transfer from wsu to uts gpa requirement? (1 Viewer)


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
going to wsu soon for med sci human nutrition but i would like to transfer out to uts food science and technology (all bach degrees). what is the gpa req to get to uts or does it depend on course? the one i want is not really considered med sci or engineering or most of the really high req courses but i would like to get an approximation if possible.


New Member
Jun 14, 2023
UTS's Bachelors of food science and technology is very new, with the 2025 intake being the first ever. This means the selection rank required will likely be quite low. since there isn't a published selection rank yet and new courses are generally less competitive, I'm not sure what the exact gpa requirement would be. I think it's very likely the selection rank will be low, hence the gpa required to transfer would be pretty achievable. tbh I think a 4-5 gpa (one a 7-point scale) might even be sufficient since UTS will want as many people as possible in new courses (otherwise they'd have wasted their time establishing them)


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
UTS's Bachelors of food science and technology is very new, with the 2025 intake being the first ever. This means the selection rank required will likely be quite low. since there isn't a published selection rank yet and new courses are generally less competitive, I'm not sure what the exact gpa requirement would be. I think it's very likely the selection rank will be low, hence the gpa required to transfer would be pretty achievable. tbh I think a 4-5 gpa (one a 7-point scale) might even be sufficient since UTS will want as many people as possible in new courses (otherwise they'd have wasted their time establishing them)
im probably going to have to spend around one year at wsu so i would end up being able to apply for uts for sem 1 2026. how much is 4-5 gpa in terms of marks? or does it get converted differently, ie if switching from easier to harder courses?


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
I go to wsu and made this calculator for myself.

Each subject is 10 credit points, so when you put a mark in (between 0-100 and dont edit anything else), always put 10 Credit points (input the number 10) for the first year subjects to calculate your wam and/or GPA. Note: WSU only uses GPA (which i am sure you are aware of)

Hope it helps



Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
I go to wsu and made this calculator for myself.

Each subject is 10 credit points, so when you put a mark in (between 0-100 and dont edit anything else), always put 10 Credit points (input the number 10) for the first year subjects to calculate your wam and/or GPA. Note: WSU only uses GPA (which i am sure you are aware of)

Hope it helps
I go to wsu and made this calculator for myself.

Each subject is 10 credit points, so when you put a mark in (between 0-100 and dont edit anything else), always put 10 Credit points (input the number 10) for the first year subjects to calculate your wam and/or GPA. Note: WSU only uses GPA (which i am sure you are aware of)

Hope it helps
thats a very impressive calculator! :jump:
so gpa 5 is around the 70 mark range. so far, how different is uni from high school?


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
so gpa 5 is around the 70 mark range
Ideally yes, if you just scrape 85 across all your subjects, that should get you a into the 6.0-7.0 GPA which would be better for transfer requirements.

so far, how different is uni from high school?
On your point on how different high school is from uni, I would say significantly different. There are a few aspects where uni is different is from high school (which I outline below):

For me personally I was a bit extroverted and went around getting acquainted with anyone I met (none of my high school friends went to the same uni as I did), and now I have a solid friend group at uni (which I am really lucky to have). But I see other people tend to be shy in class and don't have really anyone to associate with. So if you don't have many friends going to the same uni as you it tends to get difficult (although there are some people who are completely fine being alone😭). Nonetheless, people are kind once you get to know them and you can find similar interests really quick.

I am sure you have heard this many times and it is true. University professors will not force you to study, hence you need to be motivated yourself to study and tackle your assignments either by yourself or connections that you already have or you make in class or at uni. Each degree has different ways in which they teach students and the assignments (i.e Some business degrees and subjects have regular quizzes and in class tests on a weekly basis compared to criminology or science degrees where there are reflections and quizzes on a fortnightly basis).

Uni Clubs/Societies
Clubs are where the most fun is at (at least in my perspective once you attend them either with friends or people you are comfortable with). Many clubs at wsu hold regular weekly events which range from 1-4 hours (although the clubs/societies at wsu are not partnered with the ones at other unis, the executives still to their best to make it worth while for students). Yearly events and parties are also fun with free drinks, music and the vibes are the best.

