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To All You Latin People: (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 15, 2005
Resistere irritum est. Praeparate vos ad translationem in modum subunctivum.

Jermir Caesar

Jul 29, 2005
Resistere irritum est. Praeparate vos ad translationem in modum subunctivum.
"It is useless to resist. Prepare yourselves for a translation into the subjunctive mood."

Abutebaris modo subjunctivo denuo.
"You were misusing [or making full use of] the subjunctive mood again."
Problem: "abutor -uti -usus dep. , with abl. (1) [to make full use of]. (2) [to abuse, waste]; esp. [to use a word wrongly]."

Is it (1) or (2)?

ambo conantur scribere in Latine, cum paula consecutione. forsitan debent loqui de rebus magnae gravitatis, qualis de HSC!! Di Immortales, ardeo!! sed, loquemini Latines amici, quatenus vos in studiis es? qua candidati petens primus ex omnibus in toto civitate in Latine sunt? dicite nos aliquorum nominum, aut, si tu ipse petes primarius esse, dicite nos tui nominis. exspecto responsiones.

"mittitur infestos alter speculator in hostes;
in rivale oculos alter, ut hoste, tenet."

- Ovid Amores 1.9 (17-18)

Jermir Caesar

Jul 29, 2005
videtur nemo certat primum. et puto mea sententia nostrum optimum in toto civitate fuisse. si primus in tua schola eras, scribe tuum nominem in hoc filo.


Dec 27, 2004
Jermir Caesar said:
videtur nemo certat primum. et puto mea sententia nostrum optimum in toto civitate fuisse. si primus in tua schola eras, scribe tuum nominem in hoc filo.
Porcius Magnus tum?

Jermir Caesar

Jul 29, 2005
Porcius aut Porcia?

quid scholam is, Porcia? quot Latinem facis: duo aut tres?


New Member
Mar 8, 2006
"exspecto responsiones.."

i didnt really look at your post in detail jermir but can i just say that you've put your verb in the wrong place? Romans rarely put their verbs first unless it's for a specific reason like they're throwing emphasis onto them in verse.


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
That was actually very funny :) I don't know if was an intentional joke or just something that happened as the mind races to keep up with the burns and put downs of modern society, but I found it funny.
See, I love latin, I think it's a really beautiful kind of language, both because of what the Roman writers did with it, and the very systematic discipline they have with the language, compared with the much freer postmodern language that English has become. Accessible, sure, but I miss the beauty people used to put into their words. Occasionally you find people who are like that, I guess it seems rarer now than what I am led to believe about the past.
So in light of there being apparently little interest in latin here (shock horror!) I thought I'd write some things here :p
Who am I? See, no one DOES that around here, it's just as if everyone already knew everyone else, and then to spite the proof by contradiction, anyone we don't know is dismissed as a person we don't need to know. So I thought I might write something about me. Did you know it's my first Bored of Studies post? It's like a maiden speech in politics, I imagine. I don't really enjoy Bored of Studies; I see its usefulness, the various ways it would bring like-minded people together, or unlike-minded people together for a different experience altogether, but ultimately it upsets me, because despite numbers of people banding together to help each other out in getting through HSC, everyone still seems focussed on competition, getting what they want or need, and all that...
And it's all fine, actually, there's nothing wrong with any of that, it just never appealed to me and usually made me feel a little disappointed with everything. I don't like comparing and contrasting people because there are so many ways it could go 'wrong': justifying actions because others are doing things, valuing yourself based in no small part on how you compare with other people, it's the sort of things that are socially acceptable, but they became a bother to me as life went on.
That wasn't really explained at all well there, but I guess by the time anyone bothers to read down to here :)P), they'll have already found the sorts of things they want to comment on, and I'm not expecting anything grand.
By the way, I did say I'd introduce myself. My name, if it matters, is Darsha (but I often go as John), and I do english, maths, music, latin, chemistry in school; I like to play cello as much as I can (school orchestras, a few quartets (including a cello quartet! woo!)), whatever I find), have far too many books I'd like to read (and quite enjoy Calvino's list of the types of Books, for those who've read/are reading if on a winter's night a traveler), have spent the last five years trying to learn, through living life and reading some texts, all kinds of morals, values, ideas, what it means to be human, and how one might do that.
Anyway, I wish everyone the best of luck with everything they do in life, and if you EVER want to start a chamber group with a cello, please tell me, because I want to be in a piano trio sometime, or if you found a really great book to read, or want to chat about life, or complain about something and so many many other things.


deathoflife said:
That was actually very funny :) I don't know if was an intentional joke or just something that happened as the mind races to keep up with the burns and put downs of modern society, but I found it funny.
See, I love latin, I think it's a really beautiful kind of language, both because of what the Roman writers did with it, and the very systematic discipline they have with the language, compared with the much freer postmodern language that English has become. Accessible, sure, but I miss the beauty people used to put into their words. Occasionally you find people who are like that, I guess it seems rarer now than what I am led to believe about the past.
So in light of there being apparently little interest in latin here (shock horror!) I thought I'd write some things here :p
Who am I? See, no one DOES that around here, it's just as if everyone already knew everyone else, and then to spite the proof by contradiction, anyone we don't know is dismissed as a person we don't need to know. So I thought I might write something about me. Did you know it's my first Bored of Studies post? It's like a maiden speech in politics, I imagine. I don't really enjoy Bored of Studies; I see its usefulness, the various ways it would bring like-minded people together, or unlike-minded people together for a different experience altogether, but ultimately it upsets me, because despite numbers of people banding together to help each other out in getting through HSC, everyone still seems focussed on competition, getting what they want or need, and all that...
And it's all fine, actually, there's nothing wrong with any of that, it just never appealed to me and usually made me feel a little disappointed with everything. I don't like comparing and contrasting people because there are so many ways it could go 'wrong': justifying actions because others are doing things, valuing yourself based in no small part on how you compare with other people, it's the sort of things that are socially acceptable, but they became a bother to me as life went on.
That wasn't really explained at all well there, but I guess by the time anyone bothers to read down to here :)P), they'll have already found the sorts of things they want to comment on, and I'm not expecting anything grand.
By the way, I did say I'd introduce myself. My name, if it matters, is Darsha (but I often go as John), and I do english, maths, music, latin, chemistry in school; I like to play cello as much as I can (school orchestras, a few quartets (including a cello quartet! woo!)), whatever I find), have far too many books I'd like to read (and quite enjoy Calvino's list of the types of Books, for those who've read/are reading if on a winter's night a traveler), have spent the last five years trying to learn, through living life and reading some texts, all kinds of morals, values, ideas, what it means to be human, and how one might do that.
Anyway, I wish everyone the best of luck with everything they do in life, and if you EVER want to start a chamber group with a cello, please tell me, because I want to be in a piano trio sometime, or if you found a really great book to read, or want to chat about life, or complain about something and so many many other things.
You really can't really call English a 'postmodern language'. :S


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Uni Grad
Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur.


Feb 20, 2007
hannah_ryan said:
Resistere irritum est. Praeparate vos ad translationem in modum subunctivum.
i read this article in the paper a few days ago, by someone, i think, called hannah ryan- was that you? lol, and it was saying something like, life without the HSC was pointless or something - and how fun and great it was!!! LOL

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