UAI prediction please-SAM's scaring me! (1 Viewer)


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
fleepbasding said:
Have you ever tried making sense? It may help others understand what you are trying to say.
it does but ur so such of a fuck wit 2 realise it
Nov 4, 2004
Cityboy said:
What the hell are you going on about Casmira, if you go to a top 20 school it is unlikely that you will get less than 80 in anything, and only get an 80 if your rank was dead last by quite a way.

You obviously have a very poor way of estimating UAI as you think that you will get 95, not likely doing standard english, general maths, a VET course, and SDD. ALl these subjects are for dumb shits that should have left school and gone to tafe instead of continuing on to do the HSC.
Oh yeh thats why one of the girls who got 97 UAI at our school (ranked 200th, not 20th) didnt do maths, standard english, hospitality, drama, music 1 and as far as i know PE

congratulations Cityboy, you are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong (I repeated it for you several times since you come off as a little slow in the head)

Cityboy said:
... should have left school and gone to tafe instead of continuing on to do the HSC.
funny you say that, my cousin became a plumber, shit money for 3 years, now he owns a business and he is 21, with 2-3 employee's under him he is making $210k per year, real dumbshit he is, he didn't go to year 11 or year 12, did tafe for 2-3 years

let me say this once HSC, or UAI is no indiciation of one persons potential

want another example? my parents came to this country and didnt even do high school, no fuck that they didnt learn english (they did later on of course), they got married, 5 years later after marriage they earnt $1.8million per year (before tax) with 20 employee's under their wing, if you count the profit before minusing employee wages its something like $5-6million

so you can take your head out your ass and realise that doing hard subjects and high uai doesn't indicate you are intelligent - sure its lovely to get 95+ uai and you can show it off and blow people away, but in the end if you got no determination, will, adaptability and other desired skills/attributes employees desire (even armed with a uni degree) then you're as good as a deadshit, and since ive managed to get a payrise about 6 times in my current retail (see tightass) job, and my previous job before that triple my pay because i can work hard even in a job where I had no idea what the fuck I was doing and learnt off others, its evident that i'll probably go further than you ever will, its sad to see that i have to seriously stomp all over you, whatever remains that is.
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Crazy Pomo

AAAMAN you are indeed an idiot. You constantly keep advising to "study your arses off," seemingly on the premise that you think it is a pearl of 'down - to - earth' wisdom. "Hey everyone, you guys should study, you will go well, bet ya!" Get fucked man. Of course everyone knows this wonderful peice of information. There is merit in understanding the system of ranks, marks, aligning, scaling etc that will inevitably rape you over seeing your dramatic improvements in your scholastic endevours makes your principal (it's actually spelt like that) suck your cock on a regular basis won't be enough to get you a decent enough internal to go extremely well overall. And don't you dare play like your just in it for the peice of paper at the end of the day, and that don't give a shit about all the folk here who actually want to discuss school and other matters on boredofstudies. Get your pussy arse over to Board of Studies and do a couple of Fundamentals of English practice exams, and don't forget your special provisions due to your disability, i.e. being a shitface.

Your replies, as fleepbasding pointed out, do NOT make sense, n u seem 2 b ritin in sum sorta dif dialect particula to mob ph's that no one for the life of them can be bothered reading, and when they do, have allready made the assumption that you suck old women tits, most likely your pathetic alzheimer's ridden principal. (One can only assume they suffer such an illness if they congratulate you on a regular basis, either that or you are one of the kids that the school is nice to so they generate an image of being helpful and supportive of fucktard go getters with UAI's of minus 600.)

Chances are you won't read this because you will get to a word you don't understand and then injure yourself looking it up. For anyone else. Admire the majesty of 'aaaman'

Crazy Pomo

Ps go Casmira! City boy your a cunt. If I met you I would hang myself, but only after murdering you.


Oct 16, 2004
Crazy Pomo said:
AAAMAN you are indeed an idiot. You constantly keep advising to "study your arses off," seemingly on the premise that you think it is a pearl of 'down - to - earth' wisdom. "Hey everyone, you guys should study, you will go well, bet ya!" Get fucked man. Of course everyone knows this wonderful peice of information. There is merit in understanding the system of ranks, marks, aligning, scaling etc that will inevitably rape you over seeing your dramatic improvements in your scholastic endevours makes your principal (it's actually spelt like that) suck your cock on a regular basis won't be enough to get you a decent enough internal to go extremely well overall. And don't you dare play like your just in it for the peice of paper at the end of the day, and that don't give a shit about all the folk here who actually want to discuss school and other matters on boredofstudies. Get your pussy arse over to Board of Studies and do a couple of Fundamentals of English practice exams, and don't forget your special provisions due to your disability, i.e. being a shitface.

