Yeah, that ^ but we call it closed. The EU is interesting though, they are almost moving beyond trading bloc, since they have a central currency and a central reserve bank. It helps countries in the EU trade with each other, but actively discorages outside trade with really high tariffs.
This works against the WTO objective of free world trade, since other countries are subjected to such high tariffs, and because it has promoted retaliation trade blocs such as NAFTA which are also closed (though it doesnt have such agressively high tariffs as the EU) and thus the world is more being split up into regions which trade mostly with each other. (I think 65+% of trade by EU members is with other EU members, which is compartively very high). Splitting up into regions could have very negative effects on other countries too (example here - huge loss of trade for Australia when England joined EU and upped tariffs) especially 3rd world countries.