iambored said:
most subjects are worth 3 credit points (cp)
your degree outline will tell you how many cp you have to do for the degree
Maybe it's just all the ones I do are worth 4cps :S edit: yep, all the AHST and HIST subs above a 100 level are 4 cps.
Units = subjects.
Coherent = a group of units you need to do to qualify for a major (= your 'big' subject area) or just a degree.
Arts degrees have a coherent requiring 16 credit points from 300 level units: ie, 4 300 level units. Not only this, but you have to do a total amount of credit points (inclusive of the 4x 300s), so most higher level subjects have prerequisites.
Prereqs = units that need to be done before another unit is done. The prereq system ensures that students do basic units before others are completed. A coherent thus comes to a kind of ladder which a student climbs by completing increasingly higher subjects.