Your replies, as fleepbasding pointed out, do NOT make sense, n u seem 2 b ritin in sum sorta dif dialect particula to mob ph's that no one for the life of them can be bothered reading, and when they do, have allready made the assumption that you suck old women tits, most likely your pathetic alzheimer's ridden principal. (One can only assume they suffer such an illness if they congratulate you on a regular basis, either that or you are one of the kids that the school is nice to so they generate an image of being helpful and supportive of fucktard go getters with UAI's of minus 600.)

Chances are you won't read this because you will get to a word you don't understand and then injure yourself looking it up. For anyone else. Admire the majesty of 'aaaman'

the guy is simply saying that instead of worrying and stressing about what UAI you can or cant get, you should work and study. my modern history teacher told me the same thing. people spend way too much time speculating and assuming just for the satisfaction that it is still "possible" to get whatever UAI they want. it makes no sense anway.

the ranks and marks people give only account for half the hsc. the other half comes in through in the exams (well duh). and plus, the BOS even said that you shouldnt try and predict your UAI based on what you get at school. the system is fucking weird so you gotta take that into account.

i agree with 'aaaman' - study your arses off. you're only half way, and everything can change if you nail the hsc exams. EVERYTHING.

study study study :)


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
illmatic said:
the guy is simply saying that instead of worrying and stressing about what UAI you can or cant get, you should work and study. my modern history teacher told me the same thing. people spend way too much time speculating and assuming just for the satisfaction that it is still "possible" to get whatever UAI they want. it makes no sense anway.

the ranks and marks people give only account for half the hsc. the other half comes in through in the exams (well duh). and plus, the BOS even said that you shouldnt try and predict your UAI based on what you get at school. the system is fucking weird so you gotta take that into account.

i agree with 'aaaman' - study your arses off. you're only half way, and everything can change if you nail the hsc exams. EVERYTHING.

study study study :)
omg thank god, sum1 knows what i mean...its not rocket scientist but offcourse it takes a whinging stupid pom (crazy pom cunt) to realize he should go back to his country...n u can take those ashes with u pom :mad:


Nov 14, 2004
congratulations Cityboy, you are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
Sorry for my comments Casmira, I was not in the proper frame of mind when I made them and I apologise for my hurtful and somewhat spiteful words. I will admit now in the clear light of day that what I wrote was terribly wrong and that I made baseless allegations about yourself and your abilities. Best of luck to you in the HSC and the future.

City boy your a cunt. If I met you I would hang myself, but only after murdering you.
As for you crazy Pomo what the hell is your problem
Nov 4, 2004
i wasnt at heart trying to shoot you down, but it takes alot of courage to own up and sure no probs shit happends, BOS simply wouldnt allow it to be that people had to pick like 4u maths, chem etc.. for a 99 uai when for example alot of 99 uai courses arent all based on science maths, so thats why any combination (except maybe not ESL or totally dodgy subjects) stops someone from 95+ let alone 99

Crazy Pomo

Let's think about this...

aaaman said:
omg thank god, sum1 knows what i mean...its not rocket scientist but offcourse it takes a whinging stupid pom (crazy pom cunt) to realize he should go back to his country...n u can take those ashes with u pom :mad:
Well, well, well. For a start I'm not an 'pom' so your attempts at slandering 60 million englishmen suddenly became redundant. My name is actually taken from crazyhomo another bos user. Pomo is short for the peice of shit elective postmodernism that I do in EXT one. I honestly can't believe I just had to explain that.

Obviously study is in order. Obviously. Concentrating on the task ahead is my, and should be everyone's priority. I may be whinging and bitter but aaaman seriously has a lot of anger. How Australian.

CityBoy I was only ripping you on what you have since professed as stupid. I only have a paper thin representation of you here on my computer screen and things aren't looking good my friend. This is not an apology. This is not a love song. I don't love you. What the hell is your problem and quit taking this forum, yourself and your life so seriously.

Peace to Numero Uno, who actually acknowledged my attempts at humour. Remember that people? Anyone? Anyone? ...

Rot it England aaaman.

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