Most universities have some form of club portal, wsu has WesternLife which is where you can officially join clubs, sign up to events (where there would be information about them). So from here you can sign up to various clubs and events

Attendance & Timetable selection
Attendance requirements fluctuates between universities and degrees. At wsu you have some degrees require compulsory attendance (the minimum attendance rate required should be around 80% (from what I know)), however, at all uni's you are given the opportunity to make your own timetable (compared to high school where you are given one). You are able to set up your timetable in a manner that may sometimes require you to go to uni once or twice a week which is completely beneficial because then you can allocate time to work, study, family time, hobbies, and other activities that you prefer.

Assignments/Assessments and Subject Marks
I sort of touch on this in the 'Learning' paragraph but I'll elaborate more. Assignments and assessments vary across degrees such as law having take home 24 hour exams (open book) or on campus handwritten exams (open book as well) compared to science degrees which tend to have essays, quizzes & reflections. But when it comes to final marks for each subject it is somewhat similar to the hsc (not in terms of scaling or anything more so in how it is accumulated). Some degrees and subjects have 50 marks for quizzes, assignments/assessments and then the final exam is 50 marks itself (similar to hsc 50% internals and 50% externals). It is best for you to maximise as many marks as possible for the 50 marks for quizes & assignments/assessments as it would only then require you to try less for the final exam when trying to aim for a HD (a mark of 85 and above see below for the way marks get categorised)

High DistinctionH100-85Work of outstanding quality, broadly speaking, which may be demonstrated by means of criticism, logical argument, interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality or creativity.
DistinctionD84-75Work of superior quality demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity.
CreditC74-65Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement.
PassP64-50Work showing satisfactory achievement.
SatisfactoryS Student has met defined criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time.
Only used for ungraded assessments.
FailF49-0Unsatisfactory performance
UnsatisfactoryU Student has not met defined criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time.
Only used for ungraded assessments.
Practicum FailPF Student has failed to satisfy criteria for practicum assessment and will not progress further in the subject (and program if the subject is compulsory). A PF grade must be approved by Head of School and submitted with supporting documentation.
Compulsory FailCF Student has failed a threshold assessment component(s) of the subject other than the practicum, but has achieved a total mark of 50 or more for the subject.
Withdrawn (without academic penalty)W Student provides evidence of serious illness or misadventure experienced after the relevant census date.
Fail Non Submission FNS Student has not officially withdrawn from the subject and has not completed one or more of the mandatory assessment requirements for the subject, as specified in the Learning Guide.

For example, if you get 48/50 for assignments (hence your 'internals') then you would only need to get 37/50 for the final exam which gets you a flat 85 which is a High Distinction (HD). (Note: there is no difference between a 95 HD and an 85 HD - they are considered the same)

Overall, there are many aspects that uni is different from high school (i.e social life, sports, opportunities, internships, support services etc). But you just have to try your best and find out what works best for you.

Hope this helps🙂


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
Ideally yes, if you just scrape 85 across all your subjects, that should get you a into the 6.0-7.0 GPA which would be better for transfer requirements.

On your point on how different high school is from uni, I would say significantly different. There are a few aspects where uni is different is from high school (which I outline below):

For me personally I was a bit extroverted and went around getting acquainted with anyone I met (none of my high school friends went to the same uni as I did), and now I have a solid friend group at uni (which I am really lucky to have). But I see other people tend to be shy in class and don't have really anyone to associate with. So if you don't have many friends going to the same uni as you it tends to get difficult (although there are some people who are completely fine being alone😭). Nonetheless, people are kind once you get to know them and you can find similar interests really quick.

I am sure you have heard this many times and it is true. University professors will not force you to study, hence you need to be motivated yourself to study and tackle your assignments either by yourself or connections that you already have or you make in class or at uni. Each degree has different ways in which they teach students and the assignments (i.e Some business degrees and subjects have regular quizzes and in class tests on a weekly basis compared to criminology or science degrees where there are reflections and quizzes on a fortnightly basis).

Uni Clubs/Societies
Clubs are where the most fun is at (at least in my perspective once you attend them either with friends or people you are comfortable with). Many clubs at wsu hold regular weekly events which range from 1-4 hours (although the clubs/societies at wsu are not partnered with the ones at other unis, the executives still to their best to make it worth while for students). Yearly events and parties are also fun with free drinks, music and the vibes are the best.

Most universities have some form of club portal, wsu has WesternLife which is where you can officially join clubs, sign up to events (where there would be information about them). So from here you can sign up to various clubs and events

Attendance & Timetable selection
Attendance requirements fluctuates between universities and degrees. At wsu you have some degrees require compulsory attendance (the minimum attendance rate required should be around 80% (from what I know)), however, at all uni's you are given the opportunity to make your own timetable (compared to high school where you are given one). You are able to set up your timetable in a manner that may sometimes require you to go to uni once or twice a week which is completely beneficial because then you can allocate time to work, study, family time, hobbies, and other activities that you prefer.

Assignments/Assessments and Subject Marks
I sort of touch on this in the 'Learning' paragraph but I'll elaborate more. Assignments and assessments vary across degrees such as law having take home 24 hour exams (open book) or on campus handwritten exams (open book as well) compared to science degrees which tend to have essays, quizzes & reflections. But when it comes to final marks for each subject it is somewhat similar to the hsc (not in terms of scaling or anything more so in how it is accumulated). Some degrees and subjects have 50 marks for quizzes, assignments/assessments and then the final exam is 50 marks itself (similar to hsc 50% internals and 50% externals). It is best for you to maximise as many marks as possible for the 50 marks for quizes & assignments/assessments as it would only then require you to try less for the final exam when trying to aim for a HD (a mark of 85 and above see below for the way marks get categorised)

High DistinctionH100-85Work of outstanding quality, broadly speaking, which may be demonstrated by means of criticism, logical argument, interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality or creativity.
DistinctionD84-75Work of superior quality demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity.
CreditC74-65Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement.
PassP64-50Work showing satisfactory achievement.
SatisfactorySStudent has met defined criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time.
Only used for ungraded assessments.
FailF49-0Unsatisfactory performance
UnsatisfactoryUStudent has not met defined criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time.
Only used for ungraded assessments.
Practicum FailPFStudent has failed to satisfy criteria for practicum assessment and will not progress further in the subject (and program if the subject is compulsory). A PF grade must be approved by Head of School and submitted with supporting documentation.
Compulsory FailCFStudent has failed a threshold assessment component(s) of the subject other than the practicum, but has achieved a total mark of 50 or more for the subject.
Withdrawn (without academic penalty)WStudent provides evidence of serious illness or misadventure experienced after the relevant census date.
Fail Non SubmissionFNSStudent has not officially withdrawn from the subject and has not completed one or more of the mandatory assessment requirements for the subject, as specified in the Learning Guide.

For example, if you get 48/50 for assignments (hence your 'internals') then you would only need to get 37/50 for the final exam which gets you a flat 85 which is a High Distinction (HD). (Note: there is no difference between a 95 HD and an 85 HD - they are considered the same)

Overall, there are many aspects that uni is different from high school (i.e social life, sports, opportunities, internships, support services etc). But you just have to try your best and find out what works best for you.

Hope this helps🙂
it very much does, thank you! :angel:
how are you finding the content at uni so far, and are you allowed to seek extensive assistance from professors like you do from school teachers? how organised would you say you are in order to be doing well?
when i finish school and go to uni, i will be doing a part time job but i think that i would always attend classes. outside of study and work i would probably just have hobbies at home as i dont tend to go out alone. im socially awkward at times but i am sure to try my best to make friends.


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
how are you finding the content at uni so far, and are you allowed to seek extensive assistance from professors like you do from school teachers?
I am finding the content fun as hell because I like the degrees i chose 😅 (currently doing Bachelor of Accounting & Bachelor of Law). We are allowed to seek assistance from professors, but it is usually not on an individual level (each subject has something called a discussion board where students put questions (which can be seen by the cohort doing the subject) which is then answered by professors or subject coordinators). Some professors are kind and would not mind discussing personal issues or queries that students have (but its entirely dependent on the nature of the teacher).

One thing I do want to add, some teachers do not teach well at all, which is mainly due to language barriers. For example, one of my econ subjects, my current professor's english is not very good (although he 100% knows his content) its hard to understand, so you would need to study extremely hard in those situations/scenarios.

how organised would you say you are in order to be doing well?
I tend to be well organised because of my love for my degrees and the content. The best way for you to be organised is to start planning everything early, not 2 weeks into the semester, but day 1 when the subject outlines come out. Try to follow the advice given by your respective lecturers/professors and try to have a timetable. I usually make a goal of trying to get 90+ for my final subject mark (which is a long term goal), and then when each assignment comes I establish a certain mark I want to achieve (as a short term goal). Hence the accumulation of the short term goals have effectively helped me achieve my long term desired goals. (This is the approach I take but you could be taking another approach that suits you).

when i finish school and go to uni, i will be doing a part time job but i think that i would always attend classes
Part time job I think alongside uni is a great combo, just try not to have too many days of work occupying your time, in order for it not to conflict with your uni timetable

im socially awkward at times but i am sure to try my best to make friends
I was like that as well. But i felt like i needed to change so what i did was got WesternLife, I went straight to the directory which shows all the students on wsu. I clicked the filter for similar interest and similar degree which got me a few students, who I then extended a kind message of trying to get acquainted, and now are probably my best friends lol.

That is one way, another way is course decision day at wsu (which they offer in december (from memory)), orientation week and just attending events held in summer


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
I am finding the content fun as hell because I like the degrees i chose 😅 (currently doing Bachelor of Accounting & Bachelor of Law). We are allowed to seek assistance from professors, but it is usually not on an individual level (each subject has something called a discussion board where students put questions (which can be seen by the cohort doing the subject) which is then answered by professors or subject coordinators). Some professors are kind and would not mind discussing personal issues or queries that students have (but its entirely dependent on the nature of the teacher).

One thing I do want to add, some teachers do not teach well at all, which is mainly due to language barriers. For example, one of my econ subjects, my current professor's english is not very good (although he 100% knows his content) its hard to understand, so you would need to study extremely hard in those situations/scenarios.

I tend to be well organised because of my love for my degrees and the content. The best way for you to be organised is to start planning everything early, not 2 weeks into the semester, but day 1 when the subject outlines come out. Try to follow the advice given by your respective lecturers/professors and try to have a timetable. I usually make a goal of trying to get 90+ for my final subject mark (which is a long term goal), and then when each assignment comes I establish a certain mark I want to achieve (as a short term goal). Hence the accumulation of the short term goals have effectively helped me achieve my long term desired goals. (This is the approach I take but you could be taking another approach that suits you).

Part time job I think alongside uni is a great combo, just try not to have too many days of work occupying your time, in order for it not to conflict with your uni timetable

I was like that as well. But i felt like i needed to change so what i did was got WesternLife, I went straight to the directory which shows all the students on wsu. I clicked the filter for similar interest and similar degree which got me a few students, who I then extended a kind message of trying to get acquainted, and now are probably my best friends lol.

That is one way, another way is course decision day at wsu (which they offer in december (from memory)), orientation week and just attending events held in summer
in terms of content and studying, do you find that there are adequate resources provided to you, and that you can find a good amount of online resources? at least in terms of your field of study. i don't have any dream jobs so im just going with things i can tolerate, hopefully i will enjoy it.

thank you very much for the study tips! in year 12 i was and have been getting only 50-70 percent on things so it will certainly be a big step to get 80-90s. i did NOT follow through with study tips which is why im in such a situation but i have to move forward and fix it. 😭 in uni, do you also practice past exams like in the hsc?

thank you very much again for answering all my questions! it really helps!


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
in terms of content and studying, do you find that there are adequate resources provided to you, and that you can find a good amount of online resources? at least in terms of your field of study
There will definitely be resources provided for you in your respective degree. For me yes there is sufficient enough resources, however i tend to find online notes allow me to better understand some specific content. Although, the resources provided by the university is good enough, especially the textbooks.

i don't have any dream jobs so im just going with things i can tolerate, hopefully i will enjoy it.
I'm sure you will do great with enough effort put in

thank you very much for the study tips! in year 12 i was and have been getting only 50-70 percent on things so it will certainly be a big step to get 80-90s. i did NOT follow through with study tips which is why im in such a situation but i have to move forward and fix it.
As a first year they dont expect amazing results in the range of 80s-90s. But its good to aim for that range because once you have that set momentum, it will be hard to lose it (at least from my subjective view). All you have to do is try your best and structure the way you approach each week, assignment, semester & year

in uni, do you also practice past exams like in the hsc?
In terms of past papers, it again fluctuates based on each subject. Some subjects or degrees give past papers whilst others don't give any. For me I try my best to find whatever I can, otherwise I get tutorial questions and ask AI to make harder questions for me to attempt (which is the only resource that can challenge me considering the university doesn't provide past exams for my econ subject lol)

thank you very much again for answering all my questions! it really helps!
Its certainly no problem, I didn't receive help back in 2023 😭. So I wouldn't want anyone to be in the same position as me, so don't hesitate to ask more (thats the sole purpose of this website anyway LOL)


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
There will definitely be resources provided for you in your respective degree. For me yes there is sufficient enough resources, however i tend to find online notes allow me to better understand some specific content. Although, the resources provided by the university is good enough, especially the textbooks.

I'm sure you will do great with enough effort put in

As a first year they dont expect amazing results in the range of 80s-90s. But its good to aim for that range because once you have that set momentum, it will be hard to lose it (at least from my subjective view). All you have to do is try your best and structure the way you approach each week, assignment, semester & year

In terms of past papers, it again fluctuates based on each subject. Some subjects or degrees give past papers whilst others don't give any. For me I try my best to find whatever I can, otherwise I get tutorial questions and ask AI to make harder questions for me to attempt (which is the only resource that can challenge me considering the university doesn't provide past exams for my econ subject lol)

Its certainly no problem, I didn't receive help back in 2023 😭. So I wouldn't want anyone to be in the same position as me, so don't hesitate to ask more (thats the sole purpose of this website anyway LOL)
thank you very much! i will certainly have much reason to put in a lot of effort next year and get good (apart from uni fees and so much debt 😭).

i would like to move out after my first year so i kind of really need to do well from the start although that probably won't be possible yet.

i don't have the best idea of what my course is so i will certainly have to get a gist of how all the assignments and work is. i think it'll be up to experiencing things for me to believe it 😭. thank you so very much again!


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
i don't have the best idea of what my course is so i will certainly have to get a gist of how all the assignments and work is
If you see your course handbook here =>
You can then go to each subject and find their assignments

For example Scientific Literacy (NATS 1019) which is a core subject for the nutrition major in medical science for wsu (found here =>

Has the below assignment


This is the subject description

" This subject is designed to provide students with scientific literacy, personal and employability skills and attitudes required to successfully undertake science-related undergraduate studies and to prepare for professional life. Students learn, develop and utilise academic and interpersonal methodologies and approaches within the context of applied scientific principles and take responsibility for their own learning and develop a work ethic. Students are introduced to the contestable and uncertain nature of science and the scientific method that underpins academic integrity and ethical behaviour. Activities encourage development of oral and written communication skills, self-confidence, self-efficacy, creative and critical thinking through problem solving, group process, and peer support and assessment. Academic and employability skills include scientific reading and writing, time management, researching scientific information and library skills, oral presentation, taking tests and exams, effective personal and group based learning strategies, and approaches to online learning."

I have also attached the PDF in relation to this subject (which gives you a brief overview of what you will be studying and doing)

(This is the organisation I was talking about previously lol)

Note that you will only be able to undertake 4 subjects per sem (which is a good amount for work-life balance)

Hope this helps in understanding the process



Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
If you see your course handbook here =>
You can then go to each subject and find their assignments

For example Scientific Literacy (NATS 1019) which is a core subject for the nutrition major in medical science for wsu (found here =>

Has the below assignment

View attachment 45599

This is the subject description

" This subject is designed to provide students with scientific literacy, personal and employability skills and attitudes required to successfully undertake science-related undergraduate studies and to prepare for professional life. Students learn, develop and utilise academic and interpersonal methodologies and approaches within the context of applied scientific principles and take responsibility for their own learning and develop a work ethic. Students are introduced to the contestable and uncertain nature of science and the scientific method that underpins academic integrity and ethical behaviour. Activities encourage development of oral and written communication skills, self-confidence, self-efficacy, creative and critical thinking through problem solving, group process, and peer support and assessment. Academic and employability skills include scientific reading and writing, time management, researching scientific information and library skills, oral presentation, taking tests and exams, effective personal and group based learning strategies, and approaches to online learning."

I have also attached the PDF in relation to this subject (which gives you a brief overview of what you will be studying and doing)

(This is the organisation I was talking about previously lol)

Note that you will only be able to undertake 4 subjects per sem (which is a good amount for work-life balance)

Hope this helps in understanding the process
ahhh i see, that is more undertstandable now. is the required credit points the same for all uni or does it vary, would taking the required subjects (and doing good enough in them) be enough to be able to transfer out? i know im thinking very far ahead but im trying to get the exact course that i want this time. i would rather do it on technology as its sort of more generally applicable. 😭😭


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
is the required credit points the same for all uni or does it vary
Varies across unis

would taking the required subjects (and doing good enough in them) be enough to be able to transfer out?
I am not too sure, however, doing well would show universities that you’re a good enough student. (Note: universities are businesses at the end of the day, so if you show potential, they will almost always accept you because you bring in money - it’s harsh but the truth)

i know im thinking very far ahead but im trying to get the exact course that i want this time. i would rather do it on technology as its sort of more generally applicable. 😭😭
It’s fair, just try your best and do more research on similar subjects between the unis, that way you undertake those similar subjects and makes the transfer process easier (I think)


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
Varies across unis

I am not too sure, however, doing well would show universities that you’re a good enough student. (Note: universities are businesses at the end of the day, so if you show potential, they will almost always accept you because you bring in money - it’s harsh but the truth)

It’s fair, just try your best and do more research on similar subjects between the unis, that way you undertake those similar subjects and makes the transfer process easier (I think)
i checked the course for uts and they do 4 subjects per semester too, but 6 credit points per subject so 24 per sem and 48 a year. the topics of subjects between both courses (wsu vs uts) are quite similar with chemistry as well as biology in the first year, but later on wsu goes more into how food affects/interacts with the human body (medical) whilst uts goes into microbiology and the food itself as well as business/industry processes which i think would be better for employment. maybe they would be similar in terms of first year content. :tongue:


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
i checked the course for uts and they do 4 subjects per semester too, but 6 credit points per subject so 24 per sem and 48 a year. the topics of subjects between both courses (wsu vs uts) are quite similar with chemistry as well as biology in the first year, but later on wsu goes more into how food affects/interacts with the human body (medical) whilst uts goes into microbiology and the food itself as well as business/industry processes which i think would be better for employment. maybe they would be similar in terms of first year content. :tongue:
Alright, so the best approach would be to undertake the similar subjects that wsu offers in first year (which hopefully have no prerequisites) over the year and then you would be able to transfer to UTS with a high GPA.

But just in case, email your year advisor, a trusted teacher or career advisor for further confirmation about the best approach.

Now that you have an understanding of this hopefully things go well.🙂

Good luck!


Aug 12, 2024
dying in a hole
Alright, so the best approach would be to undertake the similar subjects that wsu offers in first year (which hopefully have no prerequisites) over the year and then you would be able to transfer to UTS with a high GPA.

But just in case, email your year advisor, a trusted teacher or career advisor for further confirmation about the best approach.

Now that you have an understanding of this hopefully things go well.🙂

Good luck!
thank you very much for all the clarification, and for taking your time to tell me about so much. hopefully i wont have to repeat a whole year, and that i can get a good flow on studying in the first place. good luck to you too in your remaining years and future study! 😭


New Member
Nov 27, 2022
thank you very much for all the clarification, and for taking your time to tell me about so much. hopefully i wont have to repeat a whole year, and that i can get a good flow on studying in the first place. good luck to you too in your remaining years and future study! 😭
Hopefully you dont have to repeat another year or any year 😭. Good luck and keep the hard work up goat!🐐

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