To Drop or not to Drop... (1 Viewer)


has a large Member;
Aug 16, 2004
Maroubra South
Since the start of yr 12 I've always been contemplating dropping SDD. Not that I'm bad at it, not that I don't enjoy it, just that I really don't need it for anything. Dropping it would also give me more free time to work on other subjects such as 4U maths. I'm finding school rather stressful because I'm doing 12 units and ext2 has been timetabled for half of my free periods, so I'm only getting 3 per week. If I were to drop anything it would be software, but I'm just so indecisive which is why I haven't yet done it for fear of regretting it later.

Other subjects are 4U maths, chemistry, physics and english. Chem and phys I know I can do very well at, I'm not gonna be dropping 4U because I love it too much. Just whether or not to drop software? :(


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
I do: 4u Maths, Chemistry, SDD, Adv English

In the past, I've said I should have kept physics and dropped software, because physics would be better for my UAI. But hey, I can do well at SDD and it is a refreshing break from the higher demand subjects. I deliberately decided on 10 units at the start of year 12. Now that you've come this far, maybe you should keep it for the rest of this term, see how you go.

By the looks of it, though, you should be working on SDD only when you don't need to be spending time on other subjects.


Apr 3, 2003
In front of my computer??
whether you drop it or not really depends on how confident you are that you will do extremely well in your other subjects. Having 10 units is a bit of a risk in case you bomb out in any of them...then again if software is likely to be the subject that doesn't count that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I did 12u too, the only difference between you and me in regards to free periods was that I didn't have any scheduled classes for 4u english...all my work was done in my spare time, which is both good and bad I suppose.

It is early days yet, so I'd advise you to see how keeping software goes for now, you can drop it at any time if things become too much...I think you'll know what the right decision is when it comes time for you to make it...just make the decision based on what you enjoy, and what you think will maximise your marks. If doing 12u is too stressful with the lack of free periods, and you think this may affect your scores in other subjects in the long run, the perhaps dropping SDD is a good option for you.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2003
yep. i aggree with the upper2 posts. Just keep it for a bit and see how you go in your assessments. If you seem to do worse in your other subjects than you plan it may be a good back-up for you if you do well in it. Also if you can get 90-100 in it it will be good for your uai.


Uber Procrastinator
May 24, 2004
Dumsum said:
Since the start of yr 12 I've always been contemplating dropping SDD. Not that I'm bad at it, not that I don't enjoy it, just that I really don't need it for anything. Dropping it would also give me more free time to work on other subjects such as 4U maths. I'm finding school rather stressful because I'm doing 12 units and ext2 has been timetabled for half of my free periods, so I'm only getting 3 per week. If I were to drop anything it would be software, but I'm just so indecisive which is why I haven't yet done it for fear of regretting it later.

Other subjects are 4U maths, chemistry, physics and english. Chem and phys I know I can do very well at, I'm not gonna be dropping 4U because I love it too much. Just whether or not to drop software? :(

I was in exactly the same situation last year. I did Maths ext 2, Physics, Chemistry, SDD and ESL. I had 12 units and was thinking about dropping SDD. I talked to my teacher and year adviser and they said I should keep it if I can because I was doing pretty alrite in SDD. they said that if I drop SDD, I'll be left with 10 units; then I have no back-up if I somehow screw up one of the remaining subjects. So I kept it. I know that SDD scales lower than 4 unti, phys, and chem but it's a very good back-up should you ever need one.

about having free time for other subjects: well I can assure you dat you will not study during your free periods; although you might try but you will not be able to do so; Unless you are very determind to study and have self control. SDD doesn't require a lot of time outside school hours...except for the major project or assignments.

At the dn it's up to you. Talk to your teacher and year adviser...see what they think.

...just for teh record SDD did not count towards my UAI. I got 84 in HSC.

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