinction.
bah i'm so worried about these group interviews get owned by all those elite